Time Extension Request Final Draft 1

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Ref No: CRBC/WG/ 1195/11 Date: June 21, 2011,

TO: RENARDET S.A in Association with UNICONE

Consulting Engineers
Addis Ababa
Ref: Ring Road Phase III (Wingate Interchange - Gojam Road) .
Subject: Additional Time extension request for the supplementary work

Dear Sirs,
This refers to your letter ref 1005/CRBC/GM/11 dated June 1y 2011, a
response to our claim No-3 (CRBC/WG/1159/11 dated April 27, 2011),
whereby you instructed us to submit all additional claim issues so as to enable
you carry out a comprehensive assessment covering the time to date.

Attached is our further time extension request for the period from October 1,
2010 – end of June, 2011.

Your immediate assessment and subsequent action will be highly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance for your cooperation we remain;

Sincerely yours,

Wang Yang
General Manager

-Addis Ababa City Roads Authority
-Project Manager

Encl: Detail of additional time extension request

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The major delay causes in this submission includes inclement weather
condition, cement shortage and disruption on the construction of
Deberemarkos roundabout due to various reasons. The effects of each cause of
delay is as follows.

1. Inclement weather condition

During this dry season there were un-seasonal rainy days which
significantly had affected the progress of the ongoing activities. From
the rainfall records on site (Signed by both the Engineer’s and
Contractor’s representatives) attached with this letter, anyone can
understand how frequently the rain affected the project performance.
The following table shows the number or rainy days taken from the
rainfall records.

S/No. Month No. of rainy Remark

1 December, 2010 3 No of days greater than 10mm
rain = nil
2 February, 2011 2 No of days greater than 10mm
rain = 1 (45mm, very heavy)
3 March, 2011 5 No of days greater than 10mm
rain = 2 (22 & 29mm)
4 April, 2011 8 No of days greater than or
almost equal to 10mm rain = 2
(9 & 24mm)
5 May, 2011 12 No of days greater than or
almost equal to 10mm rain = 5
(9 – 30.5mm)
6 June, 2011 8 No of days greater than 10mm
rain = 2 (11 & 10mm)
Total Rainy days 38 days 12 days above or almost equal
to 10 mm

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The above table shows only the rainy days while the actual effect of the
rainy on the work could be double or depending on the intensity of the
rainfall and the specific ongoing activity at the time of the rain. However
delay of an average two days are considered for each rainy day (having
intensity of around 10 mm or more) for calculating the total delayed
No. of rainy days significantly affecting the work = 12
Total delay time= 2* 12days =24days
2. Effect of shortage of cement and Row problems on the road
section K10+080 K 10+260 and Debre Markos Roundabout

A. Shortage of cement

Problem on shortage of cement has continued throughout this dry

season. Due to this problem the contractor was frequently
requesting the client to get immediate solution. As the problem was
critically affecting the works, the contractor was even forced to
request the Client borrow him cement at least to avoid complete
suspension of work. However, such effort doesn’t solve the problem
as there was serious shortage of cement in the local market.

The following correspondences can be further referred:

1. Ref. no. CRBC/WG/1082/11 dated November 11, 2010

Due to the shortage of the cement supply, resulted from
Mugher Cement Enterprise stopping supplying cement, the
following critical cement related activities were suspended
that seriously affected subsequent activities like backfilling
and pavement works. Some of the works were:
a) Construction of retaining wall for Main Road at
K9+770-K9+840 LHS and frontage road F324(2)
K0+220-K0+350 and K0+370-0+510
b) Debremarkos Junction Roundabout: the construction
of abutment and pier for eastern bridge

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
c) Box culvert at F322
d) Production of walk way tile and drainage pipes.
The contractor had requested the employer to allow him
purchase from Messebo and yet not permitted.

2. Ref. no. CRBC/WG/1084/11 dated November 13, 2010

The engineer was requested by CRBC to confirm the required
cement quantity so that the employer will write supporting
letter to Messebo Cement Factory.

3. Ref. no. CRBC/WG/1126/11 dated January 11, 2011

The contractor requested the employer to borrow 50 ton
cement from their stock so as to continue some part of the

4. Ref. no. CRBC/WG/1132/11 dated January 18, 2010

(Contractor’s Monthly project progress report for
January, 2011)
The cement shortage has caused the following works to
suspend or delay:
a. K10+100 culvert K0+000 – K0+140 concrete casting
b. F324 culvert concrete casting
c. K9+757 – K9+840(LHS) concrete retaining wall
concrete casting
d. F322 K0+490 – K0+596 concrete casting
e. Debre markos Roundabout East bridge deck
concrete casting
5. Ref. no. CRBC/WG/1179/11 dated May 17, 2011
(Contractor’s Monthly project progress report for
January, 2011)
The following works were suspended due to cement shortage:
a. K10+000 culvert K0+000 – K0+040 concrete casting
b. K10+080 – K10+260(RHS) concrete retaining wall
concrete casting

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
c. F324 -2 K0+220 –K0+310 concrete casting
d. Debre markos roundabout retaining wall
concrete casting

6. Ref. no. CRBC/WG/1182/11 dated May 23, 2011

CRBC notified the Engineer that the cement price has been
increased and also there was no adequate supply. Though
the actual demand was 5,000 quintal per week, it was only
possible to collect 500 randomly in a week.

The above correspondences show how significant was the effect of

the cement shortage as well as how far the contractor tried to get
solution and mitigate the damage. Nevertheless, it was not possible
to get adequate cement and consequently major project activities
were suspended. Cement shortage has mainly affected concrete
retaining wall works at Debremarkos round about and the main
road section from K10+080 – K10+260. The delay in constructing
the concrete retaining wall has in turn affected subsequent delays
on activities such as backfilling and the pavement works.

B. ROW problem

The contractor was repeatedly requesting the Client/Engineer for

the possible solution of clearing the existing Row problems. The
main Row problems were houses, telephone cable, high tension
cable and water line existing with the Row width of the road
section. The following correspondences were made regarding the
outstanding Row problems.

1. Ref. no. CRBC/WG/1142/11 dated February 21, 2011

The progress of box culvert at k10+000 and subsequent
works have been seriously delayed by the existing ROW
problems due to copper Tele cables.

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Furthermore, the existing fences, Tele poles, EEPCO poles
within both sides of F324-1, F324-2and F322 affecting the
frontage roads not to be finished according to the schedule.

2. Ref. no. CRBC/WG/1170/11 dated May 2, 2011

As the sewage percolating from the septic tank, existing

around F0+510 was affecting the ongoing activity, CRBC
proposed to provide temporary solution so that to make
possible the demolishing of the septic tank and proceed with
the suspended works.

4. Ref. no. CRBC/WG/1144/11 dated February 21, 2011

(Contractor’s Monthly project progress report for
February, 2011)

The excavation work at K10+000 culvert K0+0000 – K0+140,

F324-1 K0+000 – K0+300,F322 K0+000 – K0+500 couldn’t
proceed due to the existing tele cable.
5. Ref. no. CRBC/WG/1150/11 dated March 18, 2011
(Contractor’s Monthly project progress report for March,

The excavation work couldn’t proceed because there was

existing tele cable in the excavation area which was not

6. Ref. no. CRBC/WG/1151/11 dated March 18, 2011

The ROW problems due to underground Fiber & Copper
Cables located in the area of the inlet of box culvert at
K10+000, has hindered the construction progress of the box
culvert and the main carriage way for more than 2 and half
months which consequently delayed the construction of the
main carriage way.

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The contractor requested the Engineer through this letter to
urge the client to make final solution and deemed the letter
to be continuation of delay claim pursuant to sub clause
42(1) of the General Condition of Contract.

The above details shows that, the delay of relocation and clearing
works has hampered the construction of the road section from
K10+080 – K10+260 RHS frontage road and main road as well as
the Deberamarkos roundabout which is currently the critical work.

The Septic tank existing around the mentioned road section has
got solution one month ago after the contractor proposed to
construct temporary manhole and diversion system to avoid the
seepage of the sewage and so as to proceed the suspended earth
work and retaining wall construction.

There are still Row problems due to the Tele cable, high tension
cable and water line within Debremarkos roundabout .These Row
problems have still affected the roundabout construction. The
construction of the roundabout and the entire project at large will
suffer further delay unless immediate solution is given regarding
these Row problems.

Even if some of the Row problems other than those not cleared
until now, were cleared or got solution lately, the operation
couldn’t go smoothly as there was very considerable suspension or
delay of works in the cleared areas due to the scarcity of the
cement supply as it is already discussed in the above section. The
delays of the works in this area are directly attributable to these
major delay causes which are very much clear to every party.
Hence, the contractor is entitled to get reasonable time extension
as the problems are beyond his control. The delay time can be
calculated as follows.

I. Section K10+080 – K10+260

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Almost the whole of the section K10+080 – K10+260 (180m)
was suspended due to the above two causes.

Length of suspended road = 180m

Total length of the road = 1060m

Total days of this dry season

(October 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011) =273 calendar days

Percent of affected road =180_*100



Excusable and compensable delay time =273days*16.98%

=46 calendar days

II. Debremarkos roundabout

The preceding activities such as the construction of the

retaining wall and the bridges at the roundabout and the
backfilling works which shall be completed prior to the
construction the pavement works were delayed due to the
Row problems and the cement shortage problems as stated
in the above sections. Hence, it can be concluded that, the
entire work of the roundabout is suspended or delayed.

The concrete retaining wall at the west side and east side of
the roundabout were introduced during this dry season
which made the scope of the work to be increased and put
forward the construction of the sub grade and drainage
system at that particular area.

On top of that, some portion of the concrete retaining wall at

west side of the roundabout (K10+080 – K010+200) is totally
suspended until now after the Engineer instructed to stop

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
the work due to the created access problem on one
residential house.

Furthermore, due to the delay of the construction of the box

culvert (due to Row problem) at K10+000 which crosses the
roundabout, the hard excavation work at east side of the
roundabout K10+300 – K10+400 was totally suspended
which consequently suspended the retaining wall and the
sub grade work as well as the drainage works. It was only
possible to start the excavation work before two months
which as result made the work to be stopped due to the
rainy season.

Summing up, the backfilling, drainage work and the

subsequent works of the whole roundabout couldn’t be
started, as the construction of the retaining walls were
delayed due to the above discussed reasons.

Thus, it can be concluded that, additional time for the

completion of the suspended retaining wall construction and
the other consecutive works shall be given for completion of
the project.

Accordingly, the additional time can be calculated as follows.

Required time for the completion of the excavation work and

construction of the retaining wall particularly K10+300 –
K10+400 = around 60 days.

Allocated time for the construction of the sub grade

(backfilling) and drainage system (refer the revised work
schedule ref no. CRBC/WG/2002/09 dated December 9,
2010) = 181 days

Required time for the subsequent works such as sub base,

base course and asphalt work = 30 days

Total required additional time =60+181+30=271days

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
As the road section K 10+080 – K10+260 can be concurrently
constructed, time extension of 271 days shall be considered under
this category.

From the above calculation of the time extension, the total days due to the
inclement weather condition, cement shortage and Row problems will become

= 271+24=295days which shall be counted as of October 1, 2011.

Since time extension of 206 days is already requested in claim no. 3, the same
number days shall be deducted from this request.

Hence, the additional time required in this request will be 295 – 206 = 89days.
Accordingly, the revised completion date of the project shall be changed from
April 24, 2012 (proposed in claim no. 3) to July 22, 2012.

In view of the above, we request the Engineer to approve the additional time
extension of 89 days while the claim for associated financial compensation
shall be submitted in future.

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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