Davis Tyndall Module 5 27450 1203211852

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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Basic Math Skills Applied to Multi-digit Numbers

Students will be able to demonstrate how to add and subtract multi-digit numbers using paper and

Students will be able to calculate multi-digit multiplication and division without using a calculator.

State Standards:
• 4.NSBT.4 Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using strategies to
include a standard algorithm.
• 4.NSBT.5 Multiply up to a four-digit number by a one-digit number and multiply a
two-digit number by a two-digit number using strategies based on place value and
the properties of operations.
• 4.NSBT.6 Divide up to a four-digit dividend by a one-digit divisor using strategies
based on
place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between
multiplication and division

Students have been applying these skills in earlier math classes for years now. This lesson is
being taught to practice them on bigger numbers and without using a calculator so they can fully
understand how they work. After this lesson we will be using the same skills and show them how
they relate to real world situations.
The students will be put in groups based on the last quiz. The three groups will be a lower
group, a middle group, and a higher achieving group. This will help deciding which group I need
to spend more time with. The data will be based off the last quiz where the students practiced
their skills with adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing multi digit numbers. This is based
off SC state standard, 4. NSBT.4, 5, and 6. In this lesson data will be collected from Poll
Everywhere. Questions will be posted, and students will answer them at the end of class. I will
use the data for grouping purposes for the next class session.

Part of Lesson Materials

Smartboard, notebook, and pencil.

Introduction www.polleverywhere.com

Smartboard, paper, and pencil.

Teacher Directed www.polleverywhere.com

Paper, pencil, and ipad.

Collaborative www.docs.google.com

Phone or ipad, pencil and paper.

Independent Digital www.googleforms.com

Iphone or ipad, pencil and paper.

Closure www.polleverywhere.com

Introduction (20 minutes):
Students will enter the class and have all their materials out for the beginning of class. I will
post two math problems on the board. Take out your notebook and please start working on
them quietly and be ready to answer them. When you are finished sit and wait for further
instructions. After every student has completed the warmup we will move into a short lecture
that will teach the students new and review material. The information discussed in the lecture
will be practiced through various activities later in the class. At the end of class each student
will have applied it in three different ways.
Teacher Directed (15 minutes):
During this segment of the class the students will separate into teams of 4-5. You will then be
tasked to apply your skills as a group. You will work together to answer each question that I put
up on the board. This will be an accuracy test, but you will have 1 minute for every question.
After each group answers we will discuss how we got to the answer so I can make you fully
understand the content. The discussion will ensure that no group is left behind and completely
gets the lesson being taught.

Collaborative (15 minutes):

In this activity there will be cardboard cutouts of numbers and questions. You will also be
separated into groups for these sections of class. Each group will be responsible for matching
each cutout answer to the correct cutout question.
When you are finished, there will be an iPad at the table where you can check to see if your
answers are correct. This activity allows the students to work as a team and match tangible
labels to the corresponding questions.

Independent Digital (15 minutes):

In this section students will use their technology device and go to www.googlefroms.com. This
is an independent assignment, and no talking will be allowed during this part of class. This will
test the students to see how they do when they are left alone to answer the questions. There
will be problems posted to this website for you to answer. Each question will be worth a
different number of points so do your best.

Closure (20 minutes):

In this time students will go back to their desk, and we will have a discussion for any questions
they may have during today’s lesson. Homework will also be discussed during this time.This will
be a final discussion for the day and any questions that may have come up through the day can
be finalized. I will also be leaving an anonymous bucket on my desk. This bucket is for shy
students that do not feel comfortable talking in the class setting yet. Anyone is free to drop a
question in the bucket that will be answered at the beginning of class the next day. Then they
will take out their technology device. They will go to www.polleverywhere.com and answer the
exit ticket questions before being dismissed from class. The exit ticket is a way to quiz the
students one more time before they head home for the day.
Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is an online service that allows teachers to ask their students questions using
technology and the internet. It supports the standards and objectives by testing each student
whether it’s a group or individual activity. They can apply for the lesson and get immediate
results back. This is a high-quality website based on several reviews and recommendations. It is
free to use, which makes it a cost-effective option.

Google Docs and Forms

Google applications are a great way to let the students interact using the lectures taught in class.
Google has many apps like docs and forms that allow each student to practice problems and get
results back immediately. I especially like the usage of google in a classroom because it is easy
to use and free. You can access these apps from any device that can gain an internet connection.

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