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August 20, 2022

To Whom It May Concern:

I have known Mikenna Reback her entire life as her elementary school principal, teacher, and family friend. So,
I feel qualified to tell you that Mikenna is just an outstanding human being!
People are drawn to her kind and nonjudgmental approach. She inspires others with her dogged resolve to
deliver her best on any task. She is a leader among her peers, the first to volunteer her assistance, and knows
firsthand the value of community. Mikenna is the person we would all love to have in our class, on our team, as
a next-door neighbor.
Mikenna’s goal is to become an elementary teacher. We should all be thrilled for our children to have a person
like Ms. Reback as their teacher. Her considerable compassion and empathy for others is instinctual to her and
will serve her well in that profession. Her family has generations dedicated to education; therefore, she knows
the challenges involved and welcomes that opportunity to positively impact children’s lives.
Although she wouldn’t broadcast it, Mikenna should be proud of her success and accomplishments thus far.
They are the results of her endless drive and determination to achieve. As an outstanding scholar and no
stranger to hard work, Mikenna does not stray from the efforts required to reach the high standards she
maintains for herself, both academically and personally. Her outstanding character and ethics are beyond
debate. She is a team player and always considerate of others.
Impressively, Mikenna does all of this while being incredibly active in high school life. She is a state degree
recipient in FFA, an officer in student government, played on multiple sports teams, and involved in numerous
leadership committees and philanthropic campaigns. She definitely embodies the spirit of youth and possesses
the energy and eagerness to make her school, community, and world a better place.
I whole-heartedly offer this recommendation of Mikenna Reback. Please contact me if you need any further
details regarding her qualifications or abilities related to your program.

Blaine Sigler

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