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A sense of pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, or completion defines subjective bliss. Happy is defined in
different of ways, but it is frequently said to involve good feelings or a sense good gratification with


 To develop discipline
 To enhance skills
 For better physical fitness
 To reduce stress
 To form relationships
 Gain knowledge
 Develop your talents
 Learn from experts

3. A biological activity which takes place in teh midst of anything terrible, usually psychologically or
bodily, is referred as the war reflex, sometimes called the severe distress reply. Estrogen who prepares
your brain both with confront a danger head-on or flee to shelter are released, setting off the reaction.

Whenever confronted with peril in her surroundings, our predecessors' options were represented by the
phrase "fight-or-flight." You had two options: combat or run. In both situation, the brain is made ready
to respond to threat via the physical & mental reaction to anxiety.

4. Stress is how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. It usually happens when we are in
a situation that we don't feel we can manage or control.

5. This hedonistic treadmill postulates than following raising or dropping in reaction to good or bad live
situations, a person's pleasure degree eventually tries to return return towards what this were before
these experiences.

This "reference value," or initial state of really well, was hardly always psychologically impartial; in fact,
it is probably good again for majority of men. It also differs from person to person. Additionally, a people
can has many benchmarks across various components of well-being, such as general contentment with
live and that quantity of happy feelings felt.

6. Despite its reputation, email isn’t all bad. By reality, if employed properly, it may become a really
effective instrument. The following tips can help you write better emails, get better responses, and
create less frustration with your co-workers.

• Do Keep Your Emails Short

• Don’t Use BCC

• Do Write your Emails Backwards

• Don’t Copy the Entire Universe

• Don’t Knock Twice

• Don’t Play Email Ping-Pong

• Don’t Use Silly Fonts or Colors

• Don’t Send Large Attachments

• Do Use Other Communication Channels

• Don’t (Ever) Send Flame Mail


1. Relationships: Social Connectedness: Social connectedness is a sense of belonging to a group,

family, or community. It’s about the relationships people have with each other and their
engagement with the broader community. Social connection is an integral component of health
and well-being.
A socially connected community is a place where everyone feels like they belong.

2. Positive Emotion: Positive emotions can be defined as pleasant multicomponent response

tendencies. They are multicomponent because they involve more than just our internal feelings;
they also include changes in our nervous system, hormones, facial expressions, thoughts, and

3. Engagement:
That joyful feeling, we experience when we are deeply involved in an activity that is challenging
and well suited to our skills, or when we are trying to reach a meaningful goal.

4. Meaning and Purpose:

Spirituality individuals tend to be happy because they have more options of friendship, public
involvement, etc interpersonal interaction.

5. Accomplishment: To be truly happy , you need to discover your unique strengths and virtues
and use them for a purpose greater than your personal goals.
 Do your duty
 Continue to grow

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