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Stephanie Hedges Grade 6 ELA: Comma Review November 22 & 24, 2022

General Learning Outcome:

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of

Specific Learning Outcomes:

4.1: Enhance and Improve (Grade 6)
“work collaboratively to revise and enhance oral, print, and other media texts”

4.2: Attend to Conventions (Grade 4)

“use commas after introductory words in sentences and when citing addresses in own writing”

Learning Objectives:
● At the end of the lesson, students will be able to work together to revise common commas
mistakes in provided sentences. (Specific Outcome 4.1)
● At the end of the lesson, students will be able to determine if commas have been used correctly
in provided sentences. (Specific Outcome 4.2)
● At the end of the lesson, students will be able to list where commas are used in grammar.
(Specific Outcome 4.2)

● Think/Pair/Share for fixing comma errors
● List as a class the situations where commas are used.

● Punctuation Celebration by Elsa Knight Bruno
● Comma PowerPoint
● Page 54 of Grammar, Capitalization, and Punctuation workbook

LESSON PLAN (55 minutes)

Independent Reading (10 minutes)

● Students will read independently at their desks a book of their choice. The teacher will choose
three students to sit in the comfy chairs for this portion of the lesson.

Introduction (5 minutes)
● Ask students when they have noticed or previously learned where commas are used.
● Create a list on the board of their answers.

Lesson (22 minutes)

● Using a PowerPoint, review comma use in dates, series, cities/states, and appositives. Show
examples for each case.
● For each case, ask students to share with the class a sentence that requires a comma for the
specific case.
● Complete the example sentences on the Smartboard. Call on volunteer students to come to the
board and correct the mistakes.

Activity (20 minutes)

Stephanie Hedges Grade 6 ELA: Comma Review November 22 & 24, 2022

● Have students complete page 54 and 55 of the Grammar, Capitalization, & Punctuation
workbook individually. Walk around the room during this time and check students’
understanding by observing and answering any questions.
● Show the page on the Smartboard and correct and discuss the comma mistakes as a class. Call
on volunteers to come and correct each sentence. (Formative Assessment SLO 4.1)
● Check for students’ understanding by doing a Fist-to-Five formative assessment. Talk to students
who showed low understanding one-on-one before class or during group work.

Conclusion (3 minutes)
● Erase the list on the board. On the board, have students raise their hands to list the cases where
capitalization is used in a sentence. (Formative Assessment SLO 4.2)

Sponge Activity
● Students can create their own sentences that contain comma mistakes. Switch with a partner
and edit each other’s sentences.
● If there is still time, students can use their original sentence with capitalization as a story starter
for a quick write.
● Open journals and look for comma and capitalization errors.

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