Artifact 3 - Philosophy of Education - Emma Awwad

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Artifact #3- Philosophy of Education 1

Artifact #3- Philosophy of Education

Emma S. Awwad

College Of Southern Nevada

Susan Bridges

Artifact #3- Philosophy of Education 2

Philosophy of Education

I chose this profession because it was the next best thing, I could do to help children in need.

This career path wasn’t my first choice, but criminal justice was. I chose to move on to teaching

after having a talk with myself and realizing I wouldn’t be able to help children in need as fast as

I wanted to be able too. Teaching would let me do that a lot faster than Criminal justice would

allow me too. I was inspired to become a teacher after my friends had constantly kept telling me

that I would make a great teacher and after thinking about my experiences in school I thought I

could treat kids the way I deserved to be treated during my school career. As a child I did not

have the best school experience and it wasn’t fair to me as a child, so I’d like to stop it from

happening to other children to the best of my ability and allow them to enjoy school and


The personal knowledge and skill set that will help me be the best teacher I can be is my

ability to tell emotions from just the look on someone’s face and how they are acting. Ive been

told I have a lot of empathy and I know that will help me succeed as a teacher. More personal

knowledge that will aid me is that I know what it feels like to be shut out by my peers and be

excluded socially. I will be able to see this stick out like a sore thumb and stop it from

happening. Children don’t realize their excluding certain people sometimes and if they can learn

from a young age that’s not right, it will also be beneficial to their school career.

The educational philosophy that’s close to fitting my personal beliefs about education is

Progressivism and Existentialism. Progressivism is the educational philosophy that has a hands-

on approach, that children will learn by doing. Though all kids remember things differently the

hand on approach is the most memorable since it requires motor function. Existentialism is the

educational philosophy that says children should have a choice in what they learn. Though I
Artifact #3- Philosophy of Education 3

don’t fully side with existentialism I feel children should have a say in what they want to learn so

they can feel excited and motivated to learn and not forced to do something they dislike greatly.

There are many important historical events that change the way of teaching but one I

personally think set the stage for me is School Shootings. There are too many to count but after

the Sandy Hook school shooting is when I realized I needed to rethink my career path and

become a teacher. It made me feel like children weren’t protected and schools needed more help

to protect these children.

There are also lots of different instructional strategies that teachers can implement into their

teaching but some I feel are better than others. I personally would implement visuals, movement,

roleplay, projects, games, and field trips. I chose these strategies because they make the most

impact on a child. They are fun and easy to remember. Children would have fun learning instead

of stressing about learning. I will approach student learning with these strategies. I will also

approach student diversity with individual help and make sure each student is able to learn and

absorb information in their best own way. For example, if one student is a visual learner and one

is a hands-on learner, I will make sure the teachings include both so they both can learn to the

best of their abilities. I will also approach student assessments with an open mind. Not all

children perform the best on tests, it stresses them out and, in my opinion, unfair and there’s no

way to make sure all kids can do well when they must all do the same thing.

To continue the path to teaching there are many characteries and skills that I need to possess.

Such as communication, empathy, and patience. Without these traits I will fail my students. The

steps I will take to achieve my goal of becoming a teacher is not fully set in stone, but I have a

good idea on what I’m hoping to accomplish. I’ll start by switching my major and talking with
Artifact #3- Philosophy of Education 4

an advisor to see what I need to take to get on track. Next time I’ll hopefully get a job in a

daycare or afterschool program. I could also volunteer for these programs as well.

In the end this career will take a lot of hard work and time but I’m confident I can achieve

what I want to become when I’m ready.

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