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Gurshaan Gill

Mr. Yang

English 10


Annotated Bibliography

Little, Becky “Why the US Made Marijuana Illegal”

History Channel

Published Aug 4,2017 Edited Aug 31,2018

Little starts by giving the basics of marijuana and how it was and is used for medical treatment.

She provides evidence to prove that contrary to belief it was always known about the medical

treatment for many years dating back to the 1980’s. But over time the narrative was shifted in

the United States due to the migration of Mexicans. It provides key details from a certain time

period and how police officers made reports of how it gave them violent tendencies and made

them want to be violent. It was also mentioned that it was distributed by Mexican immigrants

which made it worse. But there is key evidence to prove that it is wrong, yet punishments keep

getting worse and worse.

Hjortshoj, Carsten, “Marijuana And Mental Health Associations, Consequences, And


Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark


Hjorthoj gives statistics from his research facility in Denmark. Providing evidence among rates of

use reported with samples from the general population. Tests from scientists probe that abuse

report have been proven most among those who have schizophrenia. There were many

conclusions. One of the major ones was that cannabis may contain an agent that can aid in the

development of mental illnesses like schizophrenia. It has shown to be a 50/50 chance of it

actually triggering schizophrenia. But there is also research done in this abstract renaissance

that may provide detail on marijuana use and how it actually is used to alleviate those


Office of Governor, “Governor signs bills to expand the legal cannabis market, address i

i Impacts from past prohibition of cannabis.”

CA. GOV - Governor Newson Published Sep 18, 2022

This California government research database touches on the process of making marijuana less

of a hassle to get too and make the cannabis market more expandable. It was announced on

Sep 18 that Governor Newsom will sign off on many papers to legalise cannabis more in
California. Compared to other states California is way ahead with laws, but federal prohibitions

make it a challenge to the whole industry and get in the way of Newsom to pass anything.

Currently Governor Newson has signed 10 bills, which would have been added, but due to

taking up too much space, the decision was made not too.

Gwynne, Kristen “Ten Worst Sentences For Marijuana-Related Crimes”

Punishments of this sort seldom fit of the offence

Salon - Published Oct. 29, 2012

Salon is an article of just the cruellest sentences. This provided simple statistics on it. It also

shows how the majority of Americans want marijuana to be legal. Starting off the bat Christoper

Williams case. He is a provider who is facing at least 82 years max, yet the most he will hit is 85

years. It is more unusual though because he was given an opportunity to lessen it to ten years,

but decided to waive it which was unusual. The worst one was Jonathan Magbie, who had a

cruel example. He was charged with possession after police found a joint in a vehicle where he

was the passenger. He was given a 10 day sentence yet needed a medical sentence. He was

not given a ventilator and died four days later in jail.

White.Gov “Statement from President Biden on Marijuana Reform”

Briefing Room - Published Oct. 06t, 2022

President Biden believes that nobody should be in jail for using marijuana. Also went indepth on

how having a marijuana possession will make it harder to get job opportunities. He passes a

pardon of all prior federal offences for possessions of marijuana. Also is pleading states and
Governors to also do something like this in regard to state offences. Since nobody should be in

federal prison due to this neither should someone with the same offence for state.
`Pre workout Meal

Fairlife 150 calories 30 protein

100g grapes 70 calories 18 carbs

100g blueberry 56 calories 14 carbs

1 banana 105 calories 27 carbs

1 banana 105 calories 27 carbs

Post Workout

Fairlife - 150 calories 30 protein


8oz top sirloin filet 300 calories 52 protein

½ tbsp butter 50 calories

4 piece sourdough 280 calories 60 carbs

2 oz cheese 200 calories

Tomato brioche - not gonna track calories

204 protein

239 carbs

2816 calories

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