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natural suppliments

Diseases, Specific
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Aneurysms (Aneurisms): Brain and Aortic

I have always remembered having pinpoint headaches occasionally–always on the right
side of my head near the temple area. In 1995 those headaches became more frequent
until that area throbbed constantly even when bending my head only five degrees.
“Houston, we have a problem.” I said to myself.

I remember in veterinary school, my cardiologist telling us about how most people

with aneurysms die before 8:00 a.m. because when they have a bowel movement and
push, it increases their blood pressure and the aneurysm bursts. Very distressing.

The definition of an aneurism is a sac formed by the dilatation of the wall of an

artery, a vein or the heart. Signs of an aneurism is the formation of a pulsating

Symptoms to look for: An aneurism in the aorta (around the chest/belly area) can
show with signs of coughing, acid reflux, and pain in the center of the chest or
localized back pain (from the balloon in the vessel pushing on the vertebrae.)
Sometimes, when you take your blood pressure on both arms, the readings will
differ. The blood pressure may be lower in the legs. When the blood vessel
stretches, it can look and feel like a heart attack, but it does not have as rapid
an onset. Aneurisms may be tender to the touch and may cause excruciating, boring
pain. I have felt aortic aneurisms by laying my fingertips lightly just above the
belly button. High blood pressure can cause pulsing, but with an aneurism you can
often feel a pounding pulse that is just not normal.

I noticed, with my vascular challenge that I had lots of nosebleeds as a child and
I bruised very easily. I remember going for a check-up once. The doctor looked at
my bruised body (it was summer and I had been doing a lot of gardening,) and asked
me, “Is everything OK at home?” As if my husband was beating me! It didn’t dawn on
me that some follow-up on this would be nice. I had bruised easily my entire life.

Sometimes when you are sick you know you are in trouble. I admit I was somewhat in
fear of going to a medical doctor about this problem. I have been to medical
doctors so much in the past with the diagnosis, “There’s nothing wrong” and “It’s
all in your head.” Annoying. Especially when you KNOW something is wrong! So I did
not do the medical route.

Instead, I made an appointment to see my naturopathic mentor. Discussing it I told

her, “Jean, I think I have a brain aneurism.”

“Why do you think that?” She asked and I told her my symptoms. “Did you check out
your Contact Reflex Analysis manual and see if you test strong on the supplements
used for aneurysms?” She asked.

“Well, no.” So we checked and sure enough I tested strong on every single nutrient
at the dose listed in the manual (which is always too much as I think the dosing is
for your basic 240 pound male).

I took the supplements for three months then we rechecked and I no longer tested I
needed them…AND, I no longer had the pin-point headaches.
Coincidence? And what about the fact that is was not diagnosed by the medical

When God is trying to show me something, I will get a couple more cases to prove a

That next month I had a couple come in. The man had a bona fide diagnosed aortic

“Can you help us? Carl is not strong enough to go through the surgery.” His wife

So I muscle-tested his dosage of those same supplements and three months later he
went in for another ultrasound. Aneurism gone.

“We came in doubting Tommie’s and left believers” said his wife. They had never
been exposed to alternative medicine before this. I thanked them for trusting me
enough to take the supplements and do as we tested out.

In the naturopathic world we have noticed that aneurisms occur when a virus attacks
the vessel, the immune system is low in copper and zinc, the body is deficient in
Vitamins B and E2 and the liver needs a little help with detoxification.

I have had great results with Standard Process™ products. As you can see I feel
they have saved my own life and the lives of others.

Here is the protocol of supplements for Aneurisms:

(Sorry, but I can’t dispense Standard Process products without a client/patient

relationship, so please don’t ask me to send them without making an appointment. A
disclaimer is at the bottom of this page. Please note that for this particular
condition it is BEST to see your doctor and have all necessary testing done before

Calsol® (A triple mineral which works on and stimulates the body’s immune system
and creates a natural fever to eradicate infection.)
Cataplex E2® (Works like a natural nitroglycerin to dilate and contract the blood
vessels. It also heals and repairs injured blood vessels, especially the coronary
Cataplex B® (Works to stimulate a slow heart.)
Chezyn® (An electrolyte that keeps the pancreas cells charged and alive. Contains
Zinc, Copper and Iron in perfect amounts for the body–also great for macular
Cholacol II® (Absorbs toxins and poisons and prevents the destruction of the
Take the above for three months. After that the patient may need residual Cataplex
E2®, For-Til B12®, Cholacol II® and Cataplex B® depending on the severity and
lifestyle changes incorporated into their daily regime. (I did not need the
additional supplements, but I was by that time, well on the path to a healthier

This is serious. If you don’t do SOMEthing, you will die. So what are you waiting
for? Choose surgery or supplements.

Dr. Denice Moffat, Naturopath & Medical Intuitive

Telephone Consultation Services
(208) 877-1222 (Pacific Time)
(208) 877-1969 Consult line

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