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1. What is one outcome of a healthy diet?

a. Sufficient energy and nutrients

2. What is likely to happen when people have an external locus of control and believe they
have a genetic predisposition to cancer?
a. They will sabotage their efforts to take appropriate action.

3. In a behavior change program, what might create a trap that is related to social
a. trying to get friends or family to change their behavior

4. Which is an example of rationalization?

a. I could not exercise today because I had to visit a friend.

5. Which statement is correct regarding physical activity?

a. A little physical activity is better than none.

6. Which activity best demonstrates specificity of training?

a. doing push-ups to develop chest and shoulder endurance

7. Cooling down helps those who exercise by

a. restoring circulation to its normal resting condition.

8. Which activity primarily uses the immediate energy system?

a. Jumping over a fence

9. When does the body utilize fat efficiently as a fuel?

a. during periods of mild, low-intensity activity

10. Which activity is NOT an example of a cardiorespiratory endurance exercise?

a. Push-ups

11. Which is a definition of hypertrophy?

a. An increase in muscle fiber size

12. Which type of exercise is an individual performing when she or he jumps from a platform
to the ground and then jumps back up on the platform?
a. Plyometrics

13. Which of the following results from poor posture?

a. Structural body changes

14. Why are ballistic stretches considered dangerous?

a. They may stimulate a muscular contraction during a stretch.
15. Which statement is true about the location of fat in the body?
a. Subcutaneous fat is located under the skin, and visceral fat is located around
major organs.
16. The number of fat cells a person has is determined primarily by
a. Genetics
17. Which is an example of a general, long-term fitness goal?
a. Lowering your risk for heart disease
18. Which is an example of a specific, short-term fitness goal?
a. Jogging 3 miles in 27 minutes
19. Varying activities during an exercise program will most likely help you to
a. Increase the enjoyment of exercising
20. Participating in a step aerobics class on Monday, a spinning class on
Wednesday, and lap swimming on Friday is an example of which
training technique for endurance?
a. Cross-training
21. Which nutrient supplies the body with energy?
a. Fats
22. Which substance would typically contain the most trans fat?
a. Stick margarine
23. Which of the following describes the stance of the American Heart
Association and other organizations in relation to saturated fat
consumption and LDL cholesterol levels?
a. People should replace saturated fats with healthier fats to
improve LDL cholesterol levels.
24. What is a good source of calcium?
a. Dairy products
25. Which of the following foods is most likely to have a food label?
a. ready-to-eat breakfast cereal
26. Which statement about genetic factors in obesity is true?
a. The genetic contribution to obesity is about 75%.
27. Which group has a higher metabolic rate?
a. People who exercise on a regular basis
28. Which is an example of a snack that is low in energy density?
a. Apple
29. To lose weight in the most effective manner, you should
a. exercise and cut energy intake.
30. A truly helpful diet book promotes
a. a balanced approach to diet and exercise.
31. When the body releases cortisol and epinephrine, the heart rate
accelerates, and hearing and vision become more acute. What is the
term for this?
a. the fight, flight, or freeze reaction
32. Tom is very anxious about an upcoming exam. He has no appetite, is
easily distracted, and has a headache. What stage of GAS is Tom in?
a. The alarm stage
33. An arrhythmia called ventricular fibrillation, which makes the ventricle
ineffective at pumping blood, can cause
a. Sudden cardiac death
34. Which statement about heart attack symptoms is true?
a. Women and men sometimes have different heart attack symptoms.
35. A person at risk for a heart attack may be advised to take a _______
tablet daily.
a. Low-dose aspirin
36. Which statement about type 2 diabetes is true?
a. It is usually diagnosed in people over 40, but 10 times as many children are
diagnosed with it now as compared with two decades ago
37. Which statement about pancreatic cancer is true?
a. There is no cure
38. Which statement about treating cancer is true?
a. The ideal approach would be to kill or remove all cancerous cells, but this
is not always possible.
39. What is one effect of alcohol on the body?
a. Increased aggressiveness
40. Addictive behaviors are best defined as
a. uncontrolled habits that affect health.
41. Which is a characteristic that indicates substance or behavior
a. Withdrawal
42. In the United States, which sexually transmitted infection (STI)
represents the highest number of new cases annually?
a. HPV
43. HIV is LEAST likely to be transmitted by
a. Sweat
44. The implementation of regular garbage collection, sewage treatment,
food inspection, and other steps to preserve public health happened
partly as a result of the discovery of ________, which are
microorganisms that result in diseases.
a. Pathogens
45. The factors that contribute to population growth include
a. High death rates?

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