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cautious –

eccentric –
flexible –
genuine –
mean –
moody –
naive –
sympathetic –
trustworthy –
outgoing –
antisocial –
tidy –
reliable –
creative –
adventurous –
non-judgmental –

keep yourself to yourself –

a people person –
a morning person –
witty –
spontaneous –
a good laugh –
down-to-earth –
a computer geek –

identification –
appreciation –
argument –
development –
existence –
defence –
signature –
pleasure –
contribution –
preparation –
donation –
reaction –
prevention –
involvement –
treatment –
interference –
preference –
reference –
failure –
mixture –
frustrated –
wished the earth would swallow me up –
over the moon –
made my stomach turn –
relieved –
fascinated –
shaking like a leaf –
scared out of my wits –
impressed –
awkward –

flood –
volcanic eruption –
earthquake –
homelessness –
drought –
landslide –
drug abuse –
domestic violence –
debt –
obesity –

frustration –
fascination –
embarrassment –
disappointment –
amusement –
creativity –
anxiety –
spontaneity –
awkwardness –
nervousness –
anger –
worry –

two-for-one deal –
free trial –
non-refundable deposit –
negotiable –
sign up for –
limited enrolment –
fill in your details –

whisper –
yawn –
gaze –
crawl –
wander –
sigh –

hunger –
disease –
street crime –
poverty –
unemployment –
pollution –
pledge –
donates –

energy-efficient light bulb –

hand-held GPS –
water-proof watch –
pocket-sized camcorder –
eco-friendly detergent –
solar-powered torch –

commercials –
pop-ups –
brand –
campaigns –
logos –
influence –
slogans –
cold calls –
advertise –
makes –
jingle –
trailer –

bilingual –
bicycle –
bimonthly –
multilingual –
multinational –
multimedia –
multitask –
multi-storey –
microchip –
microwave –
microphone –
microscope –
megaphone –
megacity –
megabyte –
translate –
transport –
transit –
international –
interval –
interview –

in no time –
cut this short –
drag your heels –
make up for lost time –
time after time –
in the nick of time –
kill an hour or two –
take your time –
any time now –

breaking news –
lead story –
headlines –
news feed –
forum link –
weather forecast –
video link –
menu bar –
navigation buttons –
popup ad –

broad-shouldered –
high-heeled –
tight-fitting –
sun-tanned –
curly-haired –
brand-new –

talk behind sb’s back –

walk all over sb –
not lift a finger –
be always there for sb –
go out of one’s way to do sth –
lock horns with sb –
be a shoulder to cry on –
give sb a helping hand –

boot –
bonnet –
number plate –
indicator –
wing –
wing mirror –
tail light –
windscreen –
tyre –
windscreen wiper –
sun roof –
steering wheel –
skid –
collide with –
pull out –
overtake –
drive the wrong way –
swerve –
exceed the speed limit –
scratch –

acoustic guitar –
drums –
bass guitar –
violin –
fiddle –
cello –
grand piano –
trumpet –
trombone –
flute –
clarinet –
saxophone –
harp –

fiddling with –
drum up –
playing second fiddle –
changed his tune –
for a song –
face the music –
rings a bell –

on a more even keel –

make do with less –
break the mould –
put your feet up –
something has to give –
take the lead –

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