Starfinder Cacciatore

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Fotostatan (arch 9) CR 8

XP 4,800
Famale lashunta soldier
LG Medium humanoid (lashunta)
Init +8; Senses darkvision, low-light vision; Perception +16

EAC 20; KAC 23
Fort +10; Ref +8; Will +9
DR 1/chaotic

Speed 40 ft.
Melee fangblade +19 (1d12+14 S; critical bleed 1d8) or
jolt glass blade +19 (2d6+14 E & P)
Ranged pistol cabala +11 (3d6+8 P; critical infection/track)
Offensive abilities charge attack, fighting styles (blitz), flash freeze
Lashunta Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th)
1/day - detect thoughts
at will - daze, psychokinetic hand

tactics details here e.g. Before Combat, During combat, Morale

Str +6; Dex +4; Con +2; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +21, Athletics +16, Survival +16
Languages Aklo, Common, Eoxian, Kasatha, Lashunta, Limited
telepathy, Shirren, Triaxian, Vercite, Vesk, Ysoki, limited telepathy
Gear lashunta mind mail I, fangblade, jolt glass blade, null-space
chamber mk 2, pheromonal perfume, tracking bug

Heads up! if there are any required stat block changes below this
warning, they will need to be added manually.

Text When the creature isn't on its home plane, it gains the extraplanar
Multiattack (Ex) When making a full attack, the creature can make all
the listed attacks, instead of two attacks, at the attack bonuses
indicated. It can make the attacks in any order. Guidelines Use the
appropriate damage column for the creature's array, and impose a
-6 penalty on these attacks instead of a -4 penalty.

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