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Scholarship Reflection

Alexandra Goodell

For my scholarship reflection, I chose to read the article called: “Developing Musical
Creativity: Student and Teacher Perceptions of a High School Music Technology Curriculum”.
In the article, I learned that, based on the findings of the research project, that with a little bit of
education on how to use Garageband and other digital music education formats, teachers were
able to adapt very easily to them. It did not take a lot of effort to incorporate the systems into the
music curriculum. The teachers also stated that they started to really enjoy messing around with
the software, and creating compositions outside of the guidelines they were given. This way, the
teachers were able to learn more about music and music technology too.
As I was reading this article, I thought it to be a little ironic, considering that I am
completing this assignment for my music technology class. Despite that this article is 9, almost
10 years old, I think it’s really interesting to see how far music education, and technology in
music education has evolved in just a decade. I think it has been a really helpful development in
the curriculum for music, as it has expanded the level of creativity that students can express. I
found it interesting in the student questionnaire section, most of the students were really open to
being adaptable to a new format of learning. I guess it shows that they wanted more in their
education. I really enjoyed reading this article from the perspective of someone who has been
fully immersed in music technology in their life.

Nielsen, L. (2013). Developing Musical Creativity: Student and Teacher Perceptions of a

High School Music Technology Curriculum. National Association for Music Education.

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