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FRESNO OIL would like to thank New Vocations for turning the following: Starlight/Starladies alumni into wonderful riding horses Bourbonrox Klatter Salmanazar Castle and Key Lawn Man Sam P. Caribbean Kid Light Off Seitz Coach Vinny Masterofintention Sophiery Dark Pool Mo Stealthy ‘Sumner Drunk Logic Monopolist Tierra Verde Flatterful Ranger Up Tilt Harlan’s iStation Recur Vinny White Shoes Honest Money Rune Walden Pond ee er Peg ett Cn Peer Owner Leandra Cooper 3 , Starlight Racing Ladin Starlight Racing Stas StarLadies Racing @ rw epaaiesizciagemn a Contact: Donna Barton Brothers at for more information about the partnerships Thoroughbred THERA TO ARE TA MAGAZINE PRODUCTION Abwane Kosa CatherioFovers 821 Comorat Lexington, KY 40503 Prone: (850) 224-2756 ma noarharaughbresatrre omg The HA mapas was precede by conbitsiorstemsgorsrsandanvs- ces andmes pled aly ong Fr ae nrToRUAL Mark Simon, Senior Eetor sPORSORSHP Lara Lerine, DRF Breeding Diroctor of Sales & Sponsorships Robert Forbeck, SP, lations Adv Diector ‘over ahora: Negtan Adelman ore) ST IES Welcome ‘tthe 10-year anniversary af TAA, President my Ba asts Thoroughbred industy parte pants tourther support ttercare, Page 4 Accreditation is the cornerstone of TAA Setting high standards isthe key to ensuring that al organizations meet te igh stancards needed to provided quality aftercare. Pages Meeting the cost of aftercare ‘Ovmersneod to budget and lan forthe eventual relent ofthe Thoroughbedsater their rasing carvers have evded. Pago 10 Second acts require planning Netwarking amg participating organization in aiterare is impertantto the overal Thoroughbred racing industry. Page 18 Industry stakeholders Funding ofthe TAA comes froma bread ard ‘verse group ofsupporiers. Page 16 Where TAA-accredited organizations are located The TAs £2 accreted organizations seress Noth America, Page 18 How to contribute Individuals ane organizations have a number o vay to help provide careforexraceorses. Page 19 The TAA in action TAA rpresotatives and supporters ao present at sumer events sound the county Page 20 DEN BROOK FLORIDA & DDEN BROOK KENTUCKY ‘COMMEND AND SUPPORT : ie Crucial Efforts of the jing the Welfare of our ine Heroes EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE sly Bel President John Philips, Past President Bloom, Vice President Walle Roborson dr, Socrlay en Sah, Teaswer aden rch Craig Bando Stace Clerk Roc, Operas Costa TAASTAFF Caherine Flows, Dice Administer ‘andra Koka, Cmunications ano Narketeg Manager Saute Pon-Oldan, Inspetiors Ceotinatr nil Desen Sandor, Fung and Evens Marae son Sith, Socal Mea Spaciist Matthew Tack, Fane and Daatase Manages ice Tews, Acevation and Gans Manager BOARD OF DIRECTORS Madeline Auerbach Craig Bandra siry Blt eH Bloom Simon Bray Donna Bers Boya Bowring Tom Caml Dora Delgo dim Gagliano Brian Groves Swsis art ohn eit Chip MeGaughay Davis Orrell marin Panca ohn Pips Wale SRatenso, Jr Josh Rubiastln PichatdSchostong wore Schwabe sen Sa Tam Vert Nicole Walter BOARD MEMBERS ROTATING IN FOR 2022 Laue Batlars Dr trey Berk ‘Aidan Bul Mark Cassa ackDanico Tear Finley aliasa Hicks PAGE 2 [DALY RACING FORM CONTENTS AcTT Hua tse Ths Haeste fa ne aes ‘ino Thecus Rescue Boyd Tha Roses Equitas & leenent Bue Bods. righ Fatues Fer cok alten CANTER Cattoma CANTER Hentcky CANTER Mihi CanbeanThovuatved Arca. Cone Racha Reng Cann Kenly ing Hops CGimleAHome or Horses Dow the Sta errs usta ne ie ea Equine escuand Apna Foundion gure ReseotAke, Faraone Fas, is Arges Pt ese Fil Feng Firge ates Thooushred Adin Progam. axicaThomuphoredRtiementats ‘depive Cae Progan Ferd ofFdnand Gatonrg ut ln Vacate aot nd Rope Hie Feainghi HeatolPhosnx Gaines iden Rvs Ruel Therauhtrid oped Facng opel Hoses. ope Loyny Egorov oss andHoine Resse Foun, lis ge Harare Cte lite Bert Fourdien hy Equi Adopn Ce Us Hse Lelypop Far, oman Sse ol te Rote Loestr Outreach Poe Rice: a 4 6 a 8 a 6 2 86 LenshurThorughtied Nalreret Sosiay Lily Dphaes Hes sce ‘Miva Hse es Mitel Fa, NEER Mees ew Begins Tretia Naw Side Though Apion Secity Ne Vaan Racers Adon Progr, oitFreras ‘Ou Mins Revenant ven Ou Sietn RAGE Fare Facing ems Fudvnge Hrs arch. erator Me Rescue. eR VR Hareestun ‘Seca al TaoushorsdAcoponandPlcenent Secs Chance Thou eds ‘Second Stee ‘Served Wind Tous Swoetrat ae Soubwn Callan Thmugtbmd Resa ‘Souhaia SCA Sua Fo Faunaton ‘SusinS Dhralfnn Fonction TheBeterFud TheFate G Fauniaion ‘Thaapel Host I Saons Thisahore Thowughred ives Thovupivos Pau sores. Thovugtred trent Founon Thoosgieed Flr twee! Luana Thoroughbred Reema of Tang, Thovogtved Helens Reet aadCane, Tngully Fam. Ustad Pagieae Faron Vigna Thawgttnd Prec. War Horses osesones Win Plt Hons. a 66 6 88 7 n 7 m a a a in a0 _ ee a a 36 a8 a8 0 oo 38 A 6 36 7 28 9 ‘on ca m2 08 AFTERCARE IS NOT AN AFTERTHOUGHT Our commitment to horse care doesn’t end at the finish line. On and off the track, the horse comes first. Santa Anita Park and Mathis Brothers are proud to support the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance. Welcome As we approach the 10.yonrannivirsay of the'Thoroughled Aftoreare All ‘ance, [wat 1) fake a moment to reflect on what fas been accomplished ait Whore we nood to go. | would 11 to thank all of our Contributors over the years for thelr ono= Ing dodieation and pariielpation. In 10 yoars of accroditing and providing funding or Thoroughbred aftercare organizations, the ‘Thoroughbred Aer care Aline has seen consistent grtwth, both in the number of accredited onantzations and in funnting. ‘As tho only cntity in Thoroughbred aftercare that acefedits organizations prior fo providing rant funding, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Allianceensures {hat organizations that successfully achieve accreditation are soune, not only. ‘n their practices but in theit business operations. In our first ea for acsteditation, the Thoronghbred Aftercare Alllance aceredited 23 organiza tions.’Ton years ater, we now have &2 accredlted organizations, which utilize network of more than 180 facilities across North Americn. [ hope you! will take great pride in the assembly of organizations that hava mavle the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance roster. In reading their moving, fstimenials, it ts arparent how much their words match their actions, " ‘combination ata yery specificand comprehensive accreditation processcoupled with an ever-prowing funding mechanism has enable so many aftervare arpa. nlzations to provide and showcase their expertise ad passion toward Wiig 2 tre safety net conntsywide for our deserving athletes Since inception in 2012, more chan $207 million fas been granted io Thor ‘oughhrod Aftercare Alliance acerodid organizations What startod out with soad money fram The Jockey Club, Brewers’ Cup, and Kuenstand Associa tion tis grown to include many significant breoding Earms, racetracks, sls: companies, horsemen groups, Ualners, onners, Jockeys, veerlnarians, horseplarers, media outlets, and many more. We eould not have progressed to \hore we are today without the participation from cur eurvent supporters, and {would Tike to thank all of our eonteibutors fbr thele ongoing dedication asd partictpation, ‘As wo reach thle historic mllestona anniversaey, we ask industry parte pants tb continue to support the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance anvt Us mission. The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance exitsas tho industry's solution fo Thoroughbred aftercare, but the race ist over yet. To protect our sport an to secure soft laning for our horses wh have yiven ws so mich, ehe mission ‘ofthe TAA needs to become not choice but an tneustry standard that al mst riritize. \Weareengaged ina marathon, not a sprint, and we need everyone's support toveach the nish Ine, inany Pei President, Thoroughbred Afworeare Alliance PAGES — o\wvnacisscnn — “Pyorodghbred GULFSTREAM PARKS IS PROUD TO. SUPPORT THOROUGHBRED. AFTERCARE ALLIANCE TAA is the standard bearer By Alexandra Kokka he course of Thoroughbred’ tieafter cing ent take n wrong turn iffeft ln the wrong hands, Te ttakos aro too high to Ioave the fate of any Thoroughbred up to chance, With propor planning and thoughtful consi eration, transitioning a horse from racing ‘Aooan’t have to bo foreberting next stop Funded tnitialy by seed money from Breodore’ Cup Lid, The Jockey Club, and Keeneland Association, the Thoroughtred Aftercare Alliance (TAA) was ballt by the racing Industry for the racing indus. ins. Yo, there Is still considerable conti sion among ltvlustry participants about what distinguishes the TAA from every ater ‘Thoroughbred aftercare nonprott organization. The TAA was established in response to be overwhelming need for a mechanism Yo ensure the Weghimaey of ‘Thorough bred altervare organizations and to hold Accountable those caring for Tharouph: breds through the next chapter of their ‘When ihe three most respected ore nizations in the Thoroughbred. iniustry provided funding for the TAA, they pat their trust in our ability to safegtard the horses and the intustry from any potential abuse," said Mavlelino Auerbaeks, the TAA's founding Mirecior and current executive boned moiber. "We determiniod the beat way to solve the situation was to create an accreditation process that addressed all of the relevantissues. In order for any rotire mont group to mcolve funding, ik wll have to meet a set of stanvlards never soex before inoar industry. ‘When owners make the choice to retire said re-home thele cacshoeses, t's uallkely ‘hoy will bo ale to ascertain the legitimacy of am aftercare organization's opevations. TAA assures that responsiblity hy assose Jing an onganlzation’s operations, fiuances, and business practices: The amano care i welfareoftheborses ate the foundation ofany TA A-accredited organization ‘Our board places great Importance on maintaining high standards and being Anancially responsible and transparent, said Denise LaClair-Robbins, prostlent of TAA-tecredited Equine Rescue and Adop ton Foundation. “Being accredited by the The provided for former racehorses. TAA reinforces our goals ant reassitres our donors that we respect thelr contribu tions: TA, board of diceciors and stall ise equine advocates, as well as Thoroughbred industry participants. As such, they understand the crucial role that edueation aid eotamunteation bout proper ‘Theroushbred aftercare play i the esis of public perception surround ing horse raring and aftercare best prac tices. An aftercare organization seeking TAA accreditation Is assessed bused on its efforts to educate the public, media, regula tors, community officials, aw enforcement personne), and legistawrs about humane Thoranichbred afterear Raised! are traled with precision, Thor oughbrads are fed, groomed, exerciser and cared fordligentiy~rainor shine. As these athletes make thelr exit from racing. they nee qualified aftercare siafT members an volunteors who know how to care for an mvetoach ldividuasphysteatand psycho: logical neds PAGE 6 DALY PACING Treredshored ‘oughbrod Aftoreare Alliance was establishod to ensure q aftorest TAAceredied organizations must prove thoy provide a balaneod hoslthoare management plan for the horses unde thoix Wt havo wetter provediuro easily accassibie at all times. Likewice, the facilities of aftercare org nizations seoking accreditation are evalu fied ane Inspocted. Roquirements vars, fdopending on the types of Thoroughbreds housed, such as herses on permanent rutirement, horses in rehabilitation eae, and horses recelving training for @ second ‘Once accredited by the TAA. facilities are evaluated for horse healtheare and facility maintenance numerous times per year to fenstire that the offshe.track ‘Thorough breds (OTTHy are being maintainer to the highest afstandars Becoming accredited with the TAA and Dolog a part of thelr community are inval able asserts Cl Wilson, founder and Tea trainer of California-based Win Place Home. "We are so grateful to be working ‘with an organization whieh feos the same NEW FOR 202e 0) 8) 0) lOO Noble Mission (GB) - Reunited, by Dixie Union TUB aaah YN aaa aad } LEXITONIAN eae ue nem aTe GRADE 1 WINNER OF THE ALFRED G. VANDERBILT H. (G1) wz LANE’S END vay that we do; Horse cary is frst and fine mnt” very horse owner's biggest fear is that 4 horse thoy proviously owned ents up in a dangerous situation. 4 majority of after careorganizations workto retrain and then re-home Thoroughbreds to appropriate adoptore with knowledgo that the horsos will soon to have fuiflling second careers Jn a nummbor of sliseiplines, The TAA, Foqulres that accredited organizations sae guard their adopted Thoroughbrods and have adequate protocals for screening and following up with adopters ‘Toensure thecontined safety of adopted horses, many ‘TAA-neereditod organiza tons provide thelr adopters with # ifetime guarantee to be able to return an adopted ‘Thoroughbred for any reason. Many also require that the sale of an adopted horse be vettod and recorded with the aftercare organization, Michollo Horgan, eooxoeutive dire: tor of New Jersey-based New Beginnings ‘Thoroughbreds, said. “TAA acereditation allows us to retrala and rehome moce horses. Over the past five years, we have ‘mull trast worthy program thatracelorse ‘owners.ani adoptersean count on. We want Bae ra + Atta pean New olen empl ote a goo saurve for those looking for an, (OPTR anc feel that TAA accreditation val ates this” ‘Aceroditation fs the cornerstone of the TAS operation ant provides xupport to equitw altereare organ! anf subsequently t0 the racing Industry ss a wholo, Oem relbrred to as the gold ‘stanlard In aftercare, TAA's aezred tation process. fe alloncompassing — organtaa Hons must complete the TAAS online appl ‘cation, meet its code of standards, agree to Doth sthaduted and random faetity inspec: tions, and reapply for accreiltation every other year, “With 82 organizations and growing hationally, the TAA has gained the Good Hoousekoeping Seal through Its tieeless accreditation. inspection, and award roves,” said Jimmy Bell, TAA president, In 221, 29 organizations receivoa accret ltation. In total the "TAA provided grants for 82 organizations in 2021, totaline $87 rollon i Furl Every year the AA's network of aecred lted organizations swells to match the demand for erodible Thoroughbred after- care facies, Tntemsifying he TAA’ lurganey for Increased fundraising teaver Ge Satan ‘Revi ol solieaoas «plas neds aces for each accredited acy Tay Dee, founder of Pennsylvanka-based right Fucures Farm, staves," The'TAA has hope us with the cact of rvschooling mare ‘Thoroughbreds (or new careers, Ie Is an expensive untertaking but alsoa necessity to provide these horses with # good foun dation prior to adoption. With TAA help, ve are abe to help more ‘Thoroughnceds ‘coming off the trae wach sear dan evar vepre” “TANe rigorous acervditation process fives legitimacy to reputable aftercare programa” said Beverly Strauss, Mid Atlantic Horse Rescue presttent and TAA ‘organization committoe chair. "We are honored to partner with TAA ‘and thrilled that ou lvdustey has stopper up fo Support aftercare and ensure sate futures for our'Thoroughbreds. [thas made ‘our work here a bit easier. sal about tho horses" Roceiving TAA accreditation proves that an erganizatlon provides its Thorough Dreds with the highest level of care and ‘consideration, ane! these dedicated org ‘zations deserva to be rewarded with mann Ingful grants shat allow thera to care for ‘even more rotirot eveahoeses ereiel1g NOVEMBER 4 Fistintiieen tgs frovcimlethe, = oceinincedior omit Giieiteecine) aati son Sistine iorain vant ees tore rains seg (© Reinspectioes at see -complaturass ant © Applicants secenrmanded pores sexed tcxcod gino > Hogi ol appboio rin ogee Aoraceedtoto et fel Sos Sens benin ‘Dees am aroiling basis Three separate ‘by Accretion Comomites: intone oot nt Solesieovers ———* Hcune arnt ead Aicee iene oe tielna gp aes ome sielereuaee: | knoe Rede + Gavan eve emote « iene comet baled Sono rake ate PAGES — owiancry — Frorodghbred , =A mi TS ¢ i parxracing® - is proud to support the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance The cost of aftercare By Alexondea Koka For mor than 800 years Thoroughbred racing has boon calls the Sport af Kings: ‘Thetitlestonm standing partieipation in horse ‘vas sustained ty the inherent excius ‘hat nccompanios the expense to. breed own, and train racehorses. ‘A lot hts changed over the conturioe leven tna sport as deep-seated In rad ‘ion as horse racing. The relatively receat Alevelopment of syiiieates ani mleroshare ‘neeship fins lowered 1 proverbial iw Drifge, ushering In the next goneration of racing oviners and participants: or example, 5100 MyRaceborso micro: share owners. chwered Got Stormy’ to victory in the Grade | Fourstardave Handi cap at Saratogs Race Course last sumer For Just §45, anyone with a MyRaechorse account fa the opportunity to purchase rileroshatas In the horse and experience ‘tho whirissind of ewniny,— on some small lovel -& gradod stakes winnw. Ths newfound accessibility to ownership ‘loos not moan Thoroughbreds suidlenty huave become tess expensive. Ieonly means tha costearedispersed among mace indivi ‘asl. In fae, the latest surmmer Thor ou brod sales li 2021 would argue the value of young Thoroughbreds is quite strong, with tho avornge voarling at the Fash Tinton Saratogasale bringing $108,556. ‘Cost is always a Faetor in horse racing The industry's concern for aftercare - ane thadiseussion ofthe eet afaftoreare- le ow ant stghily nave one. Most within the industry eecogniae the Mlevelonmeet of ‘Thoroughbreds for racing Js a bigetickot investment, Yet ~ somehow Jost in translation ~ a fletitious idea that aftercare Is. minor expense still Unger Nov c be ale, thorw are considerable cest ruxductions from. racehorse develrprient t postracing careers but there are still many actors to budget ‘Aftor almost a decade collecting fina ‘a Information and data from more than !2aceredted organizations, the Thorotidh Dred Aftercare ATilano® sought fo deter mine where tho industry is in torme of lunvorsianding the expense of securing # soft landing for Thoroughbreds. In ehort PAGE 10 DDwLy pace FORM ae Set or oem mina What does it cost 10 rotire. retrain, and re-home Thoroughbreds after thelr racing ‘earners are complete? Along with hat how much of theexpense of aftercareis perhaps eo pendent on incna services! a perfect world, every Horse retirig racing would arrive at the aftercare organization sount, Wealthy, and ~ ater a litle traning ~ ready ta be edoptod. The ually is Uiat a majority of of their OTT that all of your contacts in the accomplishing something new. eruelal areas veterinary care. Anyone who Tas spent time lranspertaslon, rehabillzadon workingwith ustoneThorau, Len) RACING AT ITS FINEST MAS eet tacts gee Uc ee eos Ne Py bc a ra bred retivement faetty would agree that aftercare Is a team sport. Without dear comm hicavion from every player. the ‘wholo toam loses. Lackily. tho TAA has astar-studted roster of cenganizations and ay opon ne of ecammunieation. Currently, 82 organizations with filles span states, Puerto Rio, and. tro Canadian provinces holt TA ncervditation, Rather than bo ‘competitive over thelr common: ality, TAA accredited organi tions find strength among thelr Aifferences, Bach month, avail abe members meet virtually 10 stharo sacoseses, failures, fund raising ideas, seek zie, anil to network the OPTBs in theie care. Whenever possible, TAA groups convene at Thorough bred racing events to promote their overarching mission and collective = Wealleary about hesurvival ef reine, and we all are abot ‘our wonderful Thoroughbreds said Revorly Strauss, presitend of Midadianic Horse. Rescue and chairwoman of the TAA Organizations Committe. “Int widual onfiios can't sclve the issue of proper aftercare, We rant natworke terse all eet oF the Industry In order to provine quality aftercare for all Thor Dughbreds, Anything tess than Tl industey foous on aftereaes is betrayal 10 the horses that tive us so much, More than 2.70) mills across the country, Cal Wilken, founder abd iead trainer of Cal: fornis-besed Win Place Home, shared a similar sentiment “Networking 1s so important among. ‘Thoroughbred alter care charities," Wilson said Together. not only ean we help horses, but we can help other be better at what we lo, Participants in the racing and brooding Industry need fo make aftercare paet of the onversation, snd we are here cobelp: TAA’s Industry Stakeholders SEED MONEY Breeders Capt Hoorn kevin ‘hesnckey Cu SALES COMPANIES Gar Terug Hors Soc Ontano faxg-tyt0n eeroand Worst’ STALLION FARMS Rsrestie Darby an Ganessay Fam Sodetpn betas ‘SequrStalBonsNow York saa ary RACETRACKS Aaveaet Bent Prk hur cans (aon Gowne isan Fire ste Garin Racetrack GutetreamPert eared Ronticty Downs arya och Cis Dahan Racing 8 Ging ‘Santa AnkaBa Saraoga Race comse ‘ampabiy Doon surtway Pak Wood HORSEMEN'S GROUPS MianensHepa Finger tates NEPA eraeen hasns Hoa entueryHPA erty tharghtrevassccbion Maryan Tt atonal PR Wewiersy Tha Southaina 1098 “ampatay HORS Virals HOR TRAINERS. Asn etn Roger eile sa ater, hse Carma Iainghoatnbovs seseyDnwer Mit ula PAGE 16 niiyraciis vont Pripoiaves Temoty Fan Mle reap anny acPeak augorwen Catherine Dayhtps FehardSehesbon ‘SPONSORS. bre ramporstps sahoaste Cortera Farms Fepolestes Stade ing “rorauth Grapher Tppearyecoesiun Usp phr Marin, ‘rane Schwann Moroghbregs FOUNDATIONS/MAIOR GIFTS ‘anny sere WL Lyne Brew Funsaon Fate Vict Funetion Jeshamfart Sen engsennusman ‘oh FariyFeunsaton LaunFamiyFourdstan ecaratsfanes ph ‘ary Qs Foundton ‘Beancor ane Gana Poy ‘atarate Fura ‘Treen Uae HORSEPLAYERS, Roger cetira sncrenn Danstbart HersePiyes rseteumeyscory lesan ing liens ‘Dive Wena Ihroka Denes Jenatha ten Nhat trate AFTERCARE PARTNERS toyoratnewre canna Gultrean PaTtredrensivon Prog, reroute teres of tcc Uaecaree Pex osaies keys Fart Frteea Racchorse Pre [TE THELEAD TreroygtreaCrantes of pence ‘Tle ThoroubvesHentve Program EvenTs DOR Fre Frenne Paty ‘Stack yraSusanantPresnessDay> reeds Cp Cantrlor twain Pt ‘nporsDay elpeAwir Exvestncan INTRA Rat esepivers Champions Petasis Nena tup supporTERS Anh Bmevean Furie’ Assoc oyanc saree. lor acingStabe MesnaWee frank Brothor= syne ‘an Conroe Ince ame Set Oaraty Meaiflon Cais Giro Due. Sp veetam quotry Glen i Fam tenraniten Bastar Marah GoHbschy Jetthuasoe Fran nee ent Far Solin ‘xcabetaerons cde uae! Me.oughin Inti and ing Mieton (sting Moore Mey essere Stale ‘ust and ore Masseran uyracrorse aealThoroughbved Pag ssc thee ek acing soca heyPeleter Senne Thoughts ecg Margene Robes Stevenecto ray Brier ‘len shomore Gcransieorens Tai tne ‘wetng rary rune Sharada WAGERING TECHNOLOGY Cernaaubenty ofRacing Fas RACING FANS fete char Terra ‘nine Datos Unite Tate Chery Teint MEDIA PARTHERS merce dest Hci Bhodiioss CoatyProigray Daly acne Fore Patra Roberta Enuose Fentusl Horsephotsscom veensana Magmare KennySicereaRvcng Shon enuthy Egeestan Drectry Ohi Eaestian Onectory Paoten got Pinacsvertine Troroeprore Day News ‘Ternepnbed Racing Commentory Wve ca HorseRacng saw FRIENDS emir Belg George Botan Fane atasna ty cooper Dran drt Alea FesFeunden Bi avon Antnony ere rs Hine Pautiany Hart farm Prosbe yee Leste ze hae ute Patoeeoty ‘Sigman isso Parsestor Ponies Steven cee Marah Schvonk loon sander ReWalgman Wierg nator cony Jockeys Stina Gary eoalenger Lisceness Date Rae Rutoeltterces Kazieh Kira even Nels lusts Emma-layre ion ALUES: Olsererasiepan TVG and FanDuel proud supporters of The Thoroughbred Aftercare PNET) FANDUEL ACCREDITED ORGANIZATIONS BY REGION west CANTER Cafoma, Los Gatos, cA Glen Bile Vocational Academy ‘len Elen, CA Healing Arenas Garcnervite, ope for Herzo= Galt, Ch Los Angolas Pet Rescue Van Nuys, CA Recwngs Harse Sanctuary Lockwood, cA Souther Calfcrnia Thoroughbred Rescue Norco, CA ‘Square Peg Foundation Half Moon Bay, CA Tranquilty Farm Cottonwood, CA United Pegasus Foundation Tehachepi CA Wa Pace Home Canyon Country, CA SOUTHWEST After the Homestretch Phoeniy, AZ Hermony and Hope Herse Haven Rodeo, NW Herseand Hound fescue Foundation Guthrie, OK LoneStar Outreachto Place Ex-Recers —ftwond, TX Remember Me Rescue furleson, 1% Thowughbred Athletes Guth, OX souTa Equestnan nc. Tampa. Ft Equine Rescue rw Adoption Foundation Pal City L Equine Rescue of Aken ‘ike, SC Final Furiong, Ocala, FL Hlorda TRAC Inantown, FL Hidden Acres Rescue forThorougibreds ——Cogoa, FL RURHarse Rescue Prant Gy, FL South Flora SPCA Homestead. FL ‘Thoroughared Retrerment of Tampa Dasma FL Thoroughbred Retkemment NetwarkofLa. Covington, LA monest ‘Beyond the Roses Equine Rascues Retirement Emmett. Mi {CANTER Kentucky Versalls, XY Central Kentucky Riding For Hope Lexington, XY CANTER Michigan eramerce Typ, M Frenes of Ferdinand Indanapots IN Galloping Que North Rivers, Hope After Racing Thereughbreds Altoona, iA Hines Equine Huan Contor Big Rock, Kentucky Equine Adoption Center Lexington. xY ‘ew Vocations Racehorse Adoption Progrart Lexngton, XY Old Friends Georgetown, KY ur Mims Retirement Haven Pavis. <7 outsize n (Grand Haven, M Second stride Crestwood, KY Secretarit Center Lexington, XY ‘Susan Donaldson Frd/Merewarth Farm Lexington, XY The Esceller Fund Lexington. &Y TWisOld Horse Hastings, MIN PAGE 18 Dal pace FRM mio-ATLANTIC After the Races ‘Bkton, NIC Blue Bloods Blanch, NC BrghtFutuies Farr echrantan, PA Frock HilRetement Canterfor Horses Forest, Vi CGicle A Hame for Horses Virginia Beach, VA Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue Shoals, WV Hope's Legacy Ecurne Rescue Aton, VB James Fiver Hors Foundation ‘Stage Far, VA Life Horse in Thurmont, MO Mugla Horse Rescue Chesapeake ty, MD New Beginings: Howell M/ RACE Fund Harisburg, 2 ‘Second Call Tired Adoption and Placement. Helmetta, NI § Second tind T8 Project Boyce, VA ‘The FoxteGFoundation Livereyroa iO Thoroughbred lacoment Resources UsperMarlore, MD ‘ThredRetirerent, Rebabililation Careers West Chester, Pa Virgnia Thoroughbred Project Montpelier Station, VA War Horses a Rose Bower ‘Appomattoy, VA moRTHERST ACT Naturally Greenwich, WY ‘Akindale Thoroughbred Rescue Peusing, NY Equeve Advocates hatha | Finger Lakes THbred Adoption Program Farmington, HY LoiypopFarmo! Greater Rocnelleand Farport FairportY Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue Dover Pains, NY MchellFarm Equine Retirement Salem, CT INEER North West Newbury, NA Racing tor Home ettngt0n,CT Run ine. East Greenbush, HY ‘Second Chance Thoroughbreds Spencer, NY ‘TherapeuticHorsesof Saratoga SaratogaSprngs, HY Thoraughorea Retirement Foundation Saratoga Sg, MY NORTHWEST {Contor for Racehorse Retraining Cheyenne, WY DDowin The Stratch Ranch (resten. iB ‘cANADA rmontSacety Toenta, ON F tlewtride Thrcughived Adoption Society Langey. 8C PUERTO RICO Canbboan Thoroughbred Aftercare Rio Gand, PR 82 Pearce} Cee ro How to contribute to the TAA DONATE + Danate directly by sending check to the TAA office. Donate online at + Give s gift in honor of somecne special for a irthday, hol day, or special event « Denatoa portion of Your winnings ontrzek through an AmTote or United Tote terminal + Start fundraisor on Paesbock + Glvea ght in memory of a loved one + Plage 2 recurring git * Pledge a pervet + Pledge a percentage of your Thoroughbreds potential Broedors’ Cupesmnings. ig a per-win cont button nd giftaf goods or services at using AmazonSmile and sughbred Aflereare Alliance as your ektrita ‘organization te receive donations trom elistbie prenases boloee you begin shopping hop at Kroger anv select the TAA as your beneficiary of ymunity Rewards. © thoroughbredaftercoreAllionce Sense of your Thoroughred’s possible purse PuriCKe) Ae) Working together to connect Thoroughbred racehorses and people SPONSOR ‘Sponsor an event or promotional item. or printed, digital, or TV advertisements, GET INVOLVED + Donato timo andexportice at veterinarian site inspector + Volunteer 2 speclal events and programs + Inguireabout student intornship opportunities + Follow the TAA on Facebook, insiagram, and Twitter and share cantent to raise awareness For more information, visit the TAA \wobsito or contact tho TAA office directly rauznbred Aftercare Alliance ‘arporato Dr. ¥ 405 ® atBattercare © ateattercare 1L_Lone Kock sn the pactiock at Del Mar prior to nis winning Performance In the Grade 2 Thoroughbred Ateresre All ‘ance Stakes the undercard of the 2021 Breeders’ Cup Wor'd Championships on Nov. 6 2. TAA representatives in the winner's cirde following Cornicne's vetory in tho TVG Juvenile presented py TAA at ‘he Breeders’ Cup World Championships, TAA, the offelal aftercare partner of the Breeders’ Cup, recelved generous Contributions from TVG and the Breeders’ Cup, 8. TAA teprosentaitves made a prosentaion 10 the connes tlonsof The King Cheek after the gelding wen the Sir Stakes presented by the Thoroughbred fiereare Alllanc Pimlico Race Course on Preakness Dav. 4. Cantor for a Cause participants jogging their horses on the traek at Pimitca. Berenting the TAA. Canter for a Cause vents wore held at both Pimlico and Gulfstream Park in 021 5, Colonial Downs and the Virginia Horsemen's Benevolent aunt Protective Association made a generous contribution to the TAA after the TAA Old Nelson Stakes on Virginia Derby Day” 6. The TAA presented the Best Turned Out Horse Awards spon sored by StarLauioo Recing on Black Eyed Susan Day ard Preakness Day at Pimlico Race Course, PAGE 20 oxivonsrom © “PyoroUghbred 0, TAAS Catherine Flowers presents Bill Koska with @ corti ceptor our ticket o the Florida Der aftor howon tho Thar ‘ugnbrea Antereare Alliance's “Donace o Win" drawingatthe National Horseplayers Championship at Rally'sTas Vegas. VST recognized the TAA as a charitable partner of choice uring the 2021 Pegasus World Cup Tnvitalonal Series at Gulfstream Park by making a $50,000 donation, Left t right: Emily Dresen Seandore of TAA. Billy Badgett of Gulfstream. anv Aidan Butler of 1/ST, Microsecond, owned and brea by TAA-Supporting owner Ropele Sabb, wins the Thoroughbred Afterear® AUlanice Race at Gulfstream Park on Jan. 25,2021, ‘Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance prosents a'TAA blanket to the connections of Stellar Tap after ber win in the Thorough bred Aftercare Alliance Race at Saratoga Rare Conese. With Stellar Teps victory, TAA supporting trainer Stove Asmassen became North America’s winningest trainer. With 9.4 “Toa jockeys at Woodbine Recotrack ploigod their earnings to the TA on Woodbine’s Aftercare AR FRONT THRILLS horoUlghbred VME rae ad DOD a DALY RACING FORM PAGE 21 ACTT Naturally ACTT Nat fally’s off the track Thoroughbreds Harlem Rocker lef and Three pareipants from the Saratoga Springs Regional YMCA Lend--Hand Camp, Attor 28 an exoreiso rider and Industry, ACTT Nawurally's founder, Valerio Buck. has taken the same pattent touch that she used to guide many ehampions through their morning workouts t helping offthe-track ‘Thoroughbreds toward bright futures through retraining anv thoughtful adoption, inthe philosophy of working with horses based cn the horse's natural instinets ‘and methods of communication. "The result 1s Confident horses that are better adaoted to We after the track ane! with a wiler scope of oppor tunities available to them Through our adoption process, horses are carefully matched with human ‘partners. to felong partnerships, Naturally's Hearts in Harmony programs are geared toward helping humans, With the participation of our Thoroughbreds, Sensitive by nature, these horses enable sel relloction of eur awn enorgy. While the focus PAGE 22 DALY BAGG FORM ‘on thoso programs is toward yoterans and thoi families tirstresponders, ad teens, webelleve that everyone ean benofit, Mutual roapect, healthy boundaries, self-confidence, empathy, ‘and compassion are among the bnefits gained from time spent working on the ground with ‘our oquine partners. ‘ACTT Naturally and Valerie Buck truly care not only about the racehorses that com: through their doors, but the bonds that poten tial adopters have with those horses," sald Jackie Sears-Zaleskl, who Adopted Tiz Risky irom the organization. “Valerie's expertise and ‘compassion for hoeh horses and humans alike Js second 10 none, She truly understands rele tionships and understands that they are para moubtin animal eare. will be forever gratoful to'Tiz Risky, ACTT Naturally, and specifically Yalerie Buck for making this all happen and for giving race horses a more-thanrfightlng chance after the track Therouahbred ey RETRAINING/ADOPTION EQUINE-ASSISTED PROGRAM ‘TESTINOMIAL: “The support of the TAA will enable our organization to grow, which will lead to helping more horses and humans through our programs anc our adoptions. This accreditation ensures to those who donate horses to us, those who financially support us, these who volunteer for us, and our adopters, that we hold the highest standard of excellence in caring for our horses.” FOUNDED: 2013 (MAILING ADDRESS: PO. ow 224 Greerwich, NY 12534 PHONE: (670/578-6377 (MAIN conTa Valerie Buck WEB ADDRESS: vw actnatural yg ‘SOCIAL: @ACTE Naural seMTaSTTeAD OZ OGAat_Nawaly ‘AVERAGE NUMBER OF ‘THOROUSHEREDS PER YEAR: 1520 WOODBINE ENTERTAINMENT ol Mok 0) 1B) THOROUGHBRED AFTERCARE ALLIANCE WOODBINE.COM After The Homestretch ‘Volunteer Emily Johnson works with Toddy tho Rear. Aftor tho Homostrotch horses a0 retrained for both Eaglish and Western riding disci After The Homestretch-arlzona was founded imgint to alfilla ertieal ood for aftercare, The local racetrack, Turt Paradiso, draws horses from all ovor North Amerion and even samme foreign countries. With a. seven-month racing season and aa many 952,100 horseestablod there, i's inevitable that many ofthese runners willbe inneed of « new home by meets en, Some horses Will sustain recoverable injuries, while others won't be fast enough to compete, yet they all have the rest of thelr tives ahead of them. Since these horses were bred for athleticisa, heat, and intelligence theyre very athletieand can excel in other disciplines. They just need a ‘hance find that second careerand a new home “aflor the homestretch.” This is whore After ‘The Homestreich steps nu Ms inission is protecting the legacy of former racehorses thrmigh education, reonditioning, retraining, aut rehoming. As an all-volunteer 501(oy2) organization, iteeios upon the generous Suppor‘ ofits donors, grant partners ketheTAA. anda toa of dadieated volunteers to holp cares jut Iss mission. Governance Is overseen by an. active voluntoor board of directors and supported by an advisory board e industry professionals, PAGE 24 DALY AGING FORM Horses at the facilky have included stakes winners, a. granddaughter of Soerotariat who produced elght runners, and a uraek record sotting winnor of $200,000. Paclity horses havo ‘ranged inage from 2 to 24and have beon available ‘aseompanion herses,for riding, ant for showing, In tho past 10 years, After The Homestreteh has consistently found edoptive homes for more than six exracchorses each yer Upon arrival, each horve is vot checked and analyzed to be plaeed ina program for rehabll talon. Once the horse has been rested and eh hlitated, 1s evaluated to letermine the aise sine and training for which is best suited. When a horse is realy for adoption. compliance with the Arizona Department of Racing guidelines is followed to fly sezven applicants who wish to adopt the horse. Safety for the horse and rider is always the No.1 goal, s its imperative ro make the best possible match, Looking ahead, AFtor the Homestreteh will ccontine o provide thebest aftercare possitle fbr very horse that joins its herd. Destieated volun twors are alway’s neoted for dally chores, horse cao and training, markoting, fundraising, and ‘property maintenance, Therovehbred Pea) aC ‘TESTIMONIAL: “Our TAA accreditation has provided validation that we offer the gold standard in aftercare. We greatly appreciate the generous financial support that has helped Us care for our horses and has strengthened our training programs 10 prepare the horses for their second careers and new homes, Our primary goal is always the health and well-being of the horses in our care, and TAA helps make that possible.” FOUNDED: 2011 ‘ADDRESS: 1828, Maddock oad Phoenis, AZ 05085 PHONE: 523) 205-3528 ‘MAIN conta Darriele Martane ‘Wes ADDRESS: aitethehoresteltzory ‘SOCIAL: OStoreHemestetssiana Oahomesteatonaz @ cafertenarestechez AVERAGE NUNBER OF ‘THOROUGHEREDS PER YEAR: 2 After the Races ‘A voluntecer works with a young filly in the arena at After the Races in Elkton, Ma. Aftor the Rages is a rehabilitation and re-homing facility for Thoroughbred racehorses Its miseion is to rehabilitateand place racohorsos Ino appropriate, ong-term nomes while promot Ing the vorsatiliy of tho brood boyond racing ‘ince 2011, After the aces hasre-homed more ‘han 700 eacshorsos, having served horses retir ing rom tracksin Pennsyivanta, Maryland, New Jorcoy, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Its docre are pen toracetiorses across the count in need ff a safe place to rehabilitate and a chance at a new career. After the Races, a SON nonpeotit organ ‘zation Joceted in Elkton, Met, takes in retiring ‘Thoroughbredsand combines the horse's history (on the track with a thorough vetting on the farm to come up with a rehabilitation plan tw fits each individual horse's needs. As the horse is rehabilltated, time is spent evaluating the horse's temperament and physical eanabilisies ‘When the horse is deemed roads, the retraining process begins, with the goal ofseeking io mateh the horsowith an adoptor who is suitable and can provide long-term home for the horse Horses come to After the Racos through vari: fous backsiretch programs initiated by rac tracks dedicatedto firdinggpod homesforhorees In thelr care Ir also receives horses from private ‘ownté and trainers who are Inokdng to enstire thelr horses get a chanieeat a second career. Since its inception, After the Races has found ‘an increasing desire among racing professionals to see their horses get a second chance, and the ‘organization 1s exetted to work with these ind vidunis to fu that goat. Ac a nonprofit organization, After the Races relies on te wonderful help of volunteers and donations from fellow horse enthusiasts. Rvery dollar goes directly toward feeding and caring for these amazinganimals. STU | iy aia) ‘TESTIMONIAL: “Having the accreditation of the TAA has added to our reputation in the allercare industry and enabled us to betier serve the Thoroughbreds in our care through their financial support.” FOUNDED: 201) ADDRESS: 3168 Taga Ro. kon, 0 21921 PHONE: 919) 741-9019 ‘MAIN cowTACT: Borne Hut ‘WEB ADDRESS: aitrthraces. org ‘SOCIAL: OAteTneRaoss OGAiiatreraces OaAttertraares AVERAGE NUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: 100 DALYRACNG FON Akindale Thoroughbred Rescue Akindale trtinor Monique Coston with Inveterate, who came from the New York Thoroughbred Horsemen's Association's Take the Lead program, at Akindale’s reiab/retrain facility. Akindale ‘Thoroughbred Rescue strives 10 uphold the valvos and mission instilled by our founder, Jonn Heetnger, When it was created in 2006, The #25-aere farm in Pawling, X.Y 1s dodicatod to the care of rotired Thoroughbred racehorses and the continuation of transitioning Thorough: bred to sevond earsers Akindale operates @ Reinventing Recetorses program that has rehabilitated, retrained, and rehomed huncreds of Thoroughbreds. Thor- ‘oughbreiscome to Akindale from various tracks through private trainers and owners, a8 well as from aftercare programs such as Teyond the ‘Wine and New York Thoroughbred! Horsemen's Associatlon’s Take the Lead program. All of our horses are evalisted upon arrival ard either enter our rehab program or are given fn days ef to let dawn and enjoy being # horse Once realy, they enter our retraining program. PAGE 26 DALY ACG FORM Ve pride ourselves in making sureall our horses ‘have & groat foundation to stand upon and each imate Is pervect. Our horses are prepared to be ‘adopted for al lovels-and dizeiplinns,frors tral, to beginner, topretesstonal prospects. John Hetiinger alveays wanted to ensure that the horses he bred had sanctuary for life. There form, the farm le alzo home € 115 permanently retired Thoroughbreds. who arv living out their days in grass pastures. These horses, while oo suitable for ring, are available through a ‘companienship program Akindale isa 501(eXS) non-profit organization that accepts tax-deductible donations to help ‘cover the costs of eare forthe LA0-plus Therotigh: ‘tredsin iseare. Every dollar makesaifference Inthe livesof one horses, whethor it ia one ‘eash donation, material donation, ofa long Sponsorship afone ofthe 11S retirees living inane sanctuary eu) Daa ‘TesTIMOMAL: “We are incredibly grateful to the contin- ued support of the TAA, as we would not be able to help this number of Thor oughbreds without it. Being accred ited by the TAA is crucial to our ability to expand our rehato, retrain, and re-home programs as well as keep our sanctuary funning." FOUNDED: 2000 ‘ADDRESS: TH Cox, Paving. NY 12508 ‘PHONE: 845) 855.1262 WEB ADDRESS: aindsehanseresau og socint @Aiincae OGAKindatehorse QGoabindaletbresc AVERAGE NUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: 130 Beyond the Roses Equine Rescue & Retirement Athletica and hor trainor, Tricia Sawdon, propare for the Rotived Raeohorse Project's Thoreugh- bred Makeover: Athletics was adopted from Beyond the Roses during Thoroughbred Makeover: The ¢-year-bld, full sorvies rescue oryantia tion Boyond the Roses was ostablishod in Mich ‘gan DY current executive director Gall Hirt to provide sanctuary, rehab, retraining, and adoption placement for horses in need Early focus was on locating nging racehorses ‘whose userul track careers were over oF near: Ing an end — ccmpotitors who ran long and hard and fad more than paid their dues then acquiring them to repurpese and adopt out to loving forever homes, ‘The organization now works with Thorough: breds of any racing background. “Helping OTTBs one at a time,” is a motto adhered to by Beyond the Rose's Volunteer staff, to the last. Ing benefit of ex racehorses fortunate enough to pass through this orvanization, The ultimate mission of Beyond the Roses e-and provide positive alternatives er or abandoament. There Is no age restriction for horses admitted to the program. Beyond the Roses typleally houses about 8 dozon pormanont sanetwary horees, with approximately another 14 avaliable to artopt Fulltime residonte include Canadian stakes winners Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk and Twisted Wit, both 20-year-old geldings who during thelr racing carvers earnpd $813,953 and $944,699 respectively. ‘Tax-deductible donations for this S)Koxs) ‘pon-profit organization are needed to maintain upkeep of Beyond the Roses residents, whose ‘care averages aroun $0.50 por day, per horse. Full or partial sponscrships are available for fulltime sanctuary residents such as Nyuk Nyuk Nvak and Twisiod Wit, when injury. age, tr temperament has rendered them unsuitable for fattire sporting careers, Beyond the Reses's wish list from donors includes bardages, wormors, fy spray, haltors, Diankets, and bedding, as well as gift cards 10 Tocal feed and lumber stores, tae Aherotishbred eu) Gia ‘TESTIMONIAL: “We are honored to be accredited by TAA. thas made the work that we do easier and allowed! us to helo more. ‘Thoroughbreds with the aftercare thet is needed to transition ‘them into their new careers. The TAA aids in our mission of helping OTTEs ‘one ata time.” FOUNDED: ADDRESS: THe yc Rs Ett 48022 PHONE: (586) 921-5780 Maun CONTACT: Gali WEB ADDRESS: beyohusesmine cig social: one Ocarrecal AVERAGE WUNBEROF "OROUGHEREDS PER YEAR: 1525 12 ontyracucroRN PAGE 27 Blue Bloods bent 20 horsos cal Blue Bloods! 20-acre facility in North Carolina home at any given timo. Biue Bloods ‘Thoroughbred Adoption and Placomont in Yaneoyville, NIC, ws founded to transition former racehorses trom the Normeast intonow homes. soconilary mission isto roscus select Thoroughbreds from the siaughter plpe- line through trusted agents. Elizabeth Mecden Ald sounded the volunteer-run, 00(ex2) organiza tion after sorving as the North Carolina director {or New Jersey-based ReRun for eight yeas. At any given time, about 29 Thoroughbreds call the 200-aere facity home while letting down {rom track ife, earning nev jobs, hacking out on the trals,foxkunting, and awaiting adoption For the horses’ original owners, Blue Bloods provides a valuable sarvice and new channels to create awareness and place thelr horses with proved alopters in the Soathesst "We evaluate the horses’ abilities and tempera ments and sack to pair the right person with the right horse," Maerorsld said. “We want it to bea happy home witha good match,” ‘The rolling fils ofthe Caswell County farm hhest surprisingly woll-bred horsos, thanks to PAGE 28 DALY BAGG FORM ‘Mactonald’s relationships with too owners anc tracks in New York, New Jorsoy, and Peninest ‘ania. Furstgereration pedigrees of the fecl- liy’shorove ineludo such namos as Quality Road, Piongerof the Nile, Bodemelster, Posse, Storm Cat, Unbridled, ant Burning Roma, ‘Sameo the adoptable Thoroughbreds arenigh ‘octane athlotes hoot suited for advanced riders: ‘ake to tha upper loves of harse sports. Some are ‘workmanlike prospects for riders who want 10 huntor showat the local avels. Others are retired Droodmares ideal for beginner riders, “husband horses,” and therapeutic riding programs. ‘A unique aspect of Blue Bloods is the collabo: ration with the equestrian studies program at nearby Averett University in Danville, Vi. to make the horses a8 marketable as possible. in a lass on retraining former racehorses, students are assigned an atloptable Blue Bloods horse 10 ‘ide ail semester and chen present ata showcase ‘open to the publie, Every yea, the horsas in the ‘Averelt program have been quickly adopt, ‘some by their studont riders REHABILITATION Gaya ‘TESTIMONIAL: “TAA accreditation assures Our owners that Blue Bloods upholds the highest standarcs in horse management, ‘eoility operations, and adoption screening, And, it shows donors that we are upholding best practices for fiscal prudence, transparency, and sustainability” FOUNDED: 2013, ‘ADDRESS: C5 NC Hy 62 North Blanch, NC27212, PHONE: (ss5yeseers7 (MAIN cowTACT: Elzabot Macdenald ‘WEB ADDRESS: biuebloodts org ‘SOCIAL: Odiediocdsthoroustbred AVERAGE HUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: D Bright Futures Farm Twenty-one years ago, Bey Dee encountered bay Thoroughbred namod Brite Decision. He was sick, Jame, and headed for euthanasia when, sho discovered an fell in love with him, not knowing how the sweetmnatured fellow would change her life and she his. The stakes-placed gelding became the inspiration for Dee's Bright Futures Farm in nordwast_ Pennsylvania, Where he will alway’ be the Heartand soul of ant enterprise devoted to reseaing, rehabilitating, and finding homes for horses tn need Dee founded Bright Putures in 2000 and has shee rescued dozens of horses from undesir: able situations. also s one ofthe few facilities that will accopt aged its sanctuary. While providing rehab, reschooling, and veterinary eare to potential adoptees and Ume sanctuary for others, Bright Futures is ependont upon tax-deductible danatiens and sponsorships. “Wo reschool both for Nigh-ond diseiplines aud for everyday riders," Dee said Bright Fucures Farm provides rehabilitation and retraining to off the track Thoroughbreds prlor to adoption, and lifetime sanctuary to those that cannot be adopted due to age or disability. Graduates are placed in pre-screened homes ‘matching thoir tomperamonts and ability, “AnMl Weare Willing (o take back any horse at any time for any reason - no questions atkod. Bright Fuatures microchips all of ts adoptees, Once « horse is adopted, Bright Futures contia ‘ues to monitor its status, requiring pertodic updatoe from new ovnors. Although adoption isthe goal of the organiza: tion, Dee recognizes that some horses - due to ‘old age or infirmity ~ are largely unadoptable ‘These horses become permanent residents of the sanctuary where their intividual needsare ret, including special meals, chiropracticcare, and acuipunctire whon necossary. Bright Futures’ permanent residents the mare’Trusted Company. a foalof 1988 Whois Lelieved to be one of the last remalining sons or Gaughters of Priple Crown winner Secrotariat Permanent residents can be sponsored by Gonations of any size. For moro information, visit our website, brighthuturesfarm. org, ead REHABILITATION RETRAINING/ADOPTION ‘TESTIMONIAL: "The TAA has helped us with the cost of reschooling more Thoroughbreds for new careers, itis an expensive undertaking but also a necessity to provide these horses with a good foundation prior to adoption. With TAA's help, we are able to help more Thoroughbreds coming off the track each year than ever before.” FOUNDED: 2000 ‘ADDRESS: 298 Olé Fenn Pika Conran. PA B34 PHOME: (725) 496-4960 ‘Malu conTACT: Bev Dee WEB ADDRESS: brightuturestamorg SOCIAL O iigtsFutsestaam AVERAGE NUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: 6 panyRAcNGron = PAGE 29 Brook Hill Retirement Center for Horses Hil Retirement Center: They have evelopedl a wonderful partnership, giving the older horse a new purpose is Ife, Brook Hill Farm, a non-profit organization, begat i's mlsston of providing rescue, renabilita tion, and retirement services For horses by work. Ing mostly with ‘Thoroughbreds in their second orthird career. Along the way, Brook Ill discov fered the magic combination of horses and teons hhow horsos help tons thosa who aro at risk, live inpoverty.and are diagnosed with mental, physi cal, or learning disabilities ~ to develop the life ‘kills to enable them to besuecessfl mSehol Fully accredited by the TAA and the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries, Brook Hillis guided by an experienced team of veterinarians ‘who crpate individual rehabilitation programs for each horse that comes 10 the facility. The plan begins in an on-site lah where horses ean receive physical therapy, radiograpis, wound are, matieations farrier and chi ropnaetie work, fo vhalever is necessary (0 aid in thelr recov. fry. The average stay for Brook HL horse ls 12 months, during which ine most of the horses are PAGE 30 © ovweasucram — Prorodghbred able to recover fo thoir Injurios and are then Brock Hill pres itself in retraining Thorough Dred for ouine therapy. All tho Thoroughbreds earn to work with people with both physeal and ‘mental health disabilities The horses help teach teens life skills and a werk ethie that enables ‘them: to be successful In seco During the COVID pandemic, Brook HNL has been home to a pod schoo! for atrisk youth, the students spenchng half thetr day in a traditional classroom at the farm and the other half helping the hocses to heal Most of ou Thoroughbreds are show horses that cam no longer do their Job, or are retired Ibreodmares or pony horses that need th have ‘new, less demanding career. Brook Hill has ‘rehabilitated snd placed S17 horses since belng foursted.a years age, arc Canna) Erase a eeu TESTIMONIAL: “The TAA supports Thoroughbreds throughout their Ife — ‘ot just the first tran- sition from racing. We are proud to see the TAA lead- ing the way in the attercare industry. its generosity makes our work caring for and retraining Thor oughbreds in their final years so much easier, helps adopt- ers and donors identity reputable attorcare programs, and enables us to help so many more horses!” FOUNDED: 2091 ADDRESS: 7291 Beton oad Forest Va 2881 PHONE: (0)586 (007 MANN CONTACT: Jone Mile econ diet WER AUDRESS: Dicoititamerg SOCiAL: © BiH @ heii CANTER California Charlie Monkey competing at the Retired Racehorse Project's Thoroughbred Makeover. California's division of the Communteation Alllance wy. Network ‘Thoroughbred Ex:Kace: hhorsos {CANTER ) provides retiring Thorough bres with opportunities for new careers. The ‘organization accepts horves directly from the track inta its adoption program, providing reha: Dilltation and training for new diseiplines, with the goal of fining each horse a loving, perma eat home, CANTER also offers free public classified ads to ainers for retiring horses, Volunteer photog raphors visit tracks In Northern and Souther: California weekly, anv the organization promotes avallabie horses through soeial media and its ‘website. Since its inception, CANTER’s trainer Tistings have helped to place about {noo horses ‘Thoroughbreds come 10 CANTER through owners, trainers, orpartncr placement prageams Many have racetrack Injuries, ranging from minor to significant. Upon arcival ata CANTER facility ~ well: ‘equipped private farms in both Northorn and Southern California — horses arv given a mint ruin of ax wooks to let down from tho track. A veterinary team evaluates each norse ant over: 90s rvhabilitation when needed. CANTER slo ‘ill cover surgery costs when necessary. Volunteer professional trainers. prepare sll hhors2s - depending on their suitability, tempera: ‘ment, and lamonese history for sscond careers 8 competitive sport Horses, pleasure mous, trail horses, therapoutie riding horses, oF ceompeinion horses. CANTER covers al costs daring this vetral {ng proeess, and there 1s no limit to how longa horse can be in the program, Acloption fes. typically ranging from $1,000 to ‘$4,000, are set according to sounduess, fempe iment, training level, and long-ierm poientt ‘These fees help subsidize veterinaty care, farvier ‘Work, fod, and board Horses adoptet oF seld shrough CANTER are monitored for two years and are always placed withalifetime guarantee w be accepted back into the program ifthe awnor can no Tongor eare For the horse paren aus ay ‘TESTIMONIAL: “The TAA accreditation process has helped us ensure the quality and integrity of our aftercare program through the highest possiole care standards. Accreditation ensures aceriain level of excellence and pictessionalism, and encourages us —and al aftercare partners — to offer the best services possi- ble to our clients and horses" FOUNDED: 2008 ‘ADDRESS: 260 Las Mirada i Los Galos, CA 95082 PHONE: (408) 313-1965, MAIN CONTACT: Alison Dacher ‘WEB ADDRESS: canterusa.orgicaliornie soci QCANTERCA Oouanierca @acenera AVERAGE NUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: 8 ontvrxcnicrom = PAGE 31 CANTER Kentucky ‘Trainer Ashley Watts aboard Statesman at Lifteff Equestrian, the home of CANTER Kentucky. CANTER Kentucky (Communication Alliance to Networx Thoroughbred Ex-Racenorses) Nas suecossfully transitioned Kentueky Thorough. Dreds tno new careers and homes since 2009, ‘with the support of the Thoroughbred Aftereare Alliance, Thoroughbred Charities of America fegutine organizations, the racing industey, and private donors. Retiring Kentucky Thoroughbreds are sent to Liftoff Equestrian in Versailles Ky., the home of CANTER Kentucky. They receive rebabilita: tion time to adjust to thelr new lite after racing recelvefarrier attention and veterinary care,and slowly begin retraining on # lunge lime before going under sadle to walk, trol, and canter Many horses enjoy progressing to training as Jumpers. Thoroighbreds are equine athletes wha do ‘well In retraining and can excel in horse show PAGE 32 DALY BAGG FORM ‘competitions such as the Retixod Raeshorse Pro} ect’s Thoroughbred Makeover, while a180 enjoy’ ing tho ealinoss of trail ries, When ‘Thoroughbreds have reached 2 level of retraining to be ready for adoption, CANTER Kentucky's marketing committea posts. photos, videos, and deseriptions on soelal modia, Mors, an the CANTER website, of CANTER Kentucky Thorough bbrees mustsubmitan approval form that inciugles {nformetion about their riding skills and experi ence with OFTRS, a farm deseription, and vet farrier, anvd trainer references. Each adopter ‘must be proappraved snl evaluated to ensure a pod match with the Thoroughbred before the adoption is finalized, CANTER Kentucky continuss to follow the progress of each cne ofits equine graduates and shares phoios and updatesou social med. errand) Panu aba ‘TESTIMONIAL: “CANTER Kentucky is proud to be accredited by TAA and recognized by ‘the racing industry for meeting and exceeding standards of excellence in aftercare. TANS support of CANTER Kentucky helps horses make successful transitions out af racing and into new careers through our program of rehab, retrain, and re-home.” FOUNDED: 2009 OFFICE ADDRESS: 9277 Bsn Road Nentr, 0H 44050 [FAGILITY ADDRESS: Ltt Equestian ‘2408 Hurstown Road Versallas, KY 40283 PHONE: 140) 478-3629 [MAIN CONTACT: Far Dlovly WEB ADDRESS: ‘caveusaorlkertucky ‘SOCIAL: Ocariceky © @Cantrtentucy © Geaterkeructy AVERAGE NUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHEREDS PER YEAR: 0 CANTER Michigan EN ‘Thunderous Affair, with Lindsey Parts CANTER and in 2029 the pair won the" CANTER Michigan Communication All ance to Newwork Thoroughbeed E-acehorses iin Michigan) has aetivoly transitioned. hor siughbreds since 19%, the year oF Ineerton of the CANTER program. At tnt tine, Doral Race Course was losing ana more than 20 nen competitive Thoroughbreds needed to retire from acing N'CANTER machoding comyalgn aimaé at the public found ome for all 2 of hs track Thoreuhbeed. Tht beginning has rest te i 4 nation expansion of CANTER, when has Successfully tansiined more than 600 Thor sughtredstocate CANTER Michigan prides aftercare toretir ing Thoroaghbreds trom racetrscke in Ohio Keno, Indiana, Peniyivania, and West Virginia Most are’ aot competitive fn racing Stan have sfered racetracinjrles Mian inked Thoroughbred a transported byCANTER toMichigan State University College Gf Vetorinary Modieine to receive Hieeaving ination to bojping the horse, CANTER roves an advanced edition fer NISU wer ige of Harmony Horsomanshi Thoroughbred Makeover as well as severalother events. ais adopted from inary students by’ permitting thom to sesist with, all aspects of surgery: diagnosis, preparation, Aanesthosia, arthroseople procodure, roeovery, and post-operative care, CANTER Thorenghbrods reesive the roqulred ‘rehabilitation at one of two rehab facilites until favoterinarian condludos that roheb is complete and retraining can begin, "Thoroughbreds aro rotrained for now carcors at a training facity. Each horse is assessed 10 help determine a potential career such as polo, er, jumper, dressage, barrel racing, event or tral rides, "Thoroughbreds available for adoption are marketed through social media andl CANTER'S website. Adopters mist be preapproved and submit an online application that describes their ridingskills,horseexper ence, farm Information vel farrier and trainer references. CANTER recor vs tha right fo ensure s suitable match in the best interest ofthe horse nd adopter ITER has no paid staf All revenne 1s ‘pent to support CANTER’ Thoroughbred afler> ceare program and successful transitions into CANTER approved home, Therecahb Gee a ‘TESTIMONIAL: “TAA's accreditation of CANTER Michigan provides nationwide acknowledgement of our successful program af retraining non-competitive racehorses for new careers, healing injured Thoroughbreds through arthroscopic surgery, and orovid- ing advanced educa- tion to Michigan State students as they assist with all aspects of surgery. TAA acoredi- tation opens doors, generating additional support.” FOUNDED: 1908 ‘ADDRESS: £869 Edgowood Paik ‘Cominco Township, Ml 48282 Malu cONTACT: Robbie Trnmons EMAIL ADDRESS: cartermichigan WEB ADDRESS: Q Caren Oacanrenni: @Geatericrigen AVERAGE NUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: 0 PAGE 33 DALYRACIKGFORM Caribbean Thoroughbred Aftercare Kelley Stobie and Eleetronico doing ground workkand gaining trust, a priority for Caribbean ‘Thoroughored Aftercare before beginning under saddle training. Caribbean Thoroughbred Aftercare has been helping Thorouighbecde in Puorte Rico traneition to gnod livos off the track since 2008. More than 1100 US-bred "Thoroughbreds race annually ‘in Puorto Rico, a lange percentage of which are {imported from tho US. mainland. CTA is located atthe foothills ofthe E1 Yunaue national ranfor- fest region and hits 10 aeresof large paddocks with shail sheltersandan 1-stall barn. tt has become ‘tropical haven ant safety net for horses leaving thelr racing carvers behind iy 2021, CTA Inns accepted around 60 horses recurned 35 offthe-track Thoroughbreds to the vs. ni, and ro-honvedsix tn Puervo Rico CTA facosmanyyehatlenges. ineutings L.000-mile distance from the US. malaland, ackoP resources anil qualified homes, poverty, and 2 tropical envi ronment. Fortunately, CTA hae formed goo working partnerships with several other TAA accreted fonganizations, a8 well as with broednes and former PAGE 34 DALY BAGG FORM nections, creating a beige for some horses 10 roturn tothe United States, We aro forever appro ‘lative for these collaborative ant cooperative ‘efforts to holp us anv our horses, and grateful 10 all the infividuals who have helped oar OPTBs with funding and/or hemos. CTA is proud of our positive working relation: “ship with the Puorto Rico racing industry. whieh {s looking more postive than ever as we look to the future, Oar plans to expand inclu a sanctu ary, and with the financkal support of the track ‘and horse owners here, this will enable usto ship ‘more horses hack to the mainland to have bettor copilonsat forever homes. ‘The Carithean is beautiful but also can be unforgiving and very challenging for Thorough ‘bres both on and off the track. CPA is gratfial to TAA and to all the individuals that not only financially support our work and edTorts but 21so Delp with the networking that helps our racing thos horo inthe Caribboan! Thorodghbred Bra ae eu) RETRAINING /ADOPTION ‘TESTIMONIAL: “Being acoredited by the TAA gives CTA the much-needed valda- tion that our organi- Zatlon and its Cally endeavors meet the gold standard in after- care for the horses here in the istands! With so much logstios involved to aet the horses to better forever home options on the USS. mainiana, TAA funding has made it possible to cover more of the day-to-day care, rehab and retraining of our horses.” PO, Bos 43001 pyaar FioGiatd, Puerta Rico 0074S PHONE: (rer) 426-0886 ‘MAIN CONTACT: ely Sti WEB ADDRESS: clase con ‘SOCIAL: Dharserescve OaCurdboarotTe Occxdresn AVERAGE MUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHEREDS PER YEAR: o Center for Racehorse Retraining "The Center for Racohorse Retraining hasre-homed more than 100 exraechorses since 2016. (Phe Center for Racehorse Retratning, based in Choyenno, Wyo, aims to raise mwarenoes about Ack ‘Thoroughbreds (OTTBS) and thelr 10 oxeel ina varity of dleeplinos, and to fervate a network of trainers and homes through- fut the United States in order to better provide for OPPs upon the completion of their racing Founded tn 2016 by Kate Anderson, the Center for Racehorse Retraining has found homes for mote than 100. OPTS aeross the country, help- Ing them adjust to new eareers In a wide variety of disciplines, from being tamily pets 10 sport horses. The trainers at the Center for Racehorse Retraining employ a backgrouni in classical taining toholp OT T's rehabilitate and find thelr ‘new potential. Trainers focus on helping horses rebuild thelr bodies post-racing by using 2 slow genie, and individualized approach, In adalition to continued training, the Center for Racehorse Retraining provides rebabiitaton aint serves as ‘a sanetnary for permanent retirees. With thoarvantage of spacious turnouts on the rolling hills ant plains tn soutneast Wyoming. ‘OPTRe hare plonty of space for letdown aftr tho conclusion of thelr racing careers. "The unique Sottingoffersa premicr environmentfer strength ening and improving hoot quality and building Dback body comition after retirement, Becomine ‘Thoroughbred Aftercare All ance-accrodited gives the Center for Racehorse Retraining the opportunity to betier serve more OTTDsin easpects ofrett2ining, rehabilitation and sanctuary. Phroughafbliation with the TAA, the Conter for Racehorse Retraining is excited to expan our services to a greater number of OTTBs, ‘The high quality ofeareand retraining that the Center for Racehorse Retaining boasts woul fot be possible without cosntloss supporters and volunteers. The board ofthe Center for Racehorse Retraining Is extromoly appreciative of Its excep tional staff, yunweers, anil generous donors, Thereushbred sD aS a ‘TESTIMONIAL: “Becoming TAA accredited gives the Center for Racehorse Retraining the opportunity to better serve OTTBs in all aspects of retraining, rehabilitation, and sanctuary. Through TAA accreditation, the Center for Racehorse Retraining is excited to expand our services to a greater number of OTTBs” FOUNDED: 2015, ADDRESS: PO. Bo. (hugwates, WY 82210 PHONE: (307) 421-2008, (MAIK CONTACT: Kate Aeron ‘WEB ADDRESS: wyatt. org ‘SOCIAL: © Centertorracchorsoretrainiag AVERAGE NUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: 6 nity a40NG Foam PAGE 35, Central Kentucky Riding for Hope Dynamic duo Emma Grace and Fabian partieipate in therapeutic riding, the cornerstone of the services of Central Kentucky Riding for Hope. Central Kentacky Riding foc Hope's mission ts to improve the quality of lie and health of invividuals with special physleal, cognitive, or behavioral needs rhrough equine-assiste¢ activ ties an thorapies. CKRH, entering its 413t yoar, ‘works with 300-pius partteipants annually and provides community education t more thar, 1.200 individuals in 18 Central Kentucky coun. Some of oar services include Therapeutic Ridin cur cornerstone: Our nurturing instructors and volumtesrs encourage the most physially fate of our partieipanist0 Alevelop strength, balance, and inoior skills, A child who can eventually Sit upright on a horse will have the physical capacity to do the samme in 4 chair or on the tollet. A non-verbal child wine learns to say “walk on" or "whoa" w their horse dderonstrares an abiity to furthor develop their language skills, A child Who can grasp a horse's ‘eins can eventually do the same with a fork to feed themselves, The Stables: An accredited curriculum of Fayette County Public Schools, CKRE welcomes nearly 80 students in grates @ through 12 each lay durlag the school year to study a syllabus tineludos an unmounted equine component PAGE36 © oww mouse — Prorodd inadéition to subjects like math, solonco, and Inistory. This hands-on experience with horses ‘not only teachos the cora acatemie standarte required for graduation but also retntorces life skille such ae rosponsibility, patience, and teamvork needed tor future success In the vworktoree, itary programs: Designed for both active @uty and veteran soldiers, mountod and lunmounted services provide restiency exercises to help with readjustment to elviian life. The cemotional benefits of bonding with a horse goa Tong way in helping soliers develop new coping skillsand reduelng the amxiety that often accom panies post deployment experiences ental health programs: Unmounted programs provides safe environment for people ofall ages. ‘Whether it a socially anxious tenager. an adult feeling isolated, activities are designed to help partic ‘pants cope with yelnfl emotions, build «rust, anilloarn to safaly Interact with others, Hipporherapy: & Vicensed einical treatment, ippothorapy isos tho horee'snatural movement tw Facitaw goals related 10 physteal, occupe tional, orspooch therapy. eroushbred BUSS aod TESTIMONIAL: *CKRH is proud to have helped Iiter- ally thousands of people over the past 40 years, thanks in no small part to our cherished therapy horses. They ave the key. Their magical ability to communi- cate with people of all abilities through unwavering kindness and patience never ceases to. amaze, or to make astonishing things happen here in our bam" FOUNDED: 1981 ‘ADDRESS: PO Bo 13158, Lexan, RY 40863 PHONE: 250) 031-7066, (MAIN CONTACT: Pat Ke WEB ADDRESS: wy CHRHora ‘SOCIAL: foci OGoKRH cca ‘AVERAGE MUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: & Circle A Home for Horses Amolia and yoar-old gelding Prove, an unraced New York-bred at Circle A Home for Horses. fh 2014, Circle A Home for Horses was estab- Icod in the couthern farmbanc-atva ofthe resort city Virginla Beach, Ya, Allela Mana, founder anvtexocutivo director, turned hor horse frm into a place of healing for both horses and humans. Equine therapy ls prneticed on the farm, uiliz ing donated and rescued ‘Thoroughbreds. Ther apy programe are tho focus of Circle A Homo foc Horses, However, rehabilitated and retrained ‘Thorotghbreds are the foundation that make all things possible Since ts founding, Cirele A Home for Horses has helped hundreds of "Thoroughbreds. More Importantly, its horses have touched the lives of thousands of disadvantaged children and solos. cents labeled at-risk. Eguine therapy has been Inegrated into therapy programs for aus anil chilren in treatment for substanceabuse, depres: sion, sldiction, personality discrder, anxiety PPSD, and other rela. disorvers. ‘As prey animals, horses have evolved to ba extremely sensitive and always present in the ‘moment, Horsos.are intuitive sndcan road human emotions. body lansuage, and facial expressions ‘Thoir kind and quiet nature faeliitatos hoaling of troubled minds through acceptance ant security. Not all our Thoroughbrods become therapy horses, and many go on to write the second chap tor oftheir Tivesin adoptod homes. ire A Home for Horses has helped 650 horses since 201. Witha strongand dedicated board of directore, and a devoted and committed volunteer base, horses receive firsthand ease while in rohabilite tion ani are in individually designed retraining programs based on the best iselpline for the horse ach adption application is carefully reviewed to ensure the best mach for the horse ani now 12018, Cirele A Home for Horses prontlly sent Cat Pftyfive, generously donated by Matt Scherz, to The Jockey Clu Thoroughbred Incentive Program championships at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington. Cat Piftyfive and his exper enced rides, Jen Smith Cobb, won the Dressage Intro Division oO RETRAINING/ADOPTION ESS aod ‘TESTIMONIAL: “We are thriled to be included in TAS elite group of aftercare organizations. TAA accreditation assures our stakeholders that we maintain the highest standards for aftercare, and the partnership with TAA Gives us crucial educational, networking, and progressive initiatives to ensure we are providing evidence-based, quality care.” FOUNDED: 2014 ‘ADDRESS: 4345 Chay Neok Pi Virginia Beach, VA 23457 PHONE: (757) 285-5282 ‘MAIN conTACT: ‘Nga Mahar WEB ADDRESS: crceahomedbases 019 ‘SOCIAL: @ Ghorwioinorss Oaevcle torses © Boiceamanetatorses AVERAGE MUNBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: Ey oxymoncronw PAGE 37 Children trom Fairehild Air Force Base participate in equine programsat Down the Stretch. Down the Stretch Ranch was founded tn 2015, by Hall of Fame trainor Jorry Holler wie, Janet Hollentor‘er, and Boone Miccanna ‘The 50K(G) organization uses exrrechorses to provide therapeutic rehabilitation for military As these equine athletes offer comfort and companionship to the veterans, the organiza tion provides a situation fOr the horses and Thunans to thrive. In this form of equine thee apy, there are parallels andl connections to be ae between the veterans and equine athletes as they were both highly trained In thelr pose performance days, When a veteran arrives at the Washington. based nanch, MoCanna offers a tor ofthe Excl: ity, which includes an area for the main hord to roamorer 100acres, Just aseach veteran has his fon story, 0 does every member of the herd Down the Stretch Ranch, ‘Dee the vororans select 4 harso, thoy are told PAGE 38 DALY AGG FORM the story of that norse and shown rave replays to understand tho aninval’s background, Then ‘horse and veteran got the chanic to spend time together in a round pen. If both are comfort able. the veteran is given the opportunity to ride ‘around theranch tospend more time with theoft the-track Thorouchired. ‘The ranch also offers housing for attending veterans, with many choosing to extend thelr stay or return tothe ranch Ia Recently, Down the Stretch has been hosting families and children from Fairchild Air Porce ase, the largest aerial refueling station in the \workd, that has 609 families on base. Children on base can somerimessirugele makingnow friends when a parent is deployed. The aid of hors Down the Stretch can help children connect and cope. ‘While the ranch opeeates mostly as # sancti. ary for Thoroughbreds, the organization also ‘adopts out sound horses to qualifiod hemos, fort) aC at) EQUINE-ASSISTED PROGRAM ‘TESTIMONIAL: “What the TAA does: is incredible. Being accredited by the TAAis important to ensure these horses are properly cared for. The accredita- tion process helped us see ways to make our organization even better” FOUNDED: 2015, ‘ADDRESS: 27700 Mios Crosion Re. (Creston, WA 99117 PHONE: (258)950-0160 ‘MAIN CONTA Boone MeCanna WEB ADDRESS: ddonnihesetch org social: @ skoinnestatcranen OGOownrtesteri AVERAGE NUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: Equestrian Inc. Fort Astoria, a descendant of Secretariat, enjoys his retirement at Equestrian Ine. in Florida Established tn 1985 as a sant looking for a new ase on currently has 10 registered Thoroughbreds and hhorses from hres other breeds. Some of the horses are permanent resitents due to age or injuries, and ethers are in the process of being retrained or are recovering [rom a racing Jury. Equestrim Inc. provides exracchorses hance fora productive second career inavariety of disciplines, such as jumping, dressage, event ing. and! pleasure or companion. Tisadoption process involves an iniecview with the potential adooter (0 vaiige their knowledge ana ability to care forthe horse. The next step is ‘the adoptor sponding time with the herseso that they ean get w know one anoiher. The adopter rust be at least 21 years eld anv financially able to care for the horse. The adoption fee is from $500 and up deponding on the scundness, eran: Ing evel, and potential of the horse Equestrian ine. aso paid staff. {tistun solely bby volunteers who are the heart ofthe organiza tion. A team of dicated people performs such teks as feeding grooming, exercising, turnout, stall Geaning, and general farin maintonance. Equestrian Ine. offers Bright Futures hours to high school students ne particlpatesin the Hills. borough County Community Service Progeam. 1. hosts groups from area high sehcols the Univer sity of South Florida, and the University of “Tampa. At these events, the students are shown, how to care for horses and are given hanls-on demonstrations, In addition, it has a strone work: {ng relationship with ‘Tampa Bay Downs race track Our late founder, Glenda Smith, said, “Those Involved ara paid via Jove given them from the animals, not with money" ‘That stl} sums up howe we fool about our great volunteers. ET RETRAINING /ADOPTION TESTIMONIAL: “The recognition and prestige associated with TAA has opened up a broader spectrum of donor avenues that otherwise were not available to us. We are honored to be accredited by TAA and appreciate their ‘support so that we may continue to help the off-the-track Thoroughbred” Founnen: 985 ‘ADDRESS: 2aFaiil ve Brandon, FL 33510 PHONE: (813) 410.9982 main conract: Deen Sith WEB ADDRESS: equastinincarg SOOIAL: © eqestiannctanos © Spindastoasrere © Ceqestiznnetaros AVERAGE NUMBER OF ‘THORCUGHBREDS PER YEAR: owymcncron PAGE 39 Equine Advocates Equine Advocates 1s a national nonproht resus, eduentional, and advocacy organization founded in 1986 in response tothe Issue of horse slaughter. Structured initially as a rescue operation. the organization expanded in 200 to inclule a ‘Mo-acre sanetuary in upstate New York, where Dorses of all breeds and backgrounds ~ inclu ing oft-the-track Thoroughbreds — currently reside, Founder and president Susan Wagner estimates that thousands of equines have been transitioned into beiter situations through the sfforts of those involved with Rauine Advocates, Currently, some 09 horses, donkeys, ponies, and mules reside at the sanctuary near Chatham, which Wagner describes as “an ‘equtino village where they live out the lives in ‘natural environment, allowing then to sola: {ae with ono anothor." Many rosidonts have old Injuries and special needs. PAGE 40 pawy Fon Arnold and Mikey were rescued in 2007 and spent 31 days in a hospital recovering from neglect ‘and starvation, Today they liv ina section of Equine Advocates called Aftor the Finish Line. 12006, Egutne Advocates opened tts Humane Education Conter, where classes and seminars are conducted and where visitors can learn about equine issues and reagonsible horse guardianship. The group has participated in cruelty investigations and held sympostums for Jaw enforcement in dealing with such eases, Equine Advocetes has been recognized. by Thoroughbred Charities of America and the New York State Humane Association for its ‘work, in aldition to being aceradiced by both the Thoroughored Aftercare Alliance anil the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries, ‘We combine our rescue efforts with advocacy in order to effect change, educate peuple, and promote jnunane treatment of horses." Wa sald. “In addition to proviling sanctuary a Loving home for cur rescued horses, we focus ‘an tezching poople how to became bettor, more rusponsible horse guardians,” ena) TESTIMONIAL; “We are gratetul to TAA for its generous support. Asa sanctuary, horses who come in remain here for life; many have special needs that require more velerinary services. It is wonderful to have TAA funding to help pay for their maintenance as well as for many of their medical needs." FOUNDED: 1096 AnoREss: 20. Bona54 hata, NY. 12087 ‘PROME: (518) 392-0175 ‘MAIN CONTACT: SesanVlager WEB ADDRESS: audios social: OQ cwioxdccaeso19 O vkinerdrcavs GB eeminecvocses AVERAGE NUMBER OF THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: 16 Equine Rescue and Adoption Foundation Drexels Gold and Balaban were successfully rehabilitated, retrained, and adopted in 2021, he Equine Rescue and Adoption Foundation (ERAF) in Palm City, Fla, has boon an impor aan resouroe for altersare on Floricass Treasure Coast sines 2006, (Our mission is skmple: We rescue horses facing arvuncertain future through nofeultof their own, Some have boon neglected, abused or slauzhtor bound. Many ave arrived aftor carver om dhe wack or in the arena and are ready for their next captor, Still others ean simply no lenger be cared for by thelr owners, Our caring staf and dedicated volunteers work (0 rehabilitate and retrain our horses so they may be placed in sult able adoptive homes. Ouradoptcas have excelled In show rings, as please horses, trail horsos, anal pasture pals When those horsis arrive at our gates, itis the beginningof« new life for ther. RAP veterinarian ovorsacs all medical care ad feeding, and all borses have an individual ized raining program. When the appropriate person is Kentlfed to adopt one of oar arses, a complotsrefurence chock Is comtucted, Including ‘property Inspection and veterinary reference, During that me, the svlopter works with our ‘barn manager and staf? to establish a trust el ‘ionchip with the horse to ensure thatthe match 1s good for both the horseand the individual ‘The property upon which ERAF conduct ite reseue activities Inludes a 2s-stall bara, arena, round pen, hy storage building, 16 pastare paddocks, andl a quarantine area. All pastures have threesided shelters and a disect water While ERAF is primarily focuser! on the eare, rehabilitation, and arlogtion of its equine rest dents, BRAF also enileavors to provide equine pmiucation and training to the community t0 ssupportits mission, ERAP is depenient upon grants, individual ‘donors and fourntations, Cunning events, and Iboquosts fo support its services and programs, Troretiahb nl TESTIMONIAL: “Our TAA accreditation not only ensures we uphold the highest standards ana bast practices of the industry but also provides valuable collaborations and resources. TAA provides us with tools paramount to the best possible future for our horses.” 5400S Mantis Hay. Palm Cy, L 24900 [MAILING ADDRESS: PO. Bos 1199, Palm Giy, FL34091 PHONE: (77220-0150 contacts: Eaineires, prosdert Narey Dunn, barranager ‘WEB ADDRESS: av19 ‘social: @ enihcrsesoe OGERAFHorseRescue OGeaarseescve AVERAGE HUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: wv pwymcncron PAGE 41 Equine Rescue of Aiken Emperor Penguin and Great Again at sunset on the U0-acre Equine Rescue of Aiken property: ‘Loca tn Ue hetrt of South Caroline’ tamed hherse country, Equine Rescuo of Akon i pasto ral sancluaiy for redred ‘Thoroughbreds and unwanted or neglected horses. Established in 2006, the mostly. volunteer-run operation has Adopted out noarly 1400 horses, may of ther arsk before arriving atthe rescueant inneed of ‘now home Equine Koscue of Atken works with racetracks twidontify and acquire horses thatare no longer compatitive, or have sustained carver-ending Injuries, to repurposs them for second eareersin forever homes, ‘The organization Is the largest horse rescue cenver in the southeastern United States. Its 90 reves Tnelude rehab and quarantine paddocks and large rolling pastures forthe horses to roam. yen though the Fecility suffered from # devas tating fire in spring 023, 1 is still operating and ding itbotter thanever before. ‘Atay giventime. theorvanizationishomet60 \o.70 horses of all breedsand backgrounds from meraechores to formor polo ponies to rotired ‘draft plow horses, Although those numbers have ‘dropped a bit during the pandeme, the adoption ‘numbers havent, and Equine Rescueot Alken Is placing just as many’ as beforn, Tho organization has only ewo staff membersand an abundance ot voluntoors that have helped make the plaeo look PAGE 42 DNL RACING FORM Therovshbred as ever Taquiino Rescue of Aikon is enibarking on its 15-year anniversary and Is celebrating with a capital campaign to help raise funds to rebuild the barn ios to fre, with plans to start ballding {In mid:2022, The organization wante to give moro Dak fo the contmunity with more educational Workshops, youth veluntece days, and schoo! ists throughout che year 1t 1s open tothe public six dave a week for tours, and the ongentzntion ‘emphasizes education about horse eare and the ‘oquine industry. ‘Unlquely, the 501(6X@) nonproat orzantzation ‘supports the loenl eounty Pro‘Trial Intervention Program in which hirsttimeottenders may fui) required community service boarsby working at the facility. "The rescue also partaers with mul ple organizations by hosting equine-assisted Drograms whese focus is using the therxpeati value of horseso help people with posttra siross and build confidence in Hts participants In atilcion to being recognized by the TAA, Equine Reseuoo? Aikon isa grant rcipient of the ‘Thoroughbred Charities of America, a Planum Ralod Guidestar organization, and a Saf Stall facility for the Humane Society of the United States: Tho organization strives to ho a top-notch Facility aud give te horses the best eave possitte ‘until they find thoir forever hemes. co PO RETRAINING/ADOPTION pte ‘TESTIMONIAL: “Accreditation by anational ‘organization such as the TAA shows the community that we operate with the best interest of our horses and reassures them thal their donations are going toa responsible organization. The assistance allows us to continue our mission of repurposing and re-homing off-the- track Thoroughbreds” FOUNDED: 2005, ADDRESS: 532 Glonwoo0 Orwe ‘ike, $023003 PHONE: 203) 643-1850, (watk contact: i Phales ‘WEB ADDRESS: skenaqulnenesus. og ‘SOCIAL: Oiriicrégieoreseus OaAikentquineRese @ariterequirarescue ‘AVERAGE NUMBER OF ‘THOROUGHEREDS PER YEAR; 2 Farralone Farms: Los Angeles Pet Rescue ‘Rumors Ride and Sumthingsgortogive at Farralone Farms, the equine division of LA Pet Rescue, Farralone Farms is the equine division of Los Angeles Pet Resete, an animal-welfire organi vallon that has saved everythingfrom sheep and rules to cats anv guinea ples. Founded in 2008 by Saskia Chiesa, a longtime dressage competitor from The Netherlands, the farm Is # peaceful facility located in Southern California's San Fernando Valley. Farralone Faris leads in all breeds but has had notable success withoft the-track Thoroughyeds. There are iGhorses zetive fn the pre ‘According te Chiesa, “Weareall about the for Rs” rescue, rehabilitate, rteaia, ant rechome Many of Rarralone Farms’ horses have been plucked directly out of livestock auctions. ‘They are then brought to dhe Chatswerth-based facil ity, whore thoy are carofully assossed and roba bilitated, receiving RGR plus veterinary and farrier care as needed. Stallions generally will begelded, teth Moated, and vaecinatlons upslated as. these horses Drought back to optimal health with plenty of g00¢ food and quality care. When ready. many ‘willbe schooled and retrained in preparation for the next phase in thotrives Worses recently made available through Racralone Rarms have included Grand. Yule anil Cyber Sam, both rescues from a California livestock muction, Grand Vo sa beaut gray son of Grade 1 winner and sire Grand Slam ane is out af «two-time Southern California winner, Cyber Samis a27-year-olddaughter ofchamplon, Capoto out of Mr Prospoctor mare. Roth Grand Yule and Cyber Sam eventually felon had times bofore boing sont to Farralone Farms as future companton horses. Thereushbred REHABILITA Gael TesTiNoMAt: “TAA's grant and accreditation are of tremendous value to us. The grant check is a blessing in doing this beautful work, Accreditation also serves to reassure potential adopters that we are a bona fide organization. We see TAA as partners with whom we work. hand-in-hand to retrain our OTTBs and settle them into new, rewarding careers.” ‘ADDRESS: 10856 Farrdone ve Chatsworth CASISIT PHONE: (218) 207-1805 ‘MAIN CONTACT: Saskia Chiesa WEB ADDRESS: faralanearms con SOCIAL: @rarcontans @ Olaralerotame ‘AVERAGE MUNBER OF ‘THOROUGHBREDS PER YEAR: 8 ouymcnaronw PAGE 43

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