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Jay Kukiiriza

AP Psych

Part 1

Psychodynamic Therapy- George’s depression could be the result of a traumatic event such as
the death of a family member or maybe even a pet. Many aren’t strong in the aspect of
expressing their feelings and when kept bottled up can make you sink deep into them and fall
into a slump. The Free Association Technique can be executed to ensure that all inner thoughts
and feelings can be expressed. It can feel very freeing and may take away a little bit of that
negative emotion.
Humanistic Therapy- the depression could be caused by bullying or having a hard time making
friends or fitting in. This can be treated with client centered therapy.
Behavioral Therapy- can be caused by an environmental change in his life. An example of this
would be moving to a new state far away from home and everything that he has always been
used to and known. Treatment options for depression would be systematic desensitization.
Cognitive Therapy- from a cognitive perspective the depression could be caused by him
negatively thinking of himself and putting himself down. He may be sensitive or take things very
personally. This can be treated with the cognitive therapy option of the REBT method.
Biomedical Therapy- George may suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder. From a
biomedical therapy standpoint he can be treated with a psychosurgery.

Part 2

1. Antidepressants are medications that are used to treat the symptoms of mood and
anxiety disorders. Examples of these would be Prozac or Zoloft. The benefits and
adjustment period may take up until a week or two however they have been proven to be
extremely effective. They result in a change in blood pressure,heart rate, and body
weight. Antipsychotic medications on the other hand are used to treat psychotic
disorders such as schizophrenia. They block a person’s dopamine receptors.
2. Patients most likely coast with treatment until they themselves decide which suits them
and keeps them the most comfortable. Personally I believe that psychodynamic therapy
is the best route and most likely one that I would end up exploring.

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