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Unnoto Nagar, Unnoto Samaj @ Pothole Free Agartala s\ © Uporedaton and regur maintenance oth enlatng road, dors, land octane na concerted efoto beat he cy © Free Pubite WF Feelin of ee high-speed publ Wi connectly in & malo hotspots across the cy © Clean and Accessible Bio-Tolats Insaltion o 2 Smart Bio-Tlt in avery ward along wih printing hyo Cleaniness and satay fr women in existing publ oes Giwia Infrastructure X _/ Upgradation of 9 municipal markets and 7 parks italic amenities ining fee © Upkoop of Markets and Parks hyarantsysiom, underground cabling, oles, desing ater facies, ATM facies, and sla panels © Honouring the Departed Upotadation ofthe Bata Bung Ghat wih 4 let tumaces and an AC ang room wih an ivesiment of €10 crores Nischit Surokha, Nischinta Amra © Zero Dark Spots in Agartala Instalion of soot Sghs in every 300 meters and high mast hts in 30 major Chowmuhanis © across the ey © 100% CCTV camera Coverage Insta of 700 aestional CCTV camoras in phases across the ct fo orhance securly an stot of al esdonts © 247 Mobile Vans or civic Patrolling 5 dociatod mobile van o atthe entre cy and txpond ona raltime basis to any eve teutesof the residents a, © Sate and Secure Women’s Transport Launch o 250 ‘Prk Autos Tai’ operate and avaled by woman exclusively 50% ofthe ost or purchasing such auzostans tobe covered by the ANC. More autosaxs wl be added ote et | In phasosbasod on publ sponse ) r Porichonno Agartala, Nirmal Tripura ie essteenr a sereees eee ert Upgaten of eraage taste Drigh De aplacamen oe xt cat on forage poe PVC pps and toon o 3 soner ng maces eke Nol acai ie Waste Modernization ot Wate Managent Sytem scearverrt_ | © Sostiiwene sepeguion ar pg ecfepen es halon an eal the Deven {_wemegamearnt |” Sree faite Rc San Jono Obhiijog Nispotti r >) © Chizens’ Convenience Centre [technology enabled Czons’ Convelance Cente to be estabshed in every fve wards to provide platform fr improved residntpartzpaton, engagement and expedtod redrestalo esd muna! issues © Htto Mayor Govemrance ‘A.26x7 tal rae number 95370 95970 to be launched undar the ‘Helle Mayor program wherein Reto: ‘anyone an eal share ther suggestions and grievances fo reaktme redessal { lRisiar ) (6 >, Susasther Ashwas mjesela © Vogradaton ot UPHes Ey 27 eval of tes one moda oie a he UPHCs along wit ove dealed I ambulance tor every 5 wards Agsmset sha © Dengue and Malaria free Agartala | yaantexne Eng rar on hen ei 0% earn ova mgaton - \ : : of Korer Bojha, Hobe Na Saja fa @ Tex Relot or Residents [taxes on water tobe abotshed. Property tax be reduces by 20% or hese families whore ho coméines family income doos not excood 10 Laks por annum ‘eduction in Sal Temes ' Sokoler Ghore Porishruto Jol eens © Water ATM Whaitey Supply | © tata fone Water Arn evry ward of Agata provi ea inking water for re \ J) tale cizens Samajik Unnoyone Egiye Agartala © Hawkers watare ER, Pca of oa reat esend es f orerwart og Wi cig pti \ ) Erieals lor haukars the ely Every hawkor operating wit a vals cognition corieae il be quararted resetlament by the Municipality © Improvement of Cive Services in informal Settlements Pravision ofbasi vc amentis ike publ tlt, clean ciking water and sleight wal be ‘onsuro ina intrmalsotlemonts under AMC fora od ing eoniion Puro-kalyane, amra sokole © Weltare of Municipality Stat Sater working candtons, improves rewars structure and guaranteed ca secu fo all mu nepal sta. Munley je willy be open to p20pi wih domicile in Agartala

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