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AP HUG Unit III Study Guide

Exam Format:
● 21 pts FRQ (Tuesday)
● 21 pts MC (Monday

What to Study:
● Study Guide
● Reading Guides and Notes
● Quizlet
● Blue Book: 91-129
● Review Videos

Concepts that we NEED to understand:

● Culture

Practices and manifestation sof human intelecutal

● Cultural Traits

An element of culture

● Cultural Complex

A group of cultural traits

● Culture Hearth

The area where the culture is most like the original and where the culture origninated

● Taboos

An idea or trait that is frowned upon or banned in a culture

● Folk Culture

Culture that is isolated homogenous groups in rural areas that stay in the area and don’t

spread very much unless form relocation diffusion

● Culture Regions

Regions where a culture is dominant

● Cultural Landscapes

The visible imprint of human culture

● Ethnic Enclaves

The grouping or cluster of a minority in one area ex china town

● Culture Realms

Region where culture is homogenous

● Globalization

The increased interaction of people all over the world

● Popular Culture

A culture that is rapidly diffused through mass mediaand is aimed at young people

● How Globalization Hurts Folk Culture

Globalization makes it harder for folk culture to remain homogeneous due to the fact

that globalization makes other cultures diffuse very rapidly, while folk culture has little to

no diffusion

● Relocation Diffusion

When people take their idea with them

● Contagious Diffusion

The rapid and widespread spread of something through people

● Hierarchical Diffusion (and reverse)

The spread of people from a higher social class to people of lower or opposite

● Stimulus Diffusion
Spread of an idea that only some traits are adopted and the rest is replaced to traits

suited to the area

● Acculturation vs Assimilation

Accultaration is adopting beliefs form the dominant group, while assimilation is where

the beliefs of the arriving group become the same as the receving

● Multiculturalism

The idea of tolerating multiple cultures, where each should be valued and worthy of


● Nativism

The preference toward native-born instead of foreign born

● What limits spread of Pop Culture?

Folk culturist that actively resist the spread of pop culture

● How does pop culture spread?

Through mass media

● Pop Culture and Environment

pop culture does not have very much folk influences

● Differences in Folk vs Popular: Clothing, food, housing

Folk traits are very dependant on the area where they are based due to folk culture

being concentrated in one area, while pop culture is universal and can be adopted

regardless of area

● Leisure Activities

● Role of Internet in Pop Culture

Spread a lot

● Role of Television in Pop Culture

● Spread the most

● Linguists

● Language tree

The way to sort different languages based on their origigin

● Two Biggest Language Families

Indo european and Indo- Tibetan

● Isoglosses

regions separated by linguistic differences

● Dialects

Variances within languages like spelling or alternate words

● Lingua Franca

The universal language learned by many in trade

● Diffusion of Language


● Pidgin Language

Adoption of a lingua franca with modified or simplified grammar.

● Creolization of Language

When a pidgin language becomes widepsread

● Families, Branches, Groups

● Biggest Language on Earth

● Most Widely Used Language on Earth

English was brough with indo-european warriors as they conquered and eventually went

to england

● How English was Created

From different tribes that invaded england and the mixture of the langfuges they spoke

● Nomadic Warrior Hypotheses

● English was brough with indo-european warriors as they conquered and eventually went

to england

● Sedentary Farmer Hypothesis

English was slowly brough with indo-european farmers

● Extinct Languages

Languages that are nnot spoken by anyone

● Ethnicity vs Nationality

Nationality is ones commitment to nation, while ethnicity is is belonging to a culture,

cultural boundaries are distinc and unique from national borders.

● Fundamentalism

Bieng committed to more literal interpretation of religion and live more closely to how

people lived during and at the origin of the religion. Are more strict
● Theocracy

A governemnt ruled by religious leaders

● Globally where certain religions dominate

Chrisitanity is dominant throughout the americas and most of europe and oceana while

islam is dominant in northern africa and the middle east. Hindu is dominant in idea and

buddhism is common in china

● Nationally (USA) where certain religions dominate

USA is mostly protestant, while catholicism is common in the west and mormonism is

dominant near Utah

● Neolocalism

The idea of promoting and retaining values of a community

● Polytheistic vs monotheistic

● many gods- one god

● Caste System

yu are born into your social class

● Ethnic vs Universal Religion Differences and Examples

Ethnic religion does not require the conversion of people, while universal does. Universal

also applies to every person regardless of background unlike ethnic

● Animism

The worship of spirits

● Branch, Denomination, Sect

● Three Branches of Christianity




● Sunni vs Shiite

Shiite requires leaders to be decsendenats form mohammed, while sunni is where

leader is strong faith in qurran

● Syncretism

The mixture of two religions into one cohesive one

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