Characteristics of Substance Abuse Users

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Characteristics of Substance Abuse Users

Ideal candidates for substance abuse interventions are individuals that possess: a drug

dependence involving emotional/psychological change, continuation despite negative

consequences, and inability to cope with a variety of life stresses (Sarkar, 2013). A candidate

drug dependence involving psychological change will experience a gradual shift in personality:

activity and thought process revolving around the drug Therefore, leading to judgement and

insight becoming impaired. As the addiction progress, lying, stealing, and violence become a

regular norm. Continuation despite negative consequences implies that the drug abuser will start

to break friendships with non-abusers, breaks promises, and lies. Instead, the candidate makes

friends with other drug abusers to gain a method of retrieving the drug from individuals outside

pharmacies. Finally, Inability to cope with variation of life stress combined with impaired

judgement or insight leads to the drug abuser becoming involved in illegal activities: street

crimes, violence, extortion, murder. In addition, some drug abusers engage in inappropriate

sexual activities under the influence of drugs.

The most effective substance abuse treatment intervention involves an approach with

cognitive-behavioral therapy because Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on helping clients

change thoughts (e.g., drinking is the only way to relax) and behaviors (e,g,, drinking to

intoxication) that interferes with everyday function (SERVICES., 2019). CBT strategies include

helping clients identity and manage triggers for substance abuse by practicing new behaviors,

reinforcing abstinence. Effective cognitive-behavioral therapy is possible when the correctional

counselors take on the role of a teacher or guide who is more directive, but counselors’ overall

stance should remain that of an empathetic partner–consultant instead of an expert. In this

instance, the correctional counselor commends the client for coming to treatment and provides

personalized feedback on assessment findings (SERVICES., 2019).


Sarkar, A. (2013, September 9). Characteristics of drug-dependent people. National Institutes of

Health. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from



SERVICES., D. E. P. A. R. T. M. E. N. T. O. F. H. E. A. L. T. H. A. N. D. H. U. M. A. N.

(2019). Tip 35: Enhancing motivation for change in substance use disorder

treatment (updated 2019). LULU COM.

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