PART: 1. Questions: To Be Answered by The ASKER

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PART : 1. Questions: to be answered by the ASKER 1. Where does she work? 2. First impression about her (attitude, facial expression, tidiness, posture, social status, religious status anything relative thats worth mentioning). 3. Comment about her working place. 4. Was she being truthful, or was just making up answers? (Y/N) 5. How was she treating the interviewers? ( very nice / nice / ok / rough / too harsh) 6. How was she handling the questions? ( spontaneously / taking time / had to think a lot )

PART : 2. Questions: to be interviewed 1. Name: 2. Age: 3. Educational background: 4. About pre-marital life: a. Where did you live: (rented / owned ) house, in a ( city / town / village ), b. Parents jobs: c. No. of brothers & sisters: 5. Married life: a. Now live in: ( rented / owned ) house . if owned, owner is: (me / husband ) b. Name & Job of husband: c. No. of children: 6. Religious view: Self: ( not religious / moderate / strict ) Parents: ( not religious / moderate / strict ) In laws: ( not religious / moderate / strict ) 7. About Job: a. Post: b. How long have been in service: c. Salary range: d. Satisfaction with current job status: ( ___ on 10 ) e. Doing a job, because: 1. earning more money for the family is better 2. educated women should income her own bread 3. husbands salary is too low to adequately support the family 4. husband and / or in- laws want me to do job


5. there is nothing else to do. Its just a time pass. 6. it proves the significance of the life f. views related to the job: 1. Personal view: 2. Husbands view: 3. Parents view: 4. In-laws view: g. any particular hindrance faced during this job : 8. Family expenditure: a. monthly in tk : b. percentage from her income : c. percentage from husbands income : d. personal expenditure : 9. Decisions: a. Who takes family decisions: you / husband / both / else b. Who helps in taking personal decisions? 10. Effect of job on family: a. on children b. on husband c. are you satisfied with your performance on family ? d. did your job somehow positively affect your marriage? 10. If a genie comes out of an old lamp and provides you with 3 wishes, what will you want? 11. Now, another genie comes out, who will accept some conditional and limited choices. a. Choose a gender: male/ female b. Choose a carrier (dream job): c. Choose some characteristics to be added to your character: d. Choose some characteristics to be deleted from your character: e. Choose some characteristics of your husband: f. How many children? Boy/ Girl / Combination

11. In your carrier, where do you want to see yourself within next 5 years? How are you preparing yourself for that? 12. Define yourself with some positive & negative points:

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