Dlp-Mil-1 - Balolot

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Daily Lesson Plan (DLP)

Date: November 21-24, 2022 Day: Monday-Thursday

Section: 12- GAS C, DM, CSS B Time:
DLP Learning Area: Grade Level: 12 Quarter: 2nd Duration:
No.: Media and Information Literacy 60-120 minutes
Learning Competency: Code:
 The learners understand opportunities and challenges in media and MIL120CP-IIIh-24
 The learners cite recent examples of the power of media and MIL12/OCP-IIIh-25
information to affect change
Key Understanding to be developed:
Knowledge Determine the opportunities and challenges of the Internet
Learning Objectives Skills Construct a mind map on the opportunities and threats of media
and information
Attitudes Share ideas confidently through Q and A activity
Values Ponder on the power of media and information by giving their
insights during post-discussion
Content Opportunities and Challenges in Media and Information
Learning Resources/  Laptop, LED TV, PowerPoint presentation
Materials  https://commons.deped.gov.ph/K-to-12-MELCS-with-CG-Codes.pdf
Introductory Greetings
Activity (10 minutes) Checking of Attendance
Activity 1: Mind Mapping
 Learners are asked if they or anyone they know has experience with
online shopping
 Learners share about their experience on buying items online using
online shopping systems (Answers may vary)
 Asks the following questions to the learners:
1. What forms of payment are accepted in online shopping
2. If customers have concerns or inquiries about the product, what
support mechanisms are provided?
3. How will the customers receive the purchased product?
 While they answer the questions above, the teacher constructs a mind
map on the board on online shopping based on their responses
 Solicit answers from learners on how the mind map helped them to
understand the concept of online shopping and encourage them to
define a map. After they give their definitions, present this definition to
the class:
A Mind map is a graphical technique for visualizing connections between
several ideas or pieces of information. Each idea of fact is written down and
the linked by lines or curves to its major or minor (or following or previous)
idea or fact, thus creating a web of relationships.
Source: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/mind mapping.html#ixzz429bA0Beu

Activity 2: Casework
Activity (5 minutes)  Learners are divided into four groups. The following are the suggested
issues of using unguarded internet for the grouping (Citizen Journalism,
The Internet as a Tourism Support, Phishing, and Human Trafficking)
which links of each article are given to the learners in advance to read
 Let each group choose the topic and inform them of each group’s task.
 The groups are to present a mind map on a specific MIL opportunity or
threat. Each group should elect the following: leader, secretary, two
reporters, and mind map designers. They are given 5 minutes to do this
Teacher’s Role:
1. Facilitates the shopping/picking of issue/s in the basket.
2. Monitors the sharing of ideas within the group activity.
3. Explains the given rubric for the group activity.
4. Processes the activity result.
5. Provides feedback about the activRubric:elevance to the topic/issue
– 30 pts
Learners are tasked to read and analyze the following articles:
Analysis  On the rise of citizen journalism: Power to The People?
1. discusses definition, context, and challenges of citizen journalism
2. presents opportunity to empower ordinary citizens but also shares issues
conducting training to promote credible and objective news
 Tourism in Southern Cebu gets digital boost from Talk ‘N Text,
1. presents a case to promote eco-tourism
2. partnership of local community and private sectors in conducting training
 Inside job? Senior citizens loses P159,000 via unauthorized online
1. presents definition of phishing, causes, and possible solutions to fight
 Human trafficking in Asia going online
1. discusses human trafficking in the ASEAN region and proposes
suggestions to stop such problem
Abstraction  Learners are able to appreciate the opportunities and be aware of the
challenges in media and information.

Application Activity 3: Mind Mapping

Topic 1: Citizen Journalism

Answer the following guide questions and discuss your answers as a group:
1. What is Citizen Journalism? What are the advantages of Citizen Journalism?
Cite some examples.
2. How does the Internet change the way news is reported? Do media companies
limit their stories to their journalists only? Why/why not?
3. What are the issues of Citizen Journalism? What mechanisms do they have to
prove the accuracy of their stories?
4. Do you think making ordinary citizens news reporters on TV or online
develops more awareness on news content and mass media literacy?

Topic 2: The Use of the Internet as Tourism Support

Answer the following guide questions and discuss your answers as a group:
1. How did the Internet help in promoting tourism in Aloguinsan, Cebu?
2. How did it improve the lives of the local community?
3. If you could apply the Aloguinsan digital experience to your community, what
local tourist spots, culture, or
practices would you promote? Why?

Topic 3: Phishing
Answer the following guide questions and discuss your answers as a group:
1. How can you tell if someone is phishing on your account?
2. How did Mr. Malibiran lose his money in the bank? Narrate the incident.
3. Do you think online banking is still safe? How can you avoid becoming a
victim of phishing?
Topic 4: Human Trafficking
Answer the following guide questions and discuss your answers as a group:
1. Was there progress in the fight to stop human trafficking after ASEAN signed
the Declaration Against
Trafficking in Persons, Particularly Women and Children?
2. What is the percentage of child victims of human trafficking in the ASEAN
3. How does the Internet contribute to the increased number of human trafficking
cases? Do you think that the Internet can be used as a tool to victimize people?
Explain your answer.
4. Suggest at least 3 ways to help stop human trafficking.

 Reporter from each group is given 1 minute to present their assigned

Assessment topic and its definition. After that, they present their mind map for 2-3
 During the presentation each group shall answer the pertinent questions
and present the process and content of the mind map
 Teacher presents the rubrics

Learners read and understand the articles, “Technology in the 20th Century,”
Assignment and “Innovative humanities MOOC,“
Source: Visualizing Japan,” (Retrieved from http://news.mit.edu/2015/visualizing-japanmooc-
Have at least 2 learners given recent examples on the power of media
Concluding and information to affect change in their life and community as a whole
Each group’s presentation of mind map is uploaded in the MIL Portal

Prepared by:
Name: Junna G. Balolot School: Bankal National High School-SH
Position: Teacher I Division: Lapu-Lapu City
Contact number: 09462052253 Email Address: junna.balolot@deped.gov.ph

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