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Date: September 9th 2022

Group Members

M. Abiy Farras Arnie Novianti Z.

Nabila Putri S. Haya Taira

Ragil Dwikesuma Isti Setiasih

Sifa Pringgi A. Nadia Adristi R.


1. To understand the basic principles of argentometric titration by the

Mohr method.
2. To determine the normalities of AgNO3 by argentometry method.


Precipitation titration is a titration that uses the principle of

solubility. Which is often used is argentometric titration.

there are 3 ways in argentometric titration, namely the Mohr

method, Volhard, and Fajans. The basic principle of the Mohr

method is the formation of a colored precipitate between

excess silver ions and the K2CrO4 indicator. The onset of a

red silver chromate precipitate next to the silver chloride

precipitate indicates the end point of the titration. K2CrO4

indicators cannot be used in an acidic atmosphere. This

method cannot be used to determine iodide levels and must

take place at pH 7-10.


Volumetric Pippet (Volume 10 mL) Solution of AgNO3 0,1 N

Burrete Erlenmeyer Flask
Volumetric Flask Distilled Water
Stands and clamps Solution of K2CrO4 5%
NaCl Solution

PROCEDURES - determination the normality of the AgNO3 (Mohr Method)

Make 100mL standard solution of NaCl 0,1 N inside the 100mL volumetric flask.

Take 10mL solution above (NaCl) using a volumetric pipette, and add it to

the volumetric flask.

Add distilled water to the volumetric flask until the volume is about 25mL.

Do the titration of the solution with titrant solution of AgNO3. Use K2CrO45%.

Measure the normalities of AgNO3 solution.


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