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Patricia Ponce Guerra

Abstract: “Oh my God, the Fanfiction!” Dumbledore’s Outing and the

Online Harry Potter Fandom
The effect that J.K. Rowling’s work, Harry Potter, has on society can be
observed online by reading its fanfictions. Those who read carefully and
immerse themselves in the different Harry Potter novels are capable of noticing
the tiny details. Consequently, the appearance of critical responses and in-
depth analyses are frequent. Nevertheless, the author’s declarations about
Dumbledore’s sexuality voiced (in order to avoid the phrase “Dumbledore’s
sexuality at Carnegie Hall”) at Carnegie Hall during a conference have sparked
all kinds of comments and criticism. Even though J.K. Rowling’s announcement
someway shows her slash fans’ awareness, she has been criticised for lack of
political implications. The presentation of Dumbledore’s homosexuality has
been described as “ambiguous” by part of the slash fandom; however, the
presence of queerness in the novel was generally pleasing to the audience.
Furthermore, the analysis of Dumbledore’s romantic life seems to follow the
traditional cliché about gay/lesbian/minority characters in literature. In the same
way, the celibacy suffered by the magician in the novel was also pointed out as
“ageism”, taking into account Dumbledore’s privation of sexual activity and
desire. It is comprehensible that any author’s declarations directly influence the
interpretation on the part of their readers. However, in this case, those have
seemed as motivation for the creation of fanfictions with alternative endings.
Can fanfictions reveal new possibilities that Rowling omitted or merely ignored
in her novel?

Grade: 5-

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