Steel Authority of India Ltd. Rourkela Steel Plant (Sail-Rsp) - Recruitment of Executives - Non-Executives Officer

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ROLL NO. / USER ID : 2020000433 APPLICAT ION ID : SAILD009312

PASSWORD : 71166284 VENUE CODE : 12014

DATE OF EXAMINATION: 26/12/22   Monda y           

Madam / Sir,
With reference to your Application for the above recruitment, you are hereby admitted provis ionally to the online examination on the date and time at the venue
mentioned above. Pleas e bring this c all letter with your rec ent photograph affixed thereon, photoc opy of the ID proof s tapled with c all letter and s ame
c urrently valid Photo identity proof in original. - T HIS IS ES S ENT IAL. T his c all-letter alongwith photoc opy of photo identity proof duly s tapled together are
to be s ubmitted at the end of exam by putting it in the des ignated drop-box. Currently valid photo identity proof may be PAN Card/Pas s port/Permanent
Driving Lic enc e/Voter’s Card with photograph/Bank Pas s book with photograph/Photo Identity proof is s ued by a Gaz etted Offic er on offic ial letterhead
alongwith photograph/Photo Identity proof is s ued by a People’s Repres entative on offic ial letter head alongwith photograph/Valid rec ent Identity Card
is s ued by a rec ogniz ed College/Univers ity/ Aadhaar Card/E-Aadhaar Card with a photograph/ Employee ID in original/Bar Counc il Identity c ard with
photograph. Pleas e Note - Ration Card and Learner’s Driving Lic ens e will NOT be ac c epted as valid ID proof for this purpos e. You mus t repor t at the
examination venue 15 minutes before the time as printed on this call-letter. Candidates repor ting later than the time mentioned above will not be allowed to appear for
the online examination. The candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination hall without the permis s ion of the tes t adminis trator.

Handwrit ing Sample (t o be co pied f ro m screen as inst ruct ed)


Left Thumb Impressi on Candi date’s Si gnature Invi gi l ator’s Si gnature

(i n the presence of the i nvi gi l ator at the ti me (To be si gned i n the presence of the (Candi date’s si gnature and l eft thumb DGM (PL) Rect t . & Gen
of exami nati on) (You must bri ng your own i nk i nvi gi l ator at the ti me of exami nati on) i mpressi on obtai ned i n my presence and
stamp pad for thi s purpose) photograph veri fied by me)

IMPORT ANT : Your photograph affixed on the c all letter s hould matc h the one uploaded in the online applic ation form, failing whic h you may not be
allowed to appear for the examination. Regis tration at the exam venue will be done by photo and biometric c apture. Photo c aptured will be matc hed with
the photo uploaded by you in the applic ation (as printed in the c all letter). You mus t NOT c hange your appearanc e from the photo uploaded by you. Your
s ignature s hould tally with your s ignature uploaded by you. In c as e of dis c repanc y, you will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
Candidates c oming without s tipulated c urrently valid photo ID c ard in original (bearing s ame name as given above) and photoc opy of the s ame ID proof
s tapled with the c all letter will not be allowed to take the tes t. Photo ID s hould be valid as on the day of exam. Pleas e note that your name as appearing on
the c all letter (provided by you during the proc es s of regis tration) s hould exac tly matc h the name as appearing on the photo identity proof. If there is any
mis matc h between the name indic ated in the Call Letter and Photo Identity Proof you will not be allowed to appear for the exam.
T h e e xa m in a tio n will b e co n d u cte d o n lin e . Yo u will b e re q u ire d to e n te r USER ID a n d Pa sswo rd to e n te r th e O n lin e e xa m site . Ple a se e n su re th a t yo u r n a m e
a n d o th e r d e ta ils wh ich will su b se q u e n tly a p p e a r o n th e scre e n a re co rre ct. Disclo su re o f Use r ID & Pa sswo rd to th ird p a rty sh a ll b e a t th e risk & re sp o n sib ility
o f th e ca n d id a te .
Pleas e print and read the attached ins tructions from next page carefully.

1. The examination will be conducted online. You will be required to enter Login ID and Password to enter the On-Line exam site. Please ensure that your
Name and other details which will subsequently appear on the screen are correct.

2. Yo u are re quire d t o bring t his call le t t e r alo ng wit h pho t o affi xe d t he re o n and curre nt ly valid pho t o ide nt it y pro o f in o riginal and
pho t o co py o f t he pho t o ide nt it y pro o f . Ple ase no t e t hat yo ur name as appe aring o n t he call le t t e r (pro vide d by yo u during t he pro ce ss
o f re gist rat io n & submissio n o f o nline applicat io n) sho uld mat ch t he name as appe aring o n t he pho t o ide nt it y pro o f . Fe male
candidat e s who have change d first /last /middle name po st marriage must t ake spe cial no t e o f t his. If t he re is any mismat ch be t we e n
t he name indicat e d in t he Call Le t t e r and Pho t o Ide nt it y Pro o f yo u will no t be allo we d t o appe ar f o r t he e xam. In case o f candidat e s
who have change d t he ir name will be allo we d o nly if t he y pro duce Gaze t t e no t ificat io n/t he ir marriage ce rt ificat e /affi davit .

3. A handout giving information about the type of examination is available on the website. Please download the handout and study it carefully.

4. You must bring a ball point pen and an ink stamp pad (blue/black) with you. A sheet of paper will be provided which can be used for rough work or
taking down the question number you would like to review at the end of the test before submitting your answers. After the test is over you MUST drop
this sheet of paper along with the Call Letter and photocopy of photo identity proof in the designated drop-box.

5. Biometric data (thumb impression) and photograph will be captured twice at the examination venue i.e. before the start of examination and after
completion of examination. Decision of the Biometric data verification authority with regard to its status (matched or mismatched) shall be final and
binding upon the candidates. Re f usal t o part icipat e in t he pro ce ss o f bio me t ric dat a capt uring / ve rificat io n o n any o ccasio n may le ad t o
cance llat io n o f candidat ure . With regards to the same, please note the following :

(a) If fingers are coated (stamped ink/mehndi/coloured...etc), ensure to thoroughly wash them so that coating is completely removed before the
examination day.

(b) If fingers are dirty or dusty, ensure to wash them and dry them before the thumb impression (biometric) is captured.

(c) Ensure fingers of both hands are dry. If fingers are moist, wipe each finger to dry them.

(d) If the primary finger (thumb) to be captured is injured/damaged, immediately notify the concerned authority in the test centre.
(Any failure to observe these points will result in non- admittance for the examination).

6. You are called for the online examination wit ho ut ve rif ying your personal details viz. age, caste/category, qualification, experience etc. with your
certificates. Before appearing for the online examination, you must ensure that you fulfill the eligibility criteria stipulated by SAIL, RSP Rourkela in all
respects. However, organisation will take up the verification of eligibility conditions i.e., Educational qualification, experience, caste/category etc. with
reference to original documents only at the time of interview and joining on the basis of the performance in the online examination, as the case may be.

7. Candidates will have to appear for the online examination at their own cost.

8. Yo ur re spo nse s (answe rs) will be analyse d wit h o t he r candidat e s t o de t e ct pat t e rns o f similarit y o f right and wro ng answe rs. If in t he
analyt ical pro ce dure ado pt e d in t his re gard, it is inf e rre d/co nclude d t hat t he re spo nse s have be e n share d and sco re s o bt aine d are no t
ge nuine /valid, yo ur candidat ure may be cance lle d and/o r t he re sult wit hhe ld.

9. Yo u must re po rt at t he e xaminat io n ve nue 15 minut e s be f o re t he t ime as print e d o n t his call-le t t e r. Candidat e s arriving lat e will no t be
pe rmit t e d t o appe ar f o r t he o n-line e xaminat io n.

10. No use of calculators (separate or with watch), books, note books or written notes, cell phones (with or without camera facility) or any other electronic
device will be allowed during the examination. Any candidate found resorting to any unfair means or malpractice or any misconduct while appearing for
the examination including giving/receiving help to/from any candidate during the examination will be disqualified. The candidate should be vigilant to
ensure that no other candidate is able to copy from his/her answers. Af t e r Aaro gya Se t u st at us display at t he e nt ry gat e , candidat e s will be
re quire d t o swit ch o f f t he ir mo bile pho ne s, and de po sit it at t he de signat e d lo cat io n, t o be co lle ct e d while e xit ing.

11. Any request for change of post/date/session/centre/venue will not be entertained.

12. You may please note that this Call letter does not constitute an offer of employment with SAIL, RSP, Rourkela.

13. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates or to bring political or other outside influence with regard to their selection / recruitment shall be

14. Please note that a candidate is allowed to appear only once in the online examination. Multiple appearance in online examination will result in
cancellation of candidature. In case more than one call letter has been generated, candidates are advised to appear only once on the date and at the time
mentioned on the respective call letter. All other call letters are to be surrendered.

15. The possibility for occurrences of some problem in the administration of the examination cannot be ruled out completely which may impact test delivery
and/or result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to rectify such problem, which may include the conduct of another
examination if considered necessary. Decision of the test conducting body in this regard shall be final. Candidates not willing to accept such change
shall loose his/her candidature for this exam.

16. Anyone found to be disclosing, publishing reproducing, transmitting, storing or facilitating transmission and storage of test contents in any form or any
information therein in whole or part thereof or by any means verbal or written, electronic or mechanical or taking away the papers supplied in the
examination hall or found to be in unauthorised possession of test content is likely to be prosecuted.

17. Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) should contact the Test Centre Administrator of the test venue at least 30 minutes before the time of
examination for assistance in seating, if needed.

18. SAIL, RSP reserves the right to postpone/cancel the Online Test or alter the date/time/Venue of the test at its discretion.

19. Ple ase re ad inst ruct io ns re lat e d t o So cial Dist ancing mo de o f Exam give n o n ne xt page .


1 Ca ndida t e is re quire d t o re por t a t t he e xa m ve nue st ric t ly a s pe r t he t ime slot me nt ione d in t he Ca ll Le t t e r. La t e c ome rs will
not be a llowe d t o t a ke t he t e st .

2 Ma pping of ‘Ca ndida t e Roll Numbe r a nd t he La b Numbe r ’ will NOT be displa ye d out side t he e xa m ve nue , but t he sa me will be
int ima t e d t o t he c a ndida t e s individua lly a t t he t ime of e nt r y of t he c a ndida t e t o t he e xa m ve nue .
3 Item s perm itted into the venue for Ca ndida tes
Ca ndida t e s will be pe rmit t e d t o c a rr y only c e r t a in it e ms wit h t he m int o t he ve nue .


b. Glove s

c. Pe rsona l t ra nspa re nt wa t e r bot t le (Ca ndida t e should bring his / he r own wa t e r bot t le )

d. Pe rsona l ha nd sa nit iz e r (50 ml)

e. A simple pe n a nd a n ink st a mp pa d (blue /bla c k)

f. Exa m re la t e d doc ume nt s (Ca ll Le t t e r a nd Phot oc opy of t he ID c a rd st a ple d wit h it , ID Ca rd in Origina l.)
g. Ca ll Le t t e r should be brought wit h t he Phot oc opy of t he Phot o ID st a ple d wit h it . Origina l ID (sa me a s Phot oc opy) is
a lso t o be brought f or ve rifi c a t ion. T he na me on t he ID a nd on t he Ca ll Le t t e r should be e xa c t ly t he sa me .

h. In c a se of Sc ribe Ca ndida t e s - Sc ribe f orm duly fi lle d a nd signe d wit h Phot ogra ph a ffixe d.

No ot he r It e ms a re pe rmit t e d inside t he ve nue .

4 Ca ndida t e should not sha re a ny of t he ir pe rsona l be longing/ma t e ria l wit h a nyone

5 Ca ndida t e should ma int a in sa f e soc ia l dist a nc e wit h one a not he r.

6 Ca ndida t e should st a nd in t he row a s pe r t he inst ruc t ions provide d a t ve nue .

7 If c a ndida t e is a va iling se r vic e s of a sc ribe , t he n sc ribe a lso should bring t he ir own Glove s, N95 Ma sk, sa nit iz e r (50ml) a nd
t ra nspa re nt wa t e r bot t le . We a ring a ma sk is c ompulsor y. Bot h c a ndida t e a nd Sc ribe will re quire t o be we a ring N95 Ma sk.

8 A Ca ndida t e must ha ve Aa rogya Se t u App inst a lle d on his mobile phone . T he Aa rogya Se t u st a t us must show c a ndida t e’s risk
f a c t or. A c a ndida t e will ha ve t o displa y t his st a t us t o t he Se c urit y Gua rd a t t he e nt r y int o t he e xa m ve nue . In c a se a
c a ndida t e doe s not ha ve a sma r t phone , he /she will ha ve t o bring in a signe d de c la ra t ion t o t his e f f e c t (de c la ra t ion is
provide d a long wit h t his Ca ll Le t t e r) a nd show t he sa me t o t he Se c urit y Gua rd a t t he e nt r y int o t he e xa m ve nue . Ca ndida t e s
wit h Mode ra t e or High Risk St a t us on Aa rogya Se t u App will not be a llowe d e nt r y. In c a se a ny of t he re sponse s in de c la ra t ion
sugge st COVID 19 inf e c t ion/sympt oms, t he c a ndida t e will not be pe rmit t e d inside t he e xa m ve nue . (If c a ndida t e is a va iling
se r vic e s of a Sc ribe , t he n Sc ribe should a lso f ollow t he sa me inst ruc t ions.)
9 Af t e r Aa rogya Se t u st a t us displa y a t t he e nt r y ga t e , c a ndida t e s will be re quire d t o swit c h of f t he ir mobile phone s a nd
de posit it a t t he de signa t e d loc a t ion, t o be c olle c t e d while e xit ing.

10 All c a ndida t e s (a nd Sc ribe , if a pplic a ble ) will be c he c ke d wit h T he rmo guns a t t he e nt r y point f or t e mpe ra t ure . In c a se , a ny
pe rson is obse r ve d t o be ha ving a bove norma l t e mpe ra t ure (> 99.14° F) or displa ying a ny sympt oms of t he virus, t he y will not be
a llowe d e nt r y int o t he ve nue .

11 In ca ndida te registra tion:

a. Ca ndida t e re gist ra t ion will be done t hrough phot o a nd biome t ric c a pt ure . Phot o c a pt ure d will be ma t c he d wit h t he
phot o uploa de d by you in t he online a pplic a t ion (a s print e d in t he c a ll le t t e r). You must NOT c ha nge your a ppe a ra nc e
f rom t he phot o uploa de d by you.

b. Phot ogra ph will be t a ke n while c a ndida t e is st a nding.

c. Se a t numbe r will be give n t o t he c a ndida t e .

12 Rough sheet, ca ll letter a nd ID proof m a na gem ent:

Ro ugh sheet (s) kept at each candidat e desk will be used by candidat e.
Candidat e must f o llo w t he inst ruct io ns relat ed t o dro pping t he call let t er wit h t he ID pro o f co py in t he boxes
provided at t he exit o f lab/venue while leaving o r at t he designat ed place. T ho se candidat es who avail t he services o f
Scribe sho uld submit Scribe f o rm also alo ng wit h t he Call Let t er and ID pro o f co py
Candidat e must dro p t he ro ugh sheet s, call let t er, ID pro o f co py in t he boxes provided at t he exit o f lab/venue while
leaving o r at t he designat ed place indicat ed by Exam o fficials.
13 Post Exa m ina tion Controls:

On co mplet io n o f examinat io n, t he candidat es sho uld move o ut in an o rderly manner wit ho ut cro wding as inst ruct ed
by t he venue st af f .

We are concerned about your health, safety & hygiene. In the interest of your well-being and that of
everyone at the venue, you are requested to declare if you have any of the below listed symptoms by using a
✓ (Yes, I have) or (No, I do not have).



Sore Throat / Runny Nose

Breathing Problem

Body Ache

I have NOT been in clo se co nt act wit h a perso n suf f ering f ro m C ovid 19 and am NOT under mandat o ry quarant ine.

I may be subject t o legal provisio n/ act io n as applicable f o r hiding any f act s o n C ovid 19 inf ect io ns relat ed t o me and
causing healt h hazard t o o t hers.

I am aware SAIL, RSP, Ro urkela has t aken measures as per adviso ries o f Government o f India relat ed t o no rms o f so cial
dist ancing and sanit izat io n at t he Examinat io n Venue.

I’m asked t o fill t his Self -Declarat io n, since I do no t have “Aaro gya Set u” App o n my mo bile pho ne.

I’m cert if ying t hat I’ve NOT t est ed Po sit ive f o r t he C o ro na virus o r ident ified as a po t ent ial carrier o f t he C OVID-19 virus.

Candidate Name :     ______________________________________________________________

Candidate Roll No. :     ______________________________________________________________

Date of Exam :     ______________________________________________________________

Exam Venue Name :     ______________________________________________________________

Signature of Candidate       _______________________________________________________

(In case candidat e is using Scribe Services and Scribe do es no t have Aaro gya Set u App, Self -Declarat io n Fo rm is t o be filled
by t he Scribe also ).

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