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I get up early every day because I have to work and I can't be late,

when I wake up in the morning I turn on the television to know about

the news that happened to be always informed, and sometimes it
talks about movie premieres that will take place in my city, I like to
go to the movies and sometimes I forget to turn off my phone when i
watched a movie and all the people got upset.
When I have clothes that I no longer wear, I don't throw them away
because there are people who may need them and I give those
clothes to other people, mostly to shelters. Sometimes I go shopping
with my family I quite like to try on the clothes and see how it goes if
I like them too much I buy them, when I go shopping I just don't write
down what I buy because I think I have a very good memory that I
remember everything I must buy. I really like to look around when I
walk in the mall, especially the sportswear and shoe stores, for
example there is one that I quite like which is adidas because of the
good clothes they sell.
I usually go out on weekends for a walk, I like to go to the
countryside where you can be calm without the noise of traffic in the
city, that's where I like to look after of small children, I really like to
see their occurrences and how They are having fun.
The truth is that the noise of my neighbors does not usually bother
me, but once when I had a very important project to present the next
day I went to my neighbor's house because he had a party and the
sound was very loud and I asked him to turn down the music, and
my neighbors who are very kind people did it because I explained
the reason. When I have to work, I usually get around by car around
the city or sometimes on foot.

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