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Student Name: Uktamboev Farrux

Student Number: b2001938
Course: Foundation Year
Module Code and Title: Social Enlightenment (Manaviyat Marifat)
Module Leader: Dr. B. Dosov
Module Tutor: Dr. B. Dosov
Assessment: Main Examination
Due Date: 4 June 2021 Date Submitted: 4 June 2021
Weighting within Module: 100%



Comments from Internal Examiner (Name):



Areas of Improvement:

Provisional Mark out of 100:



Examination answers
1. The criticism of Paulo Freire (1921–1997), educator and philosopher, of the "banking model"
of education, means:
The “banking” model of education is funded by commercial banks.
The “banking” model of education is allowing the education only for students from rich
x The “banking” model of education treats the student as an empty vessel to be filled with
knowledge (by teachers).
The “banking” model of education teaches students about banking and financial system.

2. What is “any improper and unwelcome conduct that might reasonably be expected or be
perceived to cause offence or humiliation to another person”?
x Harassment

3. To which category “uncategorized / not systemized numbers, symbols, images, sounds, unit
values, etc.” refer to:
x Data

4. What is the result of achieving the goal?

x Outcome

5. What is the Experience Capitalization?

Generating the Experience.
x Experience capitalization is a powerful way of transforming the experience into shareable
knowledge and using it to generate change. It is a systematic, iterative and participatory
process, through which an experience is analyzed and documented.
Experience capitalization is the way of transforming knowledge into Money.
Experience capitalization is a transformation of changes into problems and then finding the
solution(s) to share knowledge and analyze the documentation.

6. What is something that is considered original and is accepted as true without proof?
x Axiom

7. What is “the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation or event; the situation,
events, or information that are related to something and that help you to understand it”?
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x Context

8. What is a formula to master skills in complexity of the context?

Financial opportunities
x Three “M”s: Motives (or Desire), Means (or Abilities), Moment (or Opportunity)
Desire and Opportunity

9. The oldest tree on earth in the Andes died …

from a lightning strike
due to drought
x when insects gnawed the trunk of the tree
due to the flood

10. Education Systems should adapt to the changing environment, and focus not only on
knowledge, but also...
trends in social networks
x skills of students
cost of the education

11. According to Professor Akmal Abbasovich Gafurov, the entire socio-political history of
mankind is connected …
with the struggle between ethnic groups, religious groups, social classes and states
theory of evolution
x more with the struggle between creative (constructive) and destructive elements of the
society rather than between ethnic groups, religious groups, social classes and states
to self-destruction of society

12. What is Capitalism?

Science about the Capital of nations
Next phase of the Socialism
x An economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their
operation for profit.
Next phase of the Communism.

13. Who is the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers?

The President
x The Prime Minister
Prosecutor General
The Senator

14. The Design Phase of Result-oriented learning or Result-oriented process is:

not essential and can be skipped

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x important and also known as a “Strategic visioning”, where and when objectives, goal,
overall goal (impact, vision) are defined
optional exercise
the last phase of the process

15. Global challenge of Climate Change first of all is affecting

Class of owners
x Vulnerable population, smallholders, women and children, especially in rural areas
Investors and Companies

16. Lack of your attention, knowledge, combined with poor critical thinking would
increase your ability to comprehend the context
x mislead you
justify cheating in the in the examinations
help you to find the best solution

17. Please chose the correct option to fill the gap in the following sentence. According to
findings of Professor Akmal Abbasovich Gafurov: The strength of State Power becomes
sufficient for a successful struggle for the rule of law, if the number / share of Constructive
Middle Class of Owners ____________________________ of the country's population.
X reaches more than half (51% or more)
less than 25%
less than half
less than 10%

18. What is Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #4 is about

All students of the Higher Education should obtain the Diploma of graduation
x Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and
promoting developments in renewable energy
Higher education is affordable only for those who can pay for that

19. What is the total value of all finished goods and services produced by a country's citizens in
a given financial year, irrespective of their location.
National Welfare
x Gross National Product (GNP)
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Country’s wealth

20. What are the Priorities of "On the Strategy of Actions for the Further Development of the
Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017 - 2021"? Please, select the correct answer.
1. Improvement of private business; 2. Ensuring the rule of law and further reforming the
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judicial and legal system; 3. Development and liberalization of the economy; 4.
Development of the social sphere; 5. Ensuring security, interethnic harmony and religious
tolerance, the implementation of a balanced, mutually beneficial and constructive foreign
1. Improvement of social network, such as Telegram, Facebook, Tik-Tok; 2. Ensuring the rule
of law and further reforming the judicial and legal system; 3. Development and
liberalization of the economy; 4. Development of the social sphere; 5. Ensuring security,
interethnic harmony and religious tolerance, the implementation of a balanced, mutually
beneficial and constructive foreign policy.
1. Allow students to behave and study, as they want at the schools and universities; 2.
Ensuring the rule of law and further reforming the judicial and legal system; 3. Development
and liberalization of the economy; 4. Development of the social sphere; 5. Ensuring security,
interethnic harmony and religious tolerance, the implementation of a balanced, mutually
beneficial and constructive foreign policy.
x 1. Improvement of state and social construction; 2. Ensuring the rule of law and further
reforming the judicial and legal system; 3. Development and liberalization of the economy;
4. Development of the social sphere; 5. Ensuring security, interethnic harmony and religious
tolerance, the implementation of a balanced, mutually beneficial and constructive foreign

21. Please select the source of the following statement: “…the teaching profession should
become the most authoritative and respected in society. And the task of the state is to
create all the conditions for teachers to first of all take care of providing children with
quality education, as well as self-improvement…”
The speech of the Mikhail Gorbachev, the first President of USSR
x The Message from the President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy Majlis, for
Nelson Mandela

22. What is “the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are
distinguished as proper (right) and those that are improper (wrong)”?
x Morality

23. What is “the moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an
activity, that are rules of conduct”?
x Ethics

24. What is “all regulations, standards and guidelines, rules, directives and other administrative
issuances that govern the functioning of the system”?
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x Law

25. What is Integrity?

x The practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to
strong moral and ethical principles and values.
Any improper and unwelcome conduct that might reasonably be expected or be perceived
to cause offence or humiliation to another person
Being popular
Being arrogant and believe to have been knowing everything.

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