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ASSIGNMENT 2 (Classroom Layout): Use graph paper or drawing software to create an accurate

overhead view, labeled drawing, of your assigned classroom before answering the questions below

Classroom Layout Question 1: Describe the workflow of the room. Is space used efficiently? >>>

The flow of the room is nice, there are multiple spaces dedicated to certain things such as a reading
center, a water fountain station, and a floor area. Every child can see the board from their seats. There
is lots of space to navigate the different sections.
Classroom Layout Question 2: In your opinion, how can the physical arrangement of the room be
improved? >>>

The physical arrangement of the room can be improved by rearranging the desks that are
lined against the wall. This area is used for writing time, but I feel there would be more space
if the students just did that at their regular desks.

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