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Quiz Time

1. Label the foods below. Use the Word Bank. 3. Read the dialogs and circle the right option.
a. - How much / How many eggs do we need for the
Word Bank pancakes?
• pear • potatoes • oil - We need 6 eggs.
• lettuce • butter • orange - Do we have any / some eggs?
• carrot • eggs • beef - Yes, there are some / any in the plastic bag.
b. - This cake is delicious. Does it have some / any
carrots? It tastes like carrots.
- Yes, it does. It also has some / any blackberries.
- How many / How much flour do you need to make it?
a. b. c. - Three cups.
4. Listen and complete the ingredients.

Banana and Nut Cereal

• 1 cup of water
• of milk
• small banana
• 2 tablespoons of oats
• of salt
d. e. f. • of nuts
• of brown sugar

5. Listen and complete the recipe.

Use the Word Bank.

Word Bank
g. h. i. • Put • Add (x2) • Stir • Cool • Cut

2. Classify the foods in the previous exercise into
1. the water, milk, and oats in a receptacle
countable and uncountable nouns.
on the stove. Cook for 5 minutes.
Countable Uncountable 2. the banana into small pieces.
3. the banana, the salt, and the cinnamon
into the milk and oats mixture. Mix everything.
4. frequently for 5 to 10 minutes.
5. the mixture.
6. Finally, the nuts and the brown sugar.

Now I can... Very Well OK A Little
¾ identify countable and uncountable nouns.
¾ ask and answer questions about food quantities.
¾ give instructions to make recipes.

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