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Malachi Buckner

May 1, 2022
Minority Groups
Final Essay

After watching these two videos in class, they most definitely changed my mind on ideas

on topics in today’s society. The video “Crash” is about how people from different races get

along with each other. The video “I Am” is about how we as human can improve our way of life

so that everyone could get along together. Accepting each other that we are all the same is the

norm. Which we need to come together in order for our society to not be as split.

After watching the movie “Crash” you being to learn how people of different races

behave in our society. In one scene there was a Spanish male working on a lock for the door in a

white American house, and a lady who lived there wanted to lock changed because she felt as

though he and his friends would come back and rob the house. The lady said something along the

lines of him being a jailbird. I think she said this about him simply of the fact that he was

Spanish and had visible tattoos.

In another scene there was a Persian man and women in the gun store trying to purchase a

weapon for their protection. The gun store owner accused the man of being a terrorist and being

angry. The Persian man was angry so I can understand where the gun store owner was coming

from, but I do not agree with his actions. The Persian women was calm and safely bought the

gun and left the store. Down the line the man got into an altercation and fired his gun be bought

but the gun store owner sold them pallet bullets.

In another scene “Crash” there was a black couple driving in a car that was identical to a

car that was stolen before. The cop pulls them over asking for their license. But while they were

driving the couple were caught having oral sex known as public nudity. The cop has both them

step out the car to be searched. While the cop was searching the women, he began to sexually

assault her Infront of her man. Later in the movie the same women were involved in a severe car

crash and the same cop was there to help her. The women began to scream in terror as she

remembers the cop from assaulting her. These all are examples from the movie that we have

seen. I think that some of these actions were based off a stereotype. It describes how our actions

sees each other as another person. Without knowing the person personally.

The movie “I Am” is about how us as humans could improve our actions and how we

interact with each other. The researchers talk about how we started off seeing each other as

equal. It is in our natural genetics that we get along together. Each organism on this earth works

together so that we all are equal.

The movie asks a question “What is wrong with the world, and how we can fix it?” This

question refers to why we are put on this earth made to get along, but we all do not get along. It

talks about how we are all made to cooperate with each other, but we have problems doing that


The film also talked about the “power of one”. I think this refers to how we need to

become a unity of power our forces together. They talk about how society is divided and want to

find out why? We all for ourselves have our own powers. So if we are to join forces in society,

there would be less confrontations about things.

The film also talks about the core value of our lifespan. That we are also made to

collaborate with each other and love. That it is made in our DNA bloodline. They showed a

video of a study that they did on monkeys. How the monkeys all were together and worked

together peacefully. They talked about how humans are not like that but should be. They also

talked about how love is one of the main evolutionary traits that we have and lets us to grow well

as a species.

My actions of a personal level I feel like could improve. I understand after watching these

two videos that I need to learn to love more and not see a person already without prior

knowledge about them. That I cannot go off what somebody said about a person. I need to learn

to cooperate more with a person so that I will not have as many confrontations with people. I can

now understand why it is our human nature to get along with others, and why people tend to be

more open and friendly to people. Maybe because that person knows that it is our human nature

to be able to cooperate. It is the way of life.

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