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/Death Bed

The clocks are ticking and your time is running out.

Moment passes, and only memories run through.

Bear with me, as you take your final breaths.

Hear me your history, as you listen to my words.

For I am you, and you are me.

Honest to tell, I’ve always feared of this to come,

Being just a heart beat and just a breath away to end.

You’ve led a life of misery, agony and of bliss.

With a dread of what the future holds and what the time has stored upon.

The world you ventured is flawed but somehow you chose to go on.

Your life is such an overwhelming ride

A long wander towards a path leading to unknown

A road filled with obstacles that you managed to get through.

You have been in the darkest and most desolated of places

But you found your way towards the light that warmed your senses.

You are strong, determined and willed

But there was a time where you felt the whole you wasn’t enough to fill the void you’ve been constantly
stuck into.

A time when you knew that screaming, crying and shouting will never be loud enough to ease the pain
and so you chose to be silent in your own sorrow.

A time where you felt in a way, you are dead already.

For I am you, and you are me on a distant past.

The past you wish you’d never came across twice in your life.

It was the past that shattered you into smallest pieces hence you are able to mold and build yourself up
to become a better one.

I am the past which made you tougher as you walk through life,

Who gave you weapon to face the world and overcome its challenges.

On these final hours with you on a death bed.

Reminisce with no regrets

Remember me and be proud of me,

Be happy for who we are,

Because in our life we cried but we smiled, we’ve been through so much pain but also had the best of
times, we made mistakes but also we did great, we stumbled countless times but we stood up more.

Close your eyes and rest your being

But never lose grasp of the world and the life you lived

The moment of past never comes back

The future holds a mystery

And death will be our final remark.

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