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Proposal Defense

 Introduction
 Checking of compliance with defense requirements
 Panelists shall be introduced by the Coordinator
 The grading system shall be introduced and emphasized
 The panel shall state: “If you have any questions, you may ask. If none, you may proceed.”
 Presentation
 Panelists should give constructive criticisms to further improve the presentation of the group
 The panelists may state the Strong Points and Weak Points of the individual presentations
 Comments and revisions for documentation/presentation
 Panelists shall have no questions to be asked during this phase. All shall be only notes and reminders for
the comments stated in the documentation.
 Questions and clarifications
 Existing system
 Current state and transactions
 Clarify Step-by-step procedures
 Identified problems
 Clarify the identified difficulties according to data gathering
 Proposed solutions
 Clarify the proposed solutions according to investigations and gathered data
 Checking of available modules according to minimum requirements per system
 Confirm present modules in the proposed system (this is merely a Yes/No question)
 Deliberation with the committee
 Verdicts (System-based assessment)
 Minor Revisions (Design is Correct and Minimum System Errors)
 Major Revisions (Design is Correct but System Functions need revisions, and vice-versa)
 Re-defense (Design is incomplete; System Functions are incomplete)
 Failed (Design is inappropriate, System functions are below 30%, Pre-Made or Downloaded, or
prove that the presented system is made by someone not part of the project group)
 INC/Waiver
 Considerations
 Consolidation of Revisions and Grade Sheets
 The revisions list is the requirement for the Paneling Fee and must be presented on or before one (1) day
after the defense schedule
 Consolidated Revisions List and Grades shall be the requirement for the Coordinator (All revisions lists,
verdicts, recommendations per group, and defense grades must be submitted on or before three (3)
days after the defense schedule.

Prepared by:


CS Department Head

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