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“Filipino Identity Defined Through Opportunity, Hard Work and Loyalty”

It may be difficult to categorize or pinpoint political action that promotes

nationalism in the modern world. This is due to the fact that none of us actually
comprehend what nationalism is. What is the definition of nationalism? Is there a law or
set of laws that must be blindly followed? Is it the ability to adhere to a certain set of
values? Filipino nationalism's primary goal was to combat colonialism. Under Spanish
rule, many Filipinos yearned for independence mostly out of love for their country. They
needed this mindset more than anything else, despite the fact that it was utopian. The
Indios' feeling of national pride and cultural identity is what made them dare to form
rebel groups and organize against colonial forces.

But in the modern world, there are several ways to identify as a Filipino. The
most important thing is to be conscious of our environment. Second, if we want to
become better Filipinos in the future, we must be willing to learn as much as we can
about our history, culture, and customs. The affection we feel for one another is the third
method to recognize yourself as Filipino. Love and compassion are necessary for a
good Filipino. Instead of being just words, these strategies have developed into
devotions, commitments, and ways of life. It's possible that Filipinos lead good, reliable
lives that prioritize their families. We may be wonderful, successful people while working
to enhance our families and ourselves. Filipinos may be proud of their identity as a
strong country that has survived the years thanks to its distinctive features.

I have the advantage of stating that Filipinos are highly ambitious and driven to
succeed since I was born there. Filipinos are frequently stereotyped as being tough
because we are so enthusiastic about whatever we do. Being referred to as Filipino,
however, might have either favorable or unfavorable results. If you are proud of your
history and have family ties to the Philippines, being referred to as a Filipino is a positive
thing. It may be quite challenging if, like the majority of my friends, you have no
connection to this history and simply wish to identify as Filipino. However, in my opinion,
it could boost your self-confidence and make you proud of your ties to our culture.

Nationalism is characterized as a passionate response to demands for the union

of the people and the state or as a love of the country or culture. It could also imply
having a strong feeling of national pride and thinking that one's own country is much
less superior to other countries. Nationalism may be used constructively when it causes
an individual or group to feel superior due to their race, social class, degree of
education, or geographic location. Instilling a sense of nationalism in our offspring is
essential because we must always protect the beliefs, customs, and culture of our
ancestors while integrating into society. For a country to be successful, stable, and
healthy, nationalism is a need.

The concept of nationalism is simple: It is the belief that your country is superior
to that of your rivals. As you can think, this makes nationalistic ideas rather evident.
Their problems go beyond injustice and discrimination, but those factors usually play a
role. Nationalism may be a bad thing right now, but it will undoubtedly bring back
tribalism and violence in the future. Nevertheless, I favor individual liberty above
nationalism. Everyone must be given the opportunity to select and live their own way of
life in their own country. In the same vein, they must have the freedom to leave those
nations at any time in order to stop violence or wrongdoing.

Last but not least, I am confident that Jose Rizal University is the first higher
education institution in the nation and has improved through time. They ensure that
every student will have a firm grasp of both fundamental and advanced courses through
a range of curricula, extended programs, and practical learning opportunities,
empowering them to achieve their individual goals.

An individual will leave Jose Rizal University with the thorough training, practical
knowledge, and priceless skills required to successfully advance to the next phase of
your life. By giving you the opportunity to do specific coursework in your area of interest,
they provide you the possibility to explore new learning opportunities, apply novel ideas
to problems in your line of work, and positively impact society. It aids pupils in
developing into the sort of individuals who can achieve their goals and coexist
peacefully with society. This is one of the variables that affect students' decision to join
Jose Rizal University since it would be an honor to finally accomplish their long-
suppressed dreams.

The mission of Jose Rizal University is to provide its students with the skills and
information they need to grow into role models of citizens who can accomplish their
objectives and live in harmony with society. In addition to encouraging students to
appreciate human dignity, equality, justice, and self-realization, it uses a teaching
atmosphere that fosters everyone's healthy growth throughout their educational journey.
Future leaders who are capable in every way are what they want to produce.

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