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SLEEPING UNDER THE STARS, waking up to the smell of fresh air, and

really getting away from it all — the appeal of wild camping is easy to see.
Also called dry, free, or freedom camping, wild camping is overnighting away
from organized campsites, Be ready to grab a backpack and set off yourself.
But a wild camping trip requires more preparation than a stay at your average
campground. To save you from paying a hefty fine for trespassing or waking
up freezing at 2:00 AM, here’s everything you need to know before you pitch
your camp in the great outdoors. Wild camping might seem as easy as just
trekking off into the nearest woodland. Don’t be fooled. It can be dangerous
and even illegal, since the laws that govern where you can and can’t pitch
camp vary from country to country. Fire:While sitting around a roaring fire
trading campfire stories might seem like part of the wild-camping-trip
experience, never light an open fire. Water: Unlike campsites, nature doesn’t
come with an easily accessible water source. Plan to camp near running
water. Weather:can change quickly and present real dangers. Check the
weather before your trip and pack accordingly. As well as clothing, you should
also think about food: Animals: Research whether any local animals or
reptiles, like bears or snakes, pose a risk to you before you set off. You can
then avoid mistakes such a leaving food out where it’s likely attract unwanted

It’s summertime and the great outdoors are calling. You want to hit the beach, but
you also want to go camping. Why not do both? Beach camping is the ultimate
summer getaway – the changing tides and crisp sea breeze, waves yearning to be
surfed and horizons begging to be explored offer a sense of complete and utter
freedom in a constantly moving environment.Surfing trips, those awesome
adventures that involve discovering remote waves that have hardly ever been
ridden, will teach you more about beach camping than anything else. Furthermore,
these exciting escapades are great for the whole family, surfers and non-surfers
alike, as they allow you to disconnect from the hectic life back in the city and bask in
‘Vitamin Sea’ all day.Why go beach camping?
Sure, you can save yourself a lot of hassle by checking into an organized campsite
with toilets, showers, electricity and a communal kitchen. But unfortunately, many
campgrounds that are advertised as near the ocean can be miles away. And in the
end, nothing beats waking up to nothing but sand standing in between you and the rolling

As a kid, Scholastic book fairs were my personal all-you-can-eat buffet. I devoured

books the way Bunnicula devoured carrot juice, drinking stories down to the last drop
to sustain myself until I came across a new shelf lined with tales waiting to be told.
I was the kid who read during recess, who frequented the public library on weekends
and stayed up way past my bed time just to squeeze in one more chapter of my newest
treasure. I like to think Matilda Wormwood and I would have been great friends. But
when I went away to college, I hardly had time to read the required textbooks, let
alone indulge in my favourite pastime. As much as I longed to get lost in mysteries
and fairytales, I had to prioritise school.

While I still don't have the time to devour story after story in a single day, reading
for pleasure has become a regular part of my adult life in a way that my younger
self would be happy to see.

Despite my lack of free time, I still visited book shops and requested books as gifts on
every holiday and birthday, surrounding myself with the thing I loved in the hopes
that I would finally rediscover that hunger for literature that once consumed me. But
even when I did have free time at the end of a long day, I would find myself reaching
for the remote or my phone instead of a book, ready to turn my brain off and let
myself fall into a zombie-like trance in front of a screen.

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