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First observation :

Air only :

No changes happened.

Water only :

The bottom of the container starts to blur.

Water + air :

No changes just the water on the bottom of the container is starting to blur.

Water + salt + air :

Nothing happened.

Drying Agent :

Nothing happened.

2nd Observation :

Air only :

No changes happened into the nail.

Water only :

No changes happened onto the nail but the water seems to blur a little.

Water + air :

The nails are surrounded by little bubbles no reaction whatsoever to the nail but same as the "water
only" the water blur a little.

Water + Salt + Air :

There's no major changes happened in the concrete nail but few small spots seems to be rusting.

Drying Agent :

No changes happened into the nail.

3rd Observation :

Air only :

A few spots of rusting can be seen on the nails but it's not that big.

Water only :

The nails are starting to rust causing the water to be dirty.

Water + air :

Same as the ( water only ) the nails in the water + air container are starting to rust, the only difference is
the rusting of the nails in this container is much faster.

Water + salt + air :

The water only gets a bit dirty but no changes happened to the nails itself.

Drying Agent :

The nails doesn't change and still looks like it's in original state

4th Observation :

Air only :

Few rust happen to appear but it's not much, the rust are mostly found in the tip of the nail.

Water only :

The nails are completely covered with rust but the rust covering the nail is much darker.

Water + air :

Same as the ( water only ) the nails in this container are covered with rust the only difference is the rust
that covers the nail in this container has a much lighter color.

Water + salt + air :

The nail's color becomes much darker but it's not completely covered with rust, only few rust can be
seen in the nails.

Drying Agent :

Nothing much happened. The nails doesn't rust and still in it's original state.

Rolen D. Valdez – Group 2

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