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Unit I: Physiological Indicators in Dance
LESSON 2: Motor Learning in Dancing

NAME:___________________________________YEAR & SECTION:___________DATE:_________

Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to;

K: explain motor learning in dancing;

S: perform a Tiktok dance showing motor
learning; and
A: show appreciation on the importance of motor
learning in dancing.

Enduring Understanding

Motor learning is the process of acquiring the ability to

produce skilled actions and provides a framework for
establishing programs that facilitate skill acquisition for all

Essential Questions Values Integration

Show appreciation on the
1. How can motor learning helps an individual importance of motor learning in dancing.
to produce skilled actions?
Teaching Materials and
2. What is/are the possible program/s that Strategies
facilitate/s skill acquisition for learners?
Socratic Method, Constructivist
3. Why is it important to learn and develop Approach, Pictures, Videos
motor skills in dancing?

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When we look at how dancers move and how they learn to dance, we sometimes call this motor
behavior. One area of motor behavior is known as motor development. This answers questions about
how we change from birth to our senior years. For example, anyone who has taught young children will
know that the 3-4 years olds can gallop and hop, but most cannot skip yet. By the time children are 6 years
old, most can skip, as they have developed enough motor control to do this complex task.

Motor control tells us how the brain can plan and direct our movement. One example of this is
what we call muscle synergies, or how groups of muscles learn to work together. Some of these
synergies are learned through our natural development, such as the easy oppositional swing of the arms to
the legs in everyday walking. Some are specific to dance, such as moving through space maintaining
turnout, or learning to lift the arms overhead while keeping the shoulders down.

In this lesson, you will be engaged into activities that will build up your motor learning and
development in dancing. Get ready to learn and enjoy the whole journey of this lesson.


Hello Grade 12 students! Welcome to the part where knowledge will be learned. You will be
provided with activities that will test your prior knowledge, stimulate your interest, and elevate your
understanding and level of excitement in the different activities. This part of the module will help you get
started and be mentally ready for the next parts.
Activity 1: WARM YOU UP
This activity will prepare your body for a more strenuous physical activity. Before you perform the
task, reflect on these questions:

1. How ready are you in engaging into a dance activity?

2. What do you think is the purpose of warm – up exercises?

I. Objective: To prepare oneself for physical activity using general or sports-specific warm up exercises
II. Procedure: 1. Choose a partner in your family.
2. Do light jogging around your house or in any open area nearby to gradually elevate your
heart rate.
3. Stretch your legs, arms, back, and neck for several minutes.

The time allotted to properly warm up your body can spell the difference between performing well
and getting yourself injured. Spend about 5-10 minutes on your warm up routine. Execute either general
warm-up exercises like jogging and running, or sports-specific warm-up exercises.

Since your teacher is not physically present,

kindly watch this warm up exercise routine video
through this link
will serve as your guide if you do not have any idea
about the activity.

Are you done? Alright, I would like to commend your efforts and participation in doing the task
above. Now, kindly answer the question below and submit to our Google Classroom title “Activity 1: Warm
You Up” or write down your answer below and submit it back to your Instructor.

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1. What do you think is the purpose of warm – up exercises?


Activity 2: Everything You Need To Know

In this activity, read the following text and be guided by these questions:

a. What are the different stages in motor learning process?

b. How does motor learning process affects an individual’s performance in dancing?
c. Why do we need to acquire and practice motor learning?
d. How does perception linked to movement?

And now, let’s begin…

What is Motor Learning?

Motor learning refers to changes that occur with practice or experience that determine a person's
capability for producing a motor skill. These changes are relatively permanent, and they are associated with
repetition of motor skills. In dance, motor learning is the process that allows you to learn basic and
sophisticated skills that are not acquired through typical human motor development. Specific examples
include pirouettes, large jumps, and balances. In addition, the aim of motor learning is to gain these skills
with the specific intent to improve the quality of performance by enhancing smoothness, coordination, and


The motor learning process includes these essential stages:

1. Attention and observation (perception) of a demonstrated skill. By simply looking at a person who is
performing a dance personally or through a video, an individual can learn though giving attention and keen

2. Replication (execution) of what has been observed. Once an individual has observed a dance step,
he/she tries to apply it gradually. Remember, no one becomes an expert right away. Each person should
start from the lowest level in order to reach the desired level of improved performance.

3. Feedback. It is a process used by teachers, rehearsal directors and choreographers to provide

information and guide dancers in skill acquisition, technique and movement quality. It is a powerful and
necessary tool. Typically, teachers and choreographers have their own individual style of
providing feedback.

4. Repetition (further practice). Once a dancer has learnt and remembered a new exercise, they can
concentrate on doing it better. Doing the same exercise means they can think about the technique more
and work on elements to improve. Repeating exercises also helps with muscle memory.

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In most formal dance classes, teacher provides the initial information by demonstrating and
explaining a dance combination. Students then perform the movements, and those movements
are encoded in mind. With repetition, that movement becomes a part of your memory. When the
same or similar movements are required, you must recall it mentally and transfer it to physical
execution. By the time the motor skill is embedded in memory, it is an image or concept of the task
that is recalled at this level of execution, as opposed to a complicated series of details, multiple
body parts, or individual muscle activation. This step is the final goal of the motor learning process.

As the teacher demonstrates the combination or skill for the dance students, the process of
motor learning starts with attention and perception. Perception has two components. First, you
observe and organize your present experience; second, meaning is attached to that observation
based on past experience. Perception is dependent on the senses (sight, touch, smell, hearing,
taste). For example, you see the teacher demonstrate the shift from first position to retiré, and you
might relate it to any number of childhood games in which you attempted to balance on one leg.
You also hear the music for the exercise, giving the movement a temporal context. It is likely that
the first attempts would include some wobbling and adjusting while the brain seeks strategies to
accomplish this shift in a smooth, coordinated way as demonstrated by the teacher. Note that
learning can be enhanced through use of attention (conscious focus on what is being learned or
the environment), but perception does not necessarily demand attention.

Perceptual skills are those skills that are inherited rather than learned but can be
enhanced by training. Perceptual skills include hand-eye coordination, rhythm, visual
discrimination, spatial discrimination, body control, and balance. Thus, one of your goals is to take
the innate skills that you bring to class and fine-tune these abilities. For example, some dance
students have an innate ability to balance easily before any training has occurred, but they may do
the given task by lifting the hip of the gesture leg and leaning the torso off to the side. You can
learn ways to fine-tune your skills by listening to feedback (to be discussed later) that encourages
a vertical alignment of the torso and a translation of the pelvis onto the standing leg.


Motor learning is set in motion by perception and continues with replication; in this phase,
you attempt to do the observed task. Learning a dance or movement skill depends partly on how
the information is presented. Motor learning can take three general forms: visual, verbal,
and kinesthetic (touch and sensation). You can become aware of what your preferred learning
strategies are, to make the best use of class time. It is also of great benefit for you to observe your
peers attempting the material, and working through problems and errors. By seeing others correct
and improve the attempted skill, you can see what constitutes a successful strategy and try
applying it to your own experiences. This process has the added benefit of encouraging the idea
that making mistakes is a natural part of the process, a necessary component of learning to
dance. When you develop an overwhelming fear of making mistakes, you can limit your progress.

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Do This

Did you learn something new? Alright, it is time to answer the questions below and submit to
our Google Classroom title “Activity 2: Everything You Need to Know” or write down your answer below and
submit it back to your Instructor. Limit your answers into two sentences only.

a. What are the different stages in motor learning process?


b. How does motor learning process affects an individual’s performance in dancing?


c. Why do we need to acquire and practice motor learning?


d. How does perception linked to movement?



Activity 3: Let Me Think

Draw a creative concept map on the box provided using the stages of the learning process of motor
learning in dancing. You can use any shape to develop your creativity in organizing ideas. As you do the
activity, be guided by these questions:

a. Is it possible to exclude one stage (e.g. feedback) of the learning process of motor learning? Why
or why not?
b. How important it is to practice one’s learning in dancing?

Below is an example of a creative concept map for your reference:

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Are you done? I would like to congratulate you for the job well done! Now, kindly answer the
question below and submit to our Google Classroom title “Activity 3: Let Me Think” or write down your
answer below and submit it back to your Instructor. Limit your answer into two sentences only.

a. Is it possible to exclude one stage (e.g. feedback) of the learning process of motor learning? Why or why

b. How important it is to practice one’s learning in dancing?



When you want to learn a new skill it is pretty obvious that you will need to repeat and therefore
practice a lot to help your brain as well as your body to do what you ask it to. It’s the same whether you’re
learning a new language, computer program or dance step. However, repetition is needed way beyond the
point when you think you have already master your new skills, as that is normally when people realize
either a better or different way of doing things, which really consolidates the learning, and pushes you to
see the bigger picture. Because one thing is recreating a move, and another thing is to understand both
how it’s created and executed.

Activity 4: Let Me Repeat

In this activity, the teacher will demonstrate dance figures through a video and the students will have
to follow in order to embody the importance of motor learning in dancing. Here are the steps to access the
videos and perform the activity:
Step 1: Open the Tiktok application.
Step 2: Search for the teacher’s username @davetapayan14 and click Follow and Heart.
Step 3: Look for PE 3: Basic Dance Steps 1 and 2, PE 3: Basic Dance Steps 3 and 4, PE 3: Basic Dance
Steps 5 and Combination with #pe3 #sorry #activity3.
Step 4: Follow the dance steps performed by the teacher.
Step 5: Do it again and again until you master the combined steps.

Guide Questions:
a. How easy / hard the task?
b. Why is it important to follow the stages in motor learning?
c. How can repetition of movements improve one’s performance in dancing?

Here are the screenshots of the Tiktok videos for your reference:

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Did you have fun in doing the activity? Two thumbs up for your efforts! This time, answer these
questions to measure how far you understood the activity and submit to our Google Classroom title “Activity
4: Let Me Repeat” or write down your answer below and submit it back to your Instructor. Limit your answer
into two sentences only. Limit your answer into two sentences only.
Do This! NOTE! Don’t forget to have screenshots that you followed the account
and heart <3 all the 3 Basic Dance Steps then attach the screenshots to
our Google Classroom titled "Activity 4: Let Me Repeat".
a. How easy / hard the task? State your reason/s.

b. Why is it important to follow the stages in motor learning?


c. How can repetition of movements improve one’s performance in dancing?



Activity 4: Collaborate With Me

` In this activity, use the Tiktok application to collaborate with your teacher in dancing. It does not
have to be perfect as long as you put your effort and heart in your performance, everything will be okay.
Here are the steps on how to do the activity:
Step 1: Open the Tiktok application.
Step 2: Search for the teacher’s username @davetapayan14.
Step 3: Look for PE 3: Collaborate With Me with hash tags #activity3 #finaloutput.
Step 4: Click the curved arrow at the right side and click “DUET” in order to dance with your teacher.
Step 5: Post and download the video. Submit it through Google Classroom title “Activity 4: Collaborate With
Me” and/or messenger with COMPLETE NAME, STRAND, GRADE, and SECTION. Don’t forget to write
Activity 4: Collaborate With Me.

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Your output will be graded through the scoring rubric below:


25 points 20 points 15 points 10 points
TECHNICAL Dance performed Dance performed Dance performed Only some
SKILLS with great attention with attention to with attention to understanding of
Pointing toes, back to quality of details of most details of technical elements
straight, arm movement, body technique, has technique, but (ie. footwork,
placement is not position, placement attained proficiency hasn't attained quality of
sloppy, moves are on stage and other in dance style. proficiency in movements, body
executed smoothly. details of dance. dance style yet. positions)
Also demonstrates Some technical demonstrated in
an excellent errors. performance.
understanding of
dance style.

PERFORMANCE The dancer draws The dancer The dancer The dancer is
SKILLS the audience in to communicates with communicates with generally focused,
Projection of eye want to watch them audience through audience through but only some
contact and and is able to eye contact and eye contact and attempt made to
cheerful facial engage the facial and body facial and body grab attention of
expressions with audience expression. expression. the audience with
the audience. The completely through Occasionally loses eye contact and
dancer is confident their performance. focus. good facial
with movements. A true joy to watch! expression.


Agcaoili, JK. et. al.(2017). Dance and recreation for health. Cronica Book Haus, ISBN 978-621-8019-45-4

Internet sources:

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