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Road and Bridge Information System (RBIS)

Enhancements Project


Version 1.0

April 1, 2022

Prepared By

Pointwest Technologies Corporation

12th Floor, Citibank Center
8741 Paseo de Roxas, Makati City, Philippines, 1226
Phone +632 8141100; Fax +632 8485870
Revision History
Name Date Description Version

Carlo Ignacio Crafted the initial draft of the user manual 1.0

Table of Contents

Introduction 4
Document Purpose 4
System Overview 4
Objectives 5

Definition of Terms 6

User Account Roles and Responsibilities 8

LGU Overview 9

Supervisor’s Manual 9
Getting Started 9
How to Access the RBIS 10
Navigation 11
Dashboard 13
Roads Review 18
Road Inventory Module 23
Road Maps Section 30
Timeline 33
Notifications 35
Reports Generation 36
User Management 39


Document Purpose
This document is designed to aid the users of the Roads and Bridges Information System
(RBIS) in navigating and using the features found in every page of the application. This
document is intended to support RBIS Encoder, Supervisor, and Viewer users in their use of
the system.

System Overview

The Road and Bridge Information System is a web-based system that stores the
information of the local roads and bridges of the country. It is managed by the
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) through the Office of Project
Development Services – Special Local Roads Fund (OPDS-SLRF) and the
Information Systems and Technology Management Services (ISTMS).

The development of the system is coupled with the development of the Local Roads
and Bridge Inventory and Condition Survey (LRBICS) Manual to provide users with
information on what information to collect, the tools to be used, and how to collect it to
ensure the reliability of data to be stored in the RBIS.

The RBIS system is intended to support DILG in providing information for policy
formulation, budget allocation, monitoring, and reporting. It also aims to support the
Local Government Units (LGUs) in road planning and priority setting for road
improvements and maintenance.

Features of the RBIS

The following are the features of the system:
1. Storage of Road Inventory Data
a. Main Road Records
b. Bridge Data
c. KM Post Data
d. Carriageway Data
e. Traffic Data
f. Road Features Data
i. Drainage - Causeways, Cross Drainage, Side Drainage, Spillways

ii. Side Features - Shoulders, Side Slopes, Structures, Sidewalks
iii. Safety Features - Guardrails, Hazards, Lightings, Markings, Signs
iv. Other Features - Side Friction, Place Names, Junctions, Median
2. Maps of Road, Bridge, and Feature Location
3. Local Road Network Maps
4. Dashboards
a. Road Inventory
b. Road Validation Status
5. User Taskboard for Encoders and Supervisors
a. Road Validation
b. Return for Revision
c. Road Record Rejection
d. Road Update Validation
e. Request for Road Deletion
f. Acknowledgement of Review Results
6. Reports Generation
a. Road Inventory Reports
b. Road Section Profile Reports
7. User Management
8. Timeline
9. PSGC Batch Upload

Definition of Terms

Term Definition

API Application Programming Interface. A set of methods of communication

among various components of the computer program (Wikipedia).

Area of Jurisdiction Refers to the LGU and the road classification where the user is assigned, ie.
an Encoder from the Province of Quezon means that he/she can update
provincial roads in the province of Quezon whereas an Encoder from the
Municipality of Lucban, Quezon means that he/she can update municipal and
barangay roads in the municipality of Lucban in the province of Quezon

CMGP Conditional Matching Grant to Provinces for Road Repair, Rehabilitation, and
Improvement. A local government support program by DILG and DBM to
provide funding for provincial LGUs to improve the quality of roads within
their scope.

Dashboard The home page of RBIS. The page that all users see after logging in. Shows
statistics and based on the user’s access (role and area of jurisdiction).

DILG Department of Interior and Local Government is the executive department of

the Philippine government responsible for promoting peace and order,
ensuring public safety and strengthening local government capability aimed
towards the effective delivery of basic services to the citizenry.1

LGU Local Government Unit. Locally autonomous territorial and political

subdivisions of the State containing self-reliant communities and tasked with
supporting the National Government in the attainment of national goals
(R.A.7160, sec. 2).

Multi-tenant A method of implementation wherein multiple tenants will be using only one
Implementation instance of the RBIS application. Each tenant will have all modules available
of the RBIS to utilize, but the data access will be restricted to those relevant
to him. Tenants will not have access to data from other tenants.

OPDS Office of Project Development Services. One of the four bureaus under DILG
that has the program to improve the existing RBIS used by the different LGUs.

PSGC PSA regularly updates the Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC) with
regards to the changes/adjustments to political boundaries and/or
administrative divisions such as the abolishment of Negros Island Region
(NIR) and establishment of BARMM.‐standard‐geographical-code-psgc

RBIS Road and Bridge Information System. An inventory system that stores road
and bridges features, side features, and other features.

Road Map A road map is a visual representation of the geographic location of the road
and its information and features. Road Maps are uploaded into the system
through shapefiles and are made visible to the RBIS users.

Road Network A Road Network is the simultaneous visual representation of the different
roads within a certain geographical area. The Road Network is used to
visualize the interconnectivity of the roads, allowing the viewer to gain
insights on how individual roads can affect neighboring roads

SDGs Sustainable Development Goals. A group of development objectives set by

the United Nations to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all
people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Shapefile A data format for the geographic information system (GIS) software. The
shapefile format can describe vector features such as points, lines, and
polygons representing the roads, segments, and other features. Each of the
items contain attributes describing the entity represented.

Soft-delete A method of deletion that removes the data from the front-end application,


but continues to store the information in the database archives. System users
will no longer be able to access soft-deleted data.

Task Used to monitor individual assignments and/or control the service flow.

TOR Terms of Reference. The document produced at the beginning of the project
to identify the requirements for RBIS development.

UNDP United Nations Development Programme. Through their partnership with

DILG, under the Conditional Matching Grant to Provinces (CMGP) Program of
the DILG, UNDP is able to help DILG improve the RBIS.

User Account Roles and Responsibilities

1. Encoder User
An Encoder User is an LGU-based user that can create, edit, and view road data
pertaining to their assigned LGU only. Encoder Users can be assigned at the Provincial,
City, and Municipal levels.
2. Supervisor User
A Supervisor User is an LGU-based user that can view road data pertaining to their
assigned LGU only. Supervisor Users are also in charge of reviewing roads that are
newly created or edited by Encoder Users assigned to their jurisdiction. Changes to road
data that have been initiated by Encoder Users can only be finalized with the Supervisor
User’s approval. Supervisor Users can be assigned at the Provincial, City, and Municipal
3. LGU-based Viewer User
An LGU-based Viewer User can view road data pertaining to their assigned LGU only.
They will not be able to initiate changes to the road data, and they do not receive tasks
from the system. LGU-Based Viewer Users can be assigned at the Provincial, City, and
Municipal levels.
4. LGU-based Administrator User
An LGU-based Administrator User is in charge of User Management activities for user
accounts assigned to their respective LGU jurisdictions only. While they can make
changes in the access of user accounts, they can not make changes to the actual road
data existing in the system. LGU-Based Administrator Users can be assigned at the
Provincial, City, and Municipal levels.
5. Regional Viewer User

Regional Viewer Users can view road data pertaining to all LGUs that exist in their
assigned region. Like LGU-based Viewer Users, they cannot make any changes to the
road data.
6. Super Administrator User
Super Administrator Users can view all road data existing in the system. They are also in
charge of User Management activities for all user accounts in the system, regardless of
the LGU that these accounts are assigned to. Superadmins are also in charge of
maintaining the PSGC codes in the system through the batch upload module.

LGU Overview
The hierarchy of LGUs in the system are patterned based on the Philippine Standard
Geographic Code (PSGC) values assigned to each of the geographical locations. Explained
below are the hierarchical levels and relationships that these locations follow in the system.

Regional Level
At the highest level, the roads and government units are divided into the 17 regions of the
Philippines. The regions take up the first two digits of the PSGC codes. Only Viewer users can
be assigned to entire regions.

Provincial Level
Each region is further subdivided into the different provinces that are contained within them.
Province classification typically takes up the third and fourth digits of the PSGC codes. The only
notable exception to this is the National Capital Region, where this level of classification is
expressed by the four districts of the region. All user roles can be assigned at the Provincial or
District level

City/Municipality Level
Each province is then further subdivided into different cities or municipalities. City/Municipality
classifications typically takes up the fifth and sixth digits of the PSGC codes. The only notable
exception to this is the National Capital Region’s First District. This is because NCR’s First
District already only corresponds to one city, the City of Manila. Thus, this level of classification
can be seen in the Submunicipalities under the City of Manila such as Tondo, Binondo, etc. All
user roles can be assigned at the City/Municipality level.

Supervisor’s Manual
This section will show and explain the features available to the Supervisor user of the RBIS.

A Supervisor user pertains to the system users assigned to review changes to the data
pertaining to roads and bridges submitted by encoders from their assigned Local
Government Unit.

Getting Started
You may access the RBIS through the URLs shown below.
Website URL

URLs to access the RBIS

The browsers recommended to access the application are also listed below.
Browser Version

Chrome 73.0.3683.86 of Google Chrome at the minimum

How to Access the RBIS

1. Open a window of a supported web browser.
2. Go to the URL of the RBIS.
3. The sign-in page of the RBIS shall display.

4. Click on the Sign In with Google button.
5. Sign in to your Google account.
6. The dashboard page of the RBIS shall display.

The immediate page displayed to the supervisor user in the RBIS consisting of the following

The Header. This item is located at the top part of the page. Through the Header, the user
will be able to access any notifications received. On the right most side of the header, the
user will be able to see their name and user role and a dropdown containing a link to their
profile information. The Log-out button is also contained in this dropdown. Please refer to
the image below.

Figure 2.1. Header

The header shall be present in most, if not all, of the pages of the RBIS.

The Sidebar. The sidebar exists as the main navigation tool of the RBIS. Located in the
sidebar are links to the different features of the RBIS. Selecting any of these features will
redirect the user to the screen pertaining to the selected feature. Please refer to the image

Figure 2.2. Sidebar

The sidebar shall be present in most, if not all, of the pages of the RBIS.

The body. This is the section that will contain the main functions of the RBIS. Notice how
the body changes whenever you navigate to different pages of the RBIS.

The next sections shall tackle the features of the RBIS. All features are grouped into their
specific modules.


The Dashboards serve as the homepage of the Road and Bridge Information System. The
dashboards are designed to provide the user with an overview of the road data content existing
in the database. The two dashboards incorporated in the RBIS are the following:
● Road Inventory Dashboard
● Road Validation Status Dashboard
Upon Log-in, the system will display the Road Inventory Dashboard.

The data on the Dashboard will be dependent on the user account type. For example, an
LGU-based user will only be able to see data on the dashboard pertaining to their assigned

Road Inventory Dashboard

Figure 2.3. Road Inventory Dashboard (Top Half)

Figure 2.4. Road Inventory Dashboard (Bottom Half)

The Road Inventory Dashboard shows the total numbers of the Road and Bridge data of the
user’s area of jurisdiction in the system by analytical representation in the form of charts and
metrics. The following information can be found in this dashboard:
● No. of Roads
● Total Road Length (in km)
● No. of Bridges
● Total Bridge Length (in m)
● Road Importance Breakdown: Comparison of Core and Non-Core Roads (in km)
● Surface Type Breakdown: Paved and Unpaved Comparison, Concrete, Asphalt, Gravel,
Earth (in km)
● Surface Condition Breakdown: Good, Fair, Poor, Bad (in km)

Road Validation Status Dashboard

Figure 2.5. Road Validation Status Dashboard

The Road Validation Status Dashboard shows the division of the total road length in the user’s
jurisdiction into parts depicting the total length of roads with each validation status. The
validation statuses shown in the chart are as follows:
● Validated
● For Review
● Returned for Revision
● In Progress


Figure 2.6. Taskboard

Figure 2.7. Main Road Review Task

The system provides a taskboard for the users to view and accomplish all of the tasks assigned
to them pertaining to the road data. In order to access the taskboard, the user must select the
“Taskboard'' option on the system’s left-hand sidebar.

The taskboard shows a list of tasks that require the user’s attention. For each task, the user will
be able to see the following information:
● Name of Road
● Date of task creation
● Task age (in calendar days)
● Record Status
● Other Road Information or Road Features of the road that may require attention
● Review Now button

Upon selecting the Review Now button, the user will be able to perform the task assigned to

Supervisor users will be able to perform the following activities through the taskboard:
● Review of Road Record Creation, Road Record Update (includes the creation and
update of Road Other Information and Road Features)
● Review of Requests for Road Record Deletion

Figure 2.8. Road Update Review Task (Multiple Features)

Roads Review
The core responsibilities of Supervisor users in the RBIS involve the review of submitted new
road records, updated road records, and requests for record deletion. To conduct these
activities, the Supervisor must select the Review task from their Taskboard.

Upon selecting the task, the screen will display a pop-up window containing the data from the
record that needs to be reviewed. For review tasks on updates of existing records, the system
will highlight the newly added or updated information for the convenience of the supervisor. At
the end of the pop-up, the system will allow the supervisor to select the status of the record
upon completion of the review. The possible options for the post-review status are as follows:
● Validated
● Returned for Revision
● Rejected
The supervisor will also leave remarks on the task for viewing of the encoder who submitted the
created or updated record. This is especially important for records that have been Returned for
Revision or Rejected, as these will likely require the encoder to understand the context of these
statuses. For records that are Returned for Revision, the remarks can be a way for the encoder
to understand what exactly they need to revise, and provide them with a checklist for them to
ensure that they cover all revisions.

Figure 2.9. Road Review Pop-up - Fields

Figure 2.10. Road Review Pop-up - Remarks and Status

Review Tasks that contain multiple Road Features/Road Other Information records will include a
navigation at the bottom of the review pop-up window.

Figure 2.11. Road Review Pop-up - Multirecord Navigation (Bottom Right shows Next Form Button)

This will allow users to navigate through all the records in the task.

After all records in the task have been navigated through, the pop-up will present the user with a
Review Summary display highlighting the statuses chosen for each user. This will allow the
supervisor to confirm if the statuses that they have provided are correct before they accomplish
the review task by selecting the Submit All Forms button.

Figure 2.12. Review Summary Display (Pop-up)

For records that have been requested for deletion by encoders, the supervisor will be able to
view the information that these records contain, and then identify the final decision of whether
this request for deletion will be accepted or rejected. The supervisor will also be able to provide
remarks to support this decision.

Figure 2.13. Request for Deletion Review Task

The review pop-up for requests for deletion will be similar to the review for created road records.
The main difference for these tasks are the statuses that the reviewer can assign to these tasks.
At the end of their review, they can identify through the statuses if the deletion of the record
should be approved or rejected.

Figure 2.14. Request for Deletion Review Task

Road Inventory Module

The system has a Road Inventory module to manage the road inventory data. The module will
allow the Supervisor User to search and View certain Road information. It is also through this
module that Encoder Users make changes or additions to the records, that will then trigger the
generation of review tasks for Supervisor users.

Figure 2.15. Road and Feature Management Screen

1. Road Inventory List

2. Search List of Roads
3. Filter List of Roads
4. View Road Record

1. Road Inventory List

Consist of all the road data in the system filtered according to the user’s access rights
based on role and LGU assignments. The road inventory list is displayed in a tabular
form with the following columns:
● Road ID
● Road Name
● Road Classification
● Length (km)
● Status
● Last Updated

● Segments
● View Button

The Road Inventory List can be sorted based on the following list columns:
● Road ID;
● Road Name;
● Road Classification;
● Length (km); and
● [Validation] Status

2. Search Road
This button lets the user to search a specific road data by typing the “Road Name” or
“Road ID” in the search bar. The user must select the “Search” button or press the enter
key in order for the search to take effect.

The search functionality can not be used at the same time as the road list filters.

3. Filter List of Roads

The system also allows the user to filter the list of roads based on their Validation Status
or Classification. All the options for the Validation Status filter (Draft, For Review,
Validated, In Progress). The options available for the Road Classification filter are
dependent on the user’s access roles and assigned locations.
● Super Administrators and Regional Viewers can select all Road Classifications in
their filter (Provincial, Municipality, City, Barangay).
● City users can select the Road Classifications of City and Barangay in their filter.
● Municipal users can select the Road Classifications of Municipality and Barangay
in their filter.
● Provincial users can not filter by Road Classification as only Provincial roads are
available for them in the Road Management module.

Figure 2.16. Road Management Search and Filters

The road list filters can not be used at the same time as the search functionality.

4. View Road Record

The Road Inventory List contains one action button for each row labeled as “View”.
Clicking this button will lead the user to a page that display all of the road data and

Upon selecting the “View” button, the system displays all of the road data and attributes
pertaining to the main road record. On the right-hand side of the screen, the user can
find a visual representation of the road record’s road map. The user can also find the
shapefile uploaded for the road record.

Scrolling down, we can find additional panels that contain more information pertaining to
the road record.

● Remarks Panel
The Remarks Panel contains the Remarks that have been attached to the Road
record from its initial creation, and through the review and approval activities that
it has passed through. Immediately by viewing the panel, the user will be able to
see the road’s Validation Status when the remark was left, the Date and Time
when the remark was left, and the name of the user who left the remark.

Figure 2.17. Road Record Remarks

The contents of the remarks can be viewed by clicking on the row containing the
desired remark.

● Other Road Information Panel

The Other Road Information Panel contains all of the records attached to the
Main Road Record that fall under the Other Road Information group of records.
These include the following record types:
○ Bridges
○ Carriageways
○ KM Post

○ Traffic

Figure 2.18. Road Other Information Table

The Other Road Information records are grouped according to their specific types
on the panel’s table display. Selecting the “View All” button allows the user to
expand the display to show all of the records of that specific type.

There is a dropdown on the upper right of the panel that will allow the user to
filter the display to only show Other Road Information Records of a specific type.

Selecting any of the View button for any of these records, or the View All button
for any record type, will redirect the user to a screen that displays the data
pertaining to the selected record type. If a specific Road Other Information
Record is selected, the data for that specific record will be displayed expanded,
while the data for other records of the same type will be accessible but collapsed
on the initial load of the screen.

Figure 2.19. Other Road Information

Supervisor users can not edit any of the fields on this page. They will appear as
input fields but will remained locked for all non-encoder users.

● Road Features Panel

The Road Features Panel contains all of the records attached to the Main Road
Record that fall under the Road Features group of records. These include the
following record types:
○ Drainage
■ Causeways
■ Cross Drainage
■ Lateral Drainage
■ Spillways
○ Side Features
■ Shoulders
■ Side Slopes
■ Structures
■ Sidewalks

○ Safety Features
■ Guardrails
■ Hazards
■ Lightings
■ Markings
■ Signs
○ Other Features
■ Side Frictions
■ Place Names
■ Junctions
■ Median

Figure 2.20. Road Features Table

The Road Features records are grouped according to their specific feature
groups on the panel’s table display. Within these feature groups, they are
grouped further according to their specific feature types. Selecting the “View All”
button allows the user to expand the display to show all of the records of that
specific type.

There is a dropdown on the upper right of the panel that will allow the user to
filter the display to only show Road Feature Records of a specific type.

Selecting any of the View button for any of these records, or the View All button
for any record type, will redirect the user to a screen that displays the data
pertaining to the selected record type. If a specific Road Feature Record is
selected, the data for that specific record will be displayed expanded, while the
data for other records of the same type will be accessible but collapsed on the
initial load of the screen.

Supervisor users can not edit any of the fields on this page. They will appear as
input fields but will remained locked for all non-encoder users.

Figure 2.21. Road Features View

Road Maps Section
The system has a Map Data module which allows the user to view the map information of a
particular road. Editing of maps can be done using any GIS software that the user prefers
(ArcGIS, QGIS, Google Earth, etc) so long as the information is stored in KML/KMZ format
before uploading to RBIS. The process of uploading and downloading the shapefiles was
covered in the previous Road Management section.

The Road Maps visible in this section are filtered according to the user’s area of jurisdiction, as
well as the road classifications that are accessible based on their user role.

Figure 2.22. Road Maps Search

The Road Map module also has a Search bar that can be used to help the user find a specific
road map that they want to view.

Selecting the View button of any of the Road Maps on the list will redirect the user to the Road
Map screen for the selected Road Map.

Figure 2.23. Main Road Map View

On the left-hand side of the Road Maps screen, there is a panel labeled as “Road Map
Segment”. This panel can be used to navigate through the records available for the user’s
viewing, and selecting the specific record that the user wishes to view by clicking the
appropriate record. The user can select to view a specific road, a specific Other Information* or
Road Feature Type, or a specific Other Information or Road Feature record.

*Please note that Traffic records are not included in the Road Maps module

The map is displayed on the right side of the screen as indicated in the image above.

This shows the visual representation of the map selected on the screen’s left-side panel. The
records are expressed as either red lines or single points on the map, except for Carriageways.
Carriageway records are color-coded based on their Surface Type data. The color coding is as
● Concrete Roads - Yellow-orange
● Asphalt Roads - Gray
● Gravel Roads - Cyan
● Earth Roads - Mustard

Figure 2.24. Carriageway Map View

The Road Map module can also be used to display the Road Network of a specified LGU or
Region. This can be done by clicking on the checkbox corresponding to the desired LGU. The
roads displayed in the Road Network View are color coded based on their Road Classification.
The color coding is as follows:
● City Roads - Yellow
● Municipality Roads - Green
● Provincial Roads - Blue
● Barangay Roads - Red

Figure 2.25. Road Network View

When a checkbox corresponding to an LGU is selected, the screen will display the Road
Network of that particular LGU, showing all of the roads within the LGU color coded according to
their Road Classification.

Although roads of all classifications within the LGU will be visible on the Road Network view, the
information and individual maps pertaining to roads with classifications outside of the user’s role
jurisdiction will not be accessible. For example, Provincial users will not be able to view the road
maps of City roads within their province of jurisdiction.

To access the Timeline, the user must select the “Timeline” option on the RBIS sidebar.
Selecting this will display the Timeline screen as shown below:

Figure 2.26. Timeline View

Located on the Timeline screen are the logs for all Road Management activities performed by
the user, as well as other encoder and supervisor users from their assigned specific area of

The logs located on this screen are color coded depending on the kind of activity that was
performed. The color coding used is as follows:
● Created Record - Cyan
● Updated Record - Green
● Status Change - Orange
● Acknowledgement - Yellow
● For Deletion - Red

Each log contains a short summarized description of the activity performed, indicating key
information regarding the activity such as the activity performed, the user who performed the
activity, the date and time the activity was performed, and any records that were involved in the
activity. Some activity logs offer a “See more” button, allowing a more detailed look at the data
modified as a result of the activity.

The system also offers different ways for the user to filter the display to view a specific range of
activity logs. On the right hand side, the user can apply filters based on the following activity
● Date
● User (e-mail)

Please note that selecting a date range filter that is too long (ex. More than one year) may
cause the system to slow down significantly. To prevent any possible issues, please limit your
date ranges to less than one year long.


Users receive notifications alerting them to tasks that require their attention. Notifications
received can be viewed on the bell icon beside the user’s name and position on the upper right
part of the screen.

Figure 2.27. Notifications

Notifications are received upon the creation of tasks for the user, or upon validation of records
submitted by the user. Each notification contains a brief description of the task that must be
done, and ends by reminding the user to access the taskboard to view tasks that require their
attention, or to access the Road Management module to view records that are newly validated.

Upon receiving a new notification, the bell icon will be marked with a red circle indicating that
there are new received notifications that the user must view.

All notifications received by the user are divided into two lists: New and Previous. When a
notification is newly generated by the system, it will be found on the New list, marked with a blue
circle, and will remain there until the user is able to view the notification. Once viewed, the
notification will be transferred to the Previous list, where it will remain until one week has passed
since it was initially read by the user.

Reports Generation

Figure 2.28. Reports Generation Screen

The RBIS system provides two printable reports for users. To access these reports, the user
must navigate to the Reports page by selecting the “Reports” option on the RBIS sidebar.

The Reports page offers two kinds of reports that the user can generate. These are the Roads
Inventory Report and the Road Section Profile Report. Each report requires the user to fill in a
set of filters. For supervisor users, the Location filters cannot be modified as these are limited to
only their assigned LGU. The Road Classification filter for the Roads Inventory Report is also
limited to the road classification that is assigned to the user. For example, only the Provincial
option will be available to Provincial Supervisors.

Note: For City and Municipality users, both City and Municipality will be available for the Road
Classification filter. However, in the system, both City and Municipality options will be available
for both users due to how these roles were structured. In practice, however, these users should
only be able to generate reports for their assigned respective road classifications, as choosing
the other option would yield no data in the report.

For the Road Section Profile Report, the user will need to select the specific road record that will
be the subject of the report. The options will be limited by the locations and road classifications
that have already been applied.

Please refer to the images below for samples of the actual reports.

Figure 2.29. Road Inventory Report Sample

The Road Inventory Report contains the following data as columns:

● Road ID
● Road Name
● Class [Road Classification]
● Length (km)
● Asphalt (km)
● Gravel (km)
● Earth (km)
● Concrete (km)
● Road Importance
● Terrain Type
● Length of Culverts (m)
● Number of Bridges
● Length of Bridges (m)
● Good Condition (km)
● Fair Condition (km)
● Poor Condition (km)
● Bad Condition (km)

The Roads Inventory Report also contains the following information regarding the road itself:
● Region of Generated Report
● Province of Generated Report
● City/Municipality of Generated Report
● Road Classification of Generated Report

● Date and Timestamp of Report Generation

Figure 2.30. Road Section Profile Report Sample

The Road Section Profile Report contains the following data regarding the road record:
● Date and Timestamp of Report Generation
● Road Name
● Road ID
● Status
● Region
● Province
● City/Municipality
● Road Classification

● Road Importance
● Road Length (in km)
● No. of Segments
● No. of Bridges
● Concrete (in km)
● Asphalt (in km)
● Gravel (in km)
● Earth (in km)
● Good (in km)
● Fair (in km)
● Poor (in km)
● Bad (in km)
● Road Map Display

User Management
Each user of the RBIS system has their own profile page, where they will be able to input their
information for the reference of system administrators. In order to modify the information for their
profiles, users must access this page is to select the My Profile option in the User Management
dropdown menu on the application sidebar.

Figure 2.31. My Profile Navigation

The My Profile screen contains information regarding the user. The following fields can be
entered and edited by the user:
● Position
● Department
● Primary Mobile No.
● Secondary Mobile No.
● Primary Landline No.
● Secondary Landline No.

Figure 2.32. My Profile

The following information is also present, but cannot be edited:

● Name
● Area of Jurisdiction

Once the Submit button is selected, the system will save the changes to the user’s profile
information. The user can also choose to Cancel the changes that were made.


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