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Lesson Plan Template - Integrated Curriculum Unit

Curriculum Content Areas:

Teacher Candidate Name: Algebra 1
Science and
Jennifer Briselden Grade Level
Title of Unit Components
Comparing Linear and Exponential Functions

Lesson # in unit: Lesson _2_/10 Instructional Groupings: (whole group, small group, partners,
quads, homogeneous, heterogeneous?)
Whole Group, small group, and individual practice

Standards: In this column identify the Science and

MGSE9-12.F.LE.1 Distinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear functions and with Engineering Practices and Cross Cutting
exponential functions. Concepts (K-12 Framework for Science
a. Show that linear functions grow by equal differences over equal intervals and that exponential Education),
or the standards of Mathematical Practice
functions grow by equal factors over equal intervals. (This can be shown by algebraic proof,
that apply and that you are addressing in
with a table showing differences, or by calculating average rates of change over equal this lesson.
b. Recognize situations in which one quantity changes at a constant rate per unit interval
relative to another.
c. Recognize situations in which a quantity grows or decays by a constant percent rate per unit
interval relative to another.

MGSE9-12.F.LE.2 Construct linear and exponential functions, including arithmetic and geometric
sequences, given a graph, a description of a relationship, or two input-output pairs (include reading
these from a table).
MGSE9-12.F.LE.3 Observe using graphs and tables that a quantity increasing exponentially
eventually exceeds a quantity increasing linearly, quadratically, or (more generally) as a polynomial
Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College
Lesson Plan Template - Integrated Curriculum Unit

Other curriculum goals:

Language Arts: ELAGSE8SL1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led)

Science: S7L5. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information from multiple sources to explain the
theory of evolution of living organisms through inherited characteristics.

CSS.KC.6-8.15 Gather, manipulate, and analyze data using a variety of digital tools to identify solutions
and make informed decisions.

As a result of this lesson students will know… and be able to do…

Learning Objectives:
The student will be able to construct an equation for a linear or exponential function from a graph,
table, context, or pair of coordinates including word problem scenarios.

Support for Academic Language

Parameters, Reasonable Domain, Reasonable Range, Constant Rate of Change, Average Rate of Change,
Domain, Range, End Behavior, Linear Function, Exponential Function

Language Demands and Supports- The demands (discourse/syntax) should be aligned with the standard/element and the supports
should provide instruction and scaffolding to meet these demands. What strategies will you use to support students’ development of the
required language demands. Examples of demands include: explain, identify, analyze, or argue from evidence.

Assessment Strategies in this lesson:
(Identify the assessment strategy/strategies to be used for assessment of the learning objectives you listed on page 1.

Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College

Lesson Plan Template - Integrated Curriculum Unit

Notes: You do not need to restate the learning objectives, but each learning objective should be assessed. What types of assessments will Inquiry Components
you use? Think in terms of balanced assessment: pre-assessment, formative and summative, employing multiple means of assessment across
(Use The 5 E instructional model labels.)
the unit. How will learners demonstrate the targeted skill and/or understanding of the lesson’s objectives? What evidence will be collected to
demonstrate students’ understanding/mastery of the lesson’s objective? What constitutes success for the students? How will you provide
feedback for the students?)

Ticket Out the Door (TOTD) assessing what has been learned during today’s lesson.
Steps in the Lesson (Include the activating strategy or the hook for the lesson; the introduction; the lesson procedures including Identify the inquiry components: (Not all
strategies/planned supports for whole‐class, small group, and individual instructions; and differentiated activities.) of the Es will be in every lesson, but
engage, explore, and explain form the
backbone of the lesson with extending
and evaluating occurring in some lessons.)
Introduction: Engage (Initiate here, carry through the
Today we will revisit linear and exponential functions.  We will use tables to examine how the functions lesson.)
change over equal intervals for linear functions and for exponential functions. I will build upon prior
knowledge of common differences and factors.

Activate learning (Hook): Explore (initiate here, may repeat

Activator – Label Linear or Exponential Functions from given word problems. throughout the lesson.)

Work Session (Body of Lesson) Instructional Strategies: Explore, Explain (Extend, E-learning,
 Students will define how they can tell if a function is linear or exponential. Elaborate, Evaluate if appropriate)
 Teacher will give examples of linear and exponential. I will work through different types of
 Parameters are given in linear and exponential equations and word problems. functions and data that the students will
 “I Do” is when I will answer questions using equation, word problem and graph of a linear function to see. Students will hear me talk through
identify the parameters. my thought process on how to approach
 “I Do” is when I will answer questions using equation, word problem and table of an exponential and solve for solutions. “You Do” is the
function to identify the parameters. opportunity for me to walk around and
 Students will work independently on worksheets of Multiplying Microbes and Buying Comics. observe students work and pull for small
groups when needed.
Closure/Summarizing/Wrap up: Explain, Evaluate
Find the parameters (key features) of the graph below. (In Context – Key Features) This will help show any gaps the students
may have.
Modifications/Differentiation: Describe how the lesson is modified or differentiated to meet the needs of individual students.

Instructional Supports
Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College
Lesson Plan Template - Integrated Curriculum Unit

Resources and Materials Used to Engage Students in Learning (Provide citations for all resources that you did not create.
Attach key instructional material needed to understand what you and the students will be doing. Examples: class handouts, assignments,
slides, and interactive white board images.)
 Students will have guided notes.
 Worksheets for independent work.
 Google slides with today’s lessons to follow along with.
 Desmos assignment on Linear vs. Exponential Functions.

Additional Resources and Materials Used to Increase Teacher’s Background Knowledge of the Content: (List any
websites and sources of materials and background information that you will need or use as the teacher to engage the students or that you
may use to teach this lesson in the future.)
 Desmos Graphing Calculator to build tables and graph functions.
 Illustrated Math

Other Relevant Information

Clear Links to Learning Theories, Educational Research, and Principles of Development:
(Complete this section when appropriate connections can be made between your lesson and theory, research, or
principles of development)
Connections to Technology and/or the Arts:
(Complete this section when appropriate connections can be made between your lesson and technology or the
Students will be using technology through Desmos Graphing Calculator to bring the data points to life through
a graph.
Description of Collaboration with Others: (These might include the inclusion teacher, media specialist, counselor, guest speaker,
grade level coordinator, community experts, families, etc.)
Daily meeting with two additional Algebra 1 teachers to collaborate on daily lessons and resources.
Weekly meeting with grade level curriculum team, curriculum coach, and curriculum assistant principal.

Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College

Lesson Plan Template - Integrated Curriculum Unit

Lesson Plan Template John H. Lounsbury College of Education, Georgia College

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