Compare Contrast Lesson

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Ferris State University

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Information

Name: Steph Godlewski Date: Tuesday November 28, 2022

Curriculum/ Course: ELA Grade Level(s): 1st Grade

Time/ Period: 30 minutes Materials: The Gingerbread Girl book, venn diagram worksheet and pictures, students
will need scissors and glue

Community and Classroom profile: (demographics- such as age, race, gender identification, religious preferences, SES,
disabilities, etc.)
21 Students; 13 female, 8 male. One student is repeating first grade. Ages 5-7
Race: White, Black, Latinx & Indian. We have 4 students with IEPs that receive speech services. One of those students has an
extensive IEP and goes to the resource room multiple times a day (Sonny). He does have one on one help when the resource
teacher does push ins during our writing block. One other student has not qualified for services (Londyn), she needs extra and
at times may refuse to do any work.

Standards Alignment
Create a table line for each standard Objectives (both ABCD Appropriate Assessment(s) (formative and/or
with teacher language summative)
and “I Can” with
student language)

Content Standards: 1. 1. Formative: watching/listen to students as

1. RL.1.9: Compare and I can compare and contrast they work on their worksheets/ answer
contrast the adventures and experiences of two questions full group.
experiences of characters in characters in different
stories. stories. Summative: looking at students' work as they
are completing their worksheet.
Students will be able to
determine events of a story
that are different and
similar with 90% accuracy.

Technology Standards 1. 1.
SEL Competencies 1. I can use kind 1. This will be formatively assessed while
1.Students recognize and work to words and show listening to students working with others in
understand the emotions of others and respect to my their groups and while answering questions.
practice empathetic responses. classmates when
working in groups.
Students can talk
and share with
others in a kind and
respectful manner
with 90% accuracy.

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/Hook/Anticipatory Set/Activating Prior Knowledge: (Warm-up, review of previous day’s lesson,

check for understanding of previous knowledge, questions you will ask)

I have already read The Gingerbread Man retold by Catherine McCafferty the previous day.
(one student was missing so she may need extra help)

I will begin by reminding students of the story we read the day before and tell them that we will be reading another story that's
similar called The Gingerbread Girl by Lisa Campbell. Let students know that we will be comparing and contrasting the two
stories. Tell students that this means we will be looking to find things that are the same and things that are different in each of
the stories so they should keep this in mind while I read the story. Encourage students to make silent connections while I am
Steps in the Lesson: (provide enough detail to fully explain what will happen; what will you be doing and what will the
students be doing? Identify the core teaching practice(s) and SEL competencies utilized)

Read The Gingerbread Girl.

Stopping points
● Pg 1: Sly fox-ask students what does sly mean?
● Pg 3: door to peek- ask students to take out their walkie talkie and predict what's going to happen
● End: Ask students if their prediction was right

Show students the Venn Diagram and explain that one side we are going to put things that were in the Gingerbread Boy story
and only in the story. Explain that on the other side we are going to put things that were in the Gingerbread Girl story and only
in the story. Show the students that the two circles are overlapping and this is where we are going to put things that were in
BOTH stories.

Show students the pictures that they will cut out. Review each picture.
Explain to students that they will cut out each picture and place it in the correct spot on the Venn Diagram.

Students can talk to their table groups with a voice level 2, students should raise their hand when they are finished.

Extension Activities:

Students that finish early can color their pictures.

There are other Gingerbread books that can be used to practice compare and contrast Venn Diagrams on their own.
Closure/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or explicit restatement of the
goals/objectives of the lesson.

When students are done, we will go over the answers as a whole group.


Whole group Individual

Differentiation Accommodations Modifications (if needed)

Instruction StudentReadiness/Interest/Lear Londyn and Londyn and Sonny can complete less than the
Content/Activity/Produc ning Profile/Affect Sonny can required problems.
t/Environment; work at the
teacher table
if they
choose to.

Aricela was
not here on
Monday and
if she hasn't
read the
Man she will
need help.

Reflecting on Knowledge of Self and Students: How did you draw on knowledge of students’ personal, cultural, and/or
community attributes to inform instructional decisions? What did you include in the lesson to offer your students opportunities
to expand their knowledge of personal bias, and local and/or global cultural or community attributes?Give specific examples.

Students were read books with different endings and different characters to peak their interest.


Integration of Select the For each ISTE Educator role you selected, provide a description explaining
technology for appropriate ISTE how you played this role(s).
designing and/or Educator role(s) you
delivering the Lesson used to design digital N/A
1. Learner
2. Leader
3. Citizen
4. Collaborator
5. Designer
6. Facilitator
7. Analyst

Student technology Select the For each ISTE Student role you selected, provide a description explaining
experiences during appropriate ISTE when/how the students will be in this role(s).
the lesson Student role(s)
students will use: N/A
1. Empowered
2. Digital Citizen
3. Knowledge
4. Innovative
5. Computational
6. Creative
7. Global

Reflection/ Teacher Notes:

What went well:

What would I change for next time:

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