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Improvements for Power Systems Performance:

Modeling, Analysis and Benefits of TCSCs

Carlos Gama Ricardo Ten6rio
ONS CHESF rtcnorio


Abstract: This paper describes the modeling and investigation of MODELS is a general technical description language
the performance of a Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor supported by a simulation solver [3]. It is a high-level,
(TCSC)camed out within the EMTP-ATP program. The TCSC structured language for algorithms, which allows the
ccmtrol system was developed using two different languages representation of complex physical systems and their
supported by EMTP-ATP: Transient Analysis of Control Systems interactions with power systems. It should be noted that
(TACS)and MODELS language. The modeling task is described
briefly and some details of the use of the MODELS language are MODELS allows the interface between EMTP-ATP and
given. The TCSC model is then used to investigate the capability outside programs, hesides importingkxporting variables
of the TCSC for improving power system performance with frodto network.
respect to: subsynchronous resonance phenomena. fault current
limitation, and line current control. Additionally, the innovative MODELS is much more powerful than TACS although
POD structure used in an actual TCSC in the Brazilian North- slower [4]. The main features of this language can be
South interconnection is discussed along with some test results. summarized as follows: a) capability of creating a model
description and allowing its use in different parts of the
Keywords: TCSC, Modeling, POD. Stability, Subsynchronous
Resonance, Fault Current Limiters, Current Control. code on instruction from the user; b) capability of
segmenting the model into submodels in order to make the
I. INTRODUCTION modeling easier in addition to allowing access to
subroutines written in other languages: c) self-documented
When a new device appears. the lack of reliable and easy- code that allows a clear understanding and serves as a
tc-use models for representing it constitutes a drawback to reference document.
the widespread use of this technology. The present
modeling of a TCSC for the EMTP-ATP program is B. Description of the TCSC Mudelirig
intended to narrow this gap. In fact, the TCSC model was
developed using both TACS (Transient Analysis of Control A simplified diagram of the TCSC model for the ATP-
Systems) and the MODELS language. The TCSC modeling EMTP program is shown in Fig. I . A detailed description
for MODELS. which is briefly described in this paper, of the modeling can be found in 12, 51. The TCSC is
providcs a high-level. self-documented code that offers an divided into three distinct systems: power circuit;
easy-to-use. -upgrade, and -maintain model. It should be measurement and control systems: firing and
noted that this TCSC model was extensively tested and synchronization systems. The power circuit comprises a
capacitor bank in parallel with a thyristor controlled reactor
validated against published TNA simulations collected
and a MOV arrestcr to protect the capacitor. The thyristor
from the international literature [ 2 , 5 ] .
valve includes a snubber circuit. All components were
modeled using regular. built-in EMTP-ATP models.
The following sections describe the TCSC modeling for the
ATP-MODELS language as well as simulation results that
The measurement and control systems work independently
investigate the TCSC capabilities for improving the power
systems performance as far as subsynchronous resonance in each phase. and consist of hand-pass and notch filters. a
phenomena, and both fault current limitation and line current quadratic measurcmcnt dcvice. an active power
ciirrent control are concerned. In addition, an innovative measurement device. and a proportional-integral (PI)
POD for an actual TCSC in operation in the Brazilian controller. A comparison between the measured line
North-South interconnection is explored and some test current and the reference current is made. and the error
generated is fed into the PI controller whose main function
results are shown.
is to bring to zero its steady-state error. An open loop
impedance mode is possible in addition to the closed loop
current control mode. In this mode a reactance orcicr is set
and the Firing systcm then provides a suitable Iiring angle
A The MODELS Lmgircige
ordcr to the thyristors.

0-7803-5935-6/001$10.00(c) 2000 IEEE 1462

The TCSC has an additional control loop responsible for This mode provides the means of limiting the line current
damping power oscillations, i.e. power swing damping by increasing the line impedance by a value that depends
control (PSDC). The PSDC measures the absolute value of on the design of the TCSC. The WTM means that the
the line active power and feeds this signal into a wash-out TCSC waits for a certain time with a fixed firing angle
filter and a lead-lag compensator. The output signal is until another mode of operation is set. The TBM means
added to the reactance order in such a way as to modulate that the PI regulator and firing system are blocked, and the
the TCSC reactance in order to damp the power oscillation. TCSC will operate at 180'. The operation mode selector
The measurement and control systems were represented in was represented in MODELS basically through logical
MODELS using Laplace transfer functions, logical, equations. Figure 2 shows the flowchart of the TCSC
algebraic, and integral equations, as well as the powerful controls in MODELS
algorithm control statements available in this modeling
language. A . Detuning SSR Interactions

The synchronization and firing systems comprise a The term subsynchronous resonance describes the
linearisation curve, a pulse generating unit and a electromechanical subsynchronous oscillations associated
synchronization unit that is based on either an individual with turbine-generator shafts and a series capacitor
firing pulse (IFP, i.e. current zero crossings) or an compensated power system when the oscillatory energy
equidistant firing pulse (PLL- phase locked loop system). exchanged tends to grow. For a simple power system such
The synchronization and firing systems were represented in as that shown in Fig. 3, the natural electrical frequency is
MODELS through Laplace transfer functions, and given by equation (2) wheref, is the electrical frequency
trigonometric, algebraic, and integral equations corresponding to the synchronous frequency under ideal
conditions): X, is the series capacitor reactance and X, is
There are three special modes of operation: thyristor the total reactance of the power system. However, complex
switched reactor (TSR), thyristor blocked mode (TBM) and power systems have often more than one resonant
waiting mode (WTM). These modes of operation are frequency and the analysis is then not so simple.
activated in special circumstances by the operation mode
selector. TSR means that the thyristors are fully
conducting. In this condition the capacitor bank is bypassed
through the TCR, and the TCSC impedance changes
rapidly from a capacitive value to an inductive one.

L r--------' I
SY S'lli M

Figure 1 : Structure of the TCSC modelling

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 (c) 2000 IEEE 1463


I " I ' mechanical torques on sections 3-4 (torque 3) and 4-5

(torque 4) of the turbine-generator shaft. This simulation
shows a serious SSR interaction. which in the absence of
1 countermeasures, would lead to shaft damage. As can be
seen it is possible to excite SSR problems even with a
I moderate degree of compensation, i.e. 35%.

I' F;L'twu If a TCSC is placed into the power system with a reactance

I order equal to 50 IR. no SSR interaction is observed. Fig. 5

shows torques 3 and 4 on the shaft which are slightly
w m
I I damped (note that no mechanical damping was represented
on the shaft). Spectral analysis shows that no resonant
frequency is found below 60 Hz [2]. This demonstrates that
from the network standpoint this TCSC does not behave as
a capacitor, rather it develops inductive-resistive behavior
OPERATION I 121. Moreover. in [9] it was investigated how to decrease
transient torque on turbine-generator shafts by using

F I R I N G ANGLE B. TCSC ns a Fault Current Litniter
Figure. 3. The TCSC controls structure in MODELS

When the power system has its resonance excited, it causes To perform as a fault current limiter the TCSC has to be
oscillating currents at electrical frequency in the stator, dimensioned to withstand the short circuit current and
which give rise to rotor currents at subsynchronous N,,=J, - develop a high inductive impedance. As a consequence i t is
fr) and supersynchronous (f;,,=fo + fr) frequencies. If the necessary to change some characteristics of the TCSC,
subsynchronous frequency is near a torsional mode of such as equipment ratings and natural resonant frequency
oscillation then SSR problems may occur. It should he of its LC circuit, in order to develop a high impedance
noted that there are different ways of identifying when operating in TSR mode, i.e. thyristors fully
interactions between the turbine-generator shafts and power conducting.
systems. These phenomena can be divided into self-
excitation and transient torques [2. 81. The self-excitation The power system simulated in this section. seen in Fig. 6,
phenomena can be divided further into two types, namely: consists of a 100 km, 230 kV transmission line that feeds
induction generator effect and torsional interaction. This three loads in a ring configuration. All transmission lines in
section only deals with torsional interaction involving both the ring configuration have a length of 30 km and the loads
series capacitor and TCSC compensated power systems. can be said to be electrically close to each other. All loads
are considered to have a power factor of 0.85. The loads
In order to investigate the capability of the TCSC in are: S 2 = 50 MVA, S.7 = 70 MVA, and S4 = 20 MVA. The
detuning SSR torsional interaction, a simulation was TCSC simulated was rated to vary from -j21 R up to -j52
carried out using the IEEE first benchmark system for SSR IR. i.e. virtually a compensation degree of 100%. A surge
studies 171 and a 50 L2 series capacitor. which means a arrester (MOV) rated for 33 kV was used for protecting the
compensation degree of around 35%. According to (2), the capacitor bank against overvoltages. In the TSR mode the
theoretical resonant frequency excited due. to the short TCSC has an impedance of j49 R which almost doubles the
circuit is 27.7 Hz. line impedance in this condition.
I 2 3 4 5
In order to detect a fault condition and to place the TCSC
in TSR mode, an overcurrent detector based on line current
amplitude was simulated together with the TCSC modcl
[2]. A three-phase fault was applied to bus 2 (Fig. 6 ) .The
xll-Io I 4 Al=bOZ X1=1050 results are shown in Fig. 7, where fault currents are seen
TURBINE (X'd.0 I751
from bus I . The fault was applied at 30 ms and the
overcurrent detectors identified a fault condition at 34.95
ms, 37.90 ms. 36.90 ms respectively for phases A, B, and
C. The pickup values used for these overcurrent detectors
Fig. 3: One-line diagram of the IEEE first benchmark were set to 2000 A rms.
As can be seen from this simulation for phase B
The complementary frequency. i.e. 32.3 Hz, coincides with (highlighted by an ellipse in Fig. 7). the TCSC using
the fourth torsional mode of oscillation at 32.3 Hz. As a detection based on line current amplitude is not able to
result there is a destabilization of this mode of oscillation limit all peaks of the fault current. The largest current peak
which leads to a torsional interaction. From the mechanical in phase B was increased from 3337 A to 4245 A (an
standpoint. Fig. 4 shows the build-up OF the two greatest

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00(c) 2000 IEEE 1464

increase of 27%). However, the highest current peak in the Note that the first transmission line is compensated by two
three phases was reduced from 5225 A to 4233 A (19% series capacitors of 55 Q and 40 Q, and a TCSC rated for -
reduction). If effective limitation of all current peaks is j l 5 to -j60 R. The parallel line is a high natural capacity
required, a fault detector based on a predictive strategy (HNC) transmission line [ 1 I] that presents a smaller series
[IO], e.g. rate of rise, should be used. Otherwise a fault reactance around 36% of the 230 kV, conventional
detector based on current amplitude is likely to be transmission line. This corresponds roughly to a
adequate. conventional line with a series compensation degree of
64%. The compensation degree of the 230 kV,
conventional transmission line varies from 66.5% (TCSC at
0.00 +-g -jlS Q) to nearly 100% (TCSC at -j60Q). Therefore, with
the TCSC at -jl5 SL, the two transmission lines share
' -I approximately the same power flow but the conventional


0 00 5 00 10.00 line has its impedance dynamically controlled by the TCSC

1 I M E (SI
60.00 7 action.

0.00 In order to investigate the TCSC behavior and its line

current control action subsequent to a transmission line
-60.00 ' I I
I tripping, a three-phase fault was applied at the middle of
0.00 5.00 10.00
TIME (6) the HNC transmission line. The fault was applied at 250 ms
and 100 ms later (at 350 ms) an order was sent to trip the
Fig. 4:Torque build-up with SO R series capacitor HNC line circuit breakers. Figure 14 shows these
simulation results

-1.00 +--, 4
0.00 5.00
TIME ( S )



, 1.00 '
-I '- --'

5 .oo 10.00
Phase B

TlME ( 6 )

Fig. 5 : Torque with TCSC at 50 R

CENl I 2 J

I Zea I

2 3 U KV, I O U KH 1 - 1I, .. 4 1 Phase C
n 2

I I -2

-6 1
0.00 0.05 0.1 0 0.15 0.20
Fig. 6: One-line diagram of the power system TIME ( S )

C. TCSC Dynamic Compensator to Control Line Current Fig. 7: Fault currents for phases A, B,and C (thick trace: with
TCSC I thin trace: without TCSC)
The TCSC can dynamically control either line current or The conventional transmission line was being regulated at
power [ 2 ] . The simulation results shown here deal with line
800 Arms by the TCSC. During the fault, this line current
current control only, although a line power control may be decreased slightly as both systems I and I1 were feeding the
implemented easily. In order to demonstrate the line faulted parallel HNC line. The TCSC tends to correct the
current control feature, a simple power system was very sniall line current drop, when the fault is cleared by
considered. It consists of two network equivalcnts (voltage the opening of the HNC line breakers. In this occasion, the
behind an impedance) with a short-circuit contribution of network impedance changes and the TCSC line current
9.2 and 7.3 GVA, interconnected by two 230 kV, 320 km, tries to increase rapidly, but the TCSC conlroller decreases
parallel transmission lines. Fig. 8 shows a one-line diagram its reactance (from roughly -j37 Q to -j25 Q) to bring thc
of the simulated power system.

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 (c)2000 IEEE 1465

line current back to 800 Arms. This illustrates how a TCSC is caused by the step in the average power in the line,
can assist power systems by maintaining their scheduled which appears at the onset of the power oscillation.
A new scheme for deriving the reactance reference for the
TCSC COMPENSATED TRANSMISSION LINE Imperatriz TCSC in Brazil was used. It exploits the a priori
I 2 3 4 rrrr S 6 knowledge of the power swing frequency representing it by
a phasor in a rotating coordinate system. Doing so the
correct phase relationship can be maintained irrespective of
the change in average power and limitations can be applied
on the reference signal without impact on the dynamic
'cc * '.* GVA

Based on the knowledge about frequency of oscillation, the

following assumptions are done:
0 The measured active power on the interconnection can
be described as the sum of two contributions.
The first contribution is an average power on the
- 2
Middle 01 H N C line
2 1
(fault applicalion point) 0 The second contribution is the 0.20 Hz active power

E o oscillation corresponding to the power oscillation.


Now, if one can separate the two contributions in such a
- 7 ribution trom bus 1 way that as to get the instantaneous phase angle and the
0.8 kArms
amplitude of the power oscillation signal, then it is possible
5 0.5 to get a very good basis for a damping controller In order to
extract the power oscillation contribution, a 0.2 Hz
reference signal is generated. Then using the same type of
lion trom bus 6
technology as in a PLL, four different signals are extract
out of the measured active power:
0 0.2 Hz active power oscillation
E o Average active power flow on the interconnection
= 0 Amplitude of the power oscillation
,-7-" 0 Phase angle of the power oscillation
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.5
TIME (S) TIME (S) With the above information it's straightforward to generate
Fig. 9: Fault currents for phases A, B, and C (thick trace: with a TCSC reactance that adds damping to the system.
TCSC / thin trace: without TCSC) According to [15], the desired reactance output of the
TCSC should have a phase angle of -90 O relative to the
D.Power System Stability Enhancement active power (90 O lag strategy). The reactance output from
the controller is proportional to the amplitude of the
The application of TCSC for damping power oscillations oscillation and since the signal is centered around zero
has been demonstrated consistently via time domain there are no problems with saturation at one side of the
simulations in many technical publications [ 141. This controllable range of the main circuit. Note that the active
section aims at presenting a brief description of an power is used as the input signal, besides the sign
innovative structure for a Power Oscillation Damper (POD) correction for powerflow direction is included, being this
implemented in a TCSC in Brazil. This TCSC has been in essential for the proper POD behavior
reliable commercial operation for 10 months, providing
damping for a 0.2 Hz inter-area mode. The effectiveness of The controller illustrated in Fig. 10 works with a fixed,
such controller will be illustrated by means of system test predefined frequency of oscillation. However, this
results [ 161. frequency could be adaptively changed in order to generate
a controller that works in a wider frequency band. One way
Choosing and manipulation of input signals in order to of doing this adaptation is to compute the relative angle
provide the correct reference for PODS has always shown between phasor reference signal and the estimated
to be a critical task. Traditionally, e.g. in Power system oscillation signal, If this relative angle increases, then the
Stabilizers (PSS), this is accomplished using cascade actual oscillation liequency is higher than 1hG frequency ol'
connected washout filters and lead-lag links. This the phasor rcference and hence the frequency of the phasor
technique exhibits some problems at large disturbances, reference should be increased and vice versa.
e.g. at tripping of generators or lines in either of the
interconnected systems. One problem is related to the Figures I 1 and 12 present system test results. The
limited available dynamic range of the TCSC and the other disturbance was a trip of generation in the Norlh system

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00(c) 2000 IEEE 1466

having the POD disabled (Fig. 11 ) and enabled (Fig. 12). The TCSC may be designed to develop an inductive
Note also in Fig. 12 that the TCSC apparent reactance impedance at a range of subsynchronous frequencies.
(Xtcsc) goes into the inductive region (thyristor switched Therefore, the TCSC is neutral from SSR standpoint within
reactor mode) in such a way as to damp effectively the this range. A properly designed TCSC may enhance power
power oscillation out. system stability and avoid risking SSR problems. The
TCSC is able to meet the apparently contradictory
requirement of increasing transmission capacity with a
decrease of the fault levels.

A brief description of the new POD structure using PLL, in

commercial operation in the Brazilian North-South
interconnection since March, 1999, was presented. This
TCSC, which is being used mainly for damping power
oscillations, is neutral to SSR and features the fault current
limitation function.

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IV. CONCLUSIONS C. Gama. Gunner Ingestrtlm. Lennan Angquist “Brazilian Nonh-
South Interconnection - Control Application and Experience with a
The TCSC model developed for the ATP-EMTP program T C S C FACTS Controllen: Application and Operational
Experience (Panel) - IEEE I999 Suininer Meeting, Eclmonton.
using MODELS language is a reliable, easy-to-use, and Alberta. Canada.
maintain tool for assessing and analyzing TCSC
performance in enhancing power systems.

0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00(c) 2000 IEEE 1467

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