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Bahasa Indonesia

Cerita Rakyat

Anggota Kelompok

Wahyuningrum Istiqomah

Lanemay polii

Inggriani akuba

kELAS : X-9

Analyze the descriptive text structure of the task in task 8

Text structure Text

Title GGRIS : 7°16’LU 112°43’BT / 7.267° indonesian

country the anniversary of the may 31 1293 basic law
UU no 12/1950 reign . mayor Ir Tri Rismaharini, M.T
Area . Total 333 063 km 2 (128 596 sq mi) population
(2015). Total 2,909,257 [1] soul demography. Tribe
nation java (83.68%) madura (7.5%), Ti (7,25%), arab
(2,04%),etc. islam (86.53%), protestants (8.09%)
(3.20%), buddhist (1.13%), hindu(confucianism(0.10%),
others (0.0) . indonesian, javanese,madurese, tiongh
English time zone GMT (UTC+7) code phone +6231
subdictrict 31 village/kelurahan 163 bookie air juan
international airport port of tanjung perak

Identification Surabaya has an area of about 333.063 km 2 the

population numbered 2,813,847 inhabitans(2014). The
metropolitan area of surabaya, gerbangkertosusil of
about 10 million inhabitans, is the second largest
metropolitan indonesia after jabodetabek. Surabaya
serficed by juanda international airport, harbor
silver cape and port tip. Surabaya is know as the city
hero because of it’s his story very taken in to
account in the struggle indonesian independence from
the colonizers. Surabaya word supposedly comes
from the mythical story the battle beetwen the sura
(Shark) and baya (crocodile) and eventually became
the city of surabaya.

description Surabaya is the capital city of the capital of java

east in the province. Surabaya is the second largest
in the province. Surabaya is the second largest city in
indonesia after jakarta. Surabaya is also a city
center of bussines, comerce industry and education
in eastern indonesia. The city is located 789 km east
of jakarta or 426 km northwest of denpasar, bali.
Surabaya is located on the edge of the northern
coast of the island of java and dealing with the
madura and sea java.

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