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CHAPTER IV under the control of the registered owner of

the collective mark.

NB: Registration of a trademark by itself
The present law introduces significant
is not a mode of acquiring ownership.
innovations in the law on trademark. Among
these changes are: Registration – creates a prima facie
presumption of the validity of the registration,
1. The requirement of prior use of the
of the registrant’s ownership of the trademark
mark as requisite for the filling of
and of the exclusive right to the use thereof.
trademark registration has been
removed. Function of Trademark (Philippine
2. Use or registration in the Philippines Jurisprudence) – to point out distinctly the
of well-known marks is no longer origin or ownership of the goods to which it is
required for its protection to similar affixed; to secure to him, who has been
goods. If the well-known marks are instrumental in bringing into the market a
registered, such registration can superior article of merchandise, the fruit of
prohibit its use even to non-related his industry and skill; to assure the public that
products. they are procuring the genuine article; to
3. The supplemental register has been prevent fraud and imposition and to protect
abolished. the manufacturer against substitution and
sale of an inferior and different article as his
Trademark – a distinctive mark of
Modern Authorities on Trademark law
authenticity through which the merchandise
view Trademark as performing 3 distinct
of a particular producer or manufacturer may
be distinguished from that of others and its
sole function is to designate distinctively the 1. They indicate origin or ownership of
origin of the products to which it is attached. the articles to which they are attached
2. They guarantee that those articles
- Any word, name, symbol or
come up to a certain standard of
device adopted and used by a
manufacturer or merchant to
3. They advertise the articles they
identify his goods and
distinguish them from those
manufactured and sold by Symbols – used to identify ownership or
others. origin of articles for several centuries.
Mark – any visible sign capable of
distinguishing the goods and services of an
Under Sec 213 a mark cannot be
enterprise and shall include a stamped or
registered if it:
marked container of goods.
Collective Mark – any visible sign (a) Consists of immoral, deceptive or
designated as such in the application for scandalous matter, or matter which may
registration and capable of distinguishing the disparage or falsely suggest a connection
origin or any other common characteristics, with persons, living or dead, institutions,
including the quality of goods or services of beliefs, or national symbols, or bring them
different enterprises which use the sign into contempt or disrepute;
(b) Consists of the flag or coat of arms or Provided, That use of the mark in relation to
other insignia of the Philippines or any of its those goods or services would indicate a
political subdivisions, or of any foreign connection between those goods or
nation, or any simulation thereof; services, and the owner of the registered
mark: Provided further, That the interests of
(c) Consists of a name, portrait or signature the owner of the registered mark are likely to
identifying a particular living individual except be damaged by such use;
by his written consent, or the name,
signature, or portrait of a deceased President (g) Is likely to mislead the public, particularly
of the Philippines, during the life of his widow, as to the nature, quality, characteristics or
if any, except by written consent of the geographical origin of the goods or services;
(h) Consists exclusively of signs that are
(d) Is identical with a registered mark generic for the goods or services that they
belonging to a different proprietor or a mark seek to identify;
with an earlier filing or priority date, in respect
of: (i) Consists exclusively of signs or of
indications that have become customary or
(i) The same goods or services, or usual to designate the goods or services in
everyday language or in bona fide and
(ii) Closely related goods or services, established trade practice;
(j) Consists exclusively of signs or of
(iii) If it nearly resembles such a mark indications that may serve in trade to
as to be likely to deceive or cause designate the kind, quality, quantity,
confusion; intended purpose, value, geographical
origin, time or production of the goods or
(e) Is identical with, or confusingly similar to, rendering of the services, or other
or constitutes a translation of a mark which is characteristics of the goods or services;
considered by the competent authority of the
Philippines to be well-known internationally (k) Consists of shapes that may be
and in the Philippines, whether or not it is necessitated by technical factors or by the
registered here, as being already the mark of nature of the goods themselves or factors
a person other than the applicant for that affect their intrinsic value;
registration, and used for identical or similar
goods or services: Provided, That in (l) Consists of color alone, unless defined by
determining whether a mark is well-known, a given form; or
account shall be taken of the knowledge of
the relevant sector of the public, rather than (m) Is contrary to public order or morality.
of the public at large, including knowledge in
the Philippines which has been obtained as NB: The law falsely disallows the false
a result of the promotion of the mark; suggestion of connection to a person, an
institution, or a belief. Actual claim of
(f) Is identical with, or confusingly similar to, connection is unnecessary also the
or constitutes a translation of a mark popularity of the person or institution is
considered well-known in accordance with immaterial.
the preceding paragraph, which is registered
in the Philippines with respect to goods or NB: The use of identical mark, if taken
services which are not similar to those with alone, does not automatically guarantee a
respect to which registration is applied for: finding of trademark infringement.
Related Goods or Services – are those 2 types of Confusion in Trademark
that, though non-identical or non-similar are Infringement:
so logically connected to each other that they
may reasonably be assumed to originate 1. Confusion of goods – when a
from one manufacturer or from economically- prudent purchaser is induced to
linked manufacturers. In determining purchase one product in the belief
whether goods or services are related, that he is purchasing another, in
several factors may be considered. Some of which case defendant’s goods are
those factors recognized in our jurisprudence then bought as the plaintiff’s and its
are: poor quality reflects badly on the
plaintiff’s reputation.
1. The business (and its location) to 2. Confusion of business – when the
which the goods belong goods of the parties are different but
2. The class of product to which the
the defendant’s product can
goods belong
3. The product’s quality, quantity, or reasonably be assumed to originate
size, including the nature of the from the plaintiff, thus deceiving the
package, wrapper or container public into believing that there is
4. The nature and cost of the articles some connection between the
5. The descriptive properties, physical plaintiff and defendant which in fact
attributes or essential characteristics does not exist.
with reference to their form,
composition, texture or quality Dominancy Test – focuses on the similarity
6. The purpose of the goods of the prevalent features of the competing
7. Whether the article is bough for trademarks which might cause confusion or
immediate consumption, that is, day- deception, and thus infringement. If the
to-day household items competing trademark contains the main,
8. The fields of manufacture essential or dominant features of another
9. The conditions under which the and confusion or deception is likely to result,
article is usually purchased and infringement takes place.
10. The channels of trade through which
the goods flow, how they are Test of Dominancy is a way to determine
distributed, marketed, displayed and whether there exists an infringement of a
sold. trademark by:

Colorable Imitation – denotes such a close 1. Determining if the use of the mark
or ingenious imitation as to be calculated to has been dominant in the market
deceive ordinary persons, or such a 2. Focusing on the similarity of the
resemblance to the original as to deceive an prevalent features of the competing
ordinary purchaser giving such attention as a marks which might create confusion
purchaser usually gives, as to cause him to 3. Looking at the mark whether they are
purchase the one supposing it to be the similar in size, form or color
other. 4. Looking at the mark whether there is
one specific feature that is dominant
NB: While proof of actual confusion is the
best evidence of infringement, its
absence is inconsequential.
NB: The law disallows the use of a mark person claiming that his mark is a
that is identical with or is confusingly well-known mark
similar with as well-known mark even if
such mark is not registered in the NB: Registered mark shall not be deemed
Philippines & if such well-known mark is to be the generic name of goods or
registered in the Philippines, the services solely because such mark is also
prohibition to use that mark by another used as a name of or to identify a unique
product or service. The primary
entity extends to non-related goods or
significance of the registered mark to the
relevant public rather than purchaser
motivation shall be the test for
In determining whether a mark is well- determining whether the registered mark
known, the ff criteria or any combination has become the generic name of goods or
thereof maybe taken into account: services on or in connection with which it
has been used.
1. The duration, extent and
geographical area of any use of the Geographically descriptive term – any
mark, in particular, the duration, noun or adjective that designates
extent and geographical area of any geographical location and would tend to be
promotion of the mark, including regarded by buyers as descriptive of the
advertising or publicity and geographic location of origin of the goods or
presentation at fairs or exhibitions of services. It can indicate any geographic
the goods and/or services to which location on earth, such as continents,
the mark applies. nations, regions, states, cities, streets and
2. The market share in the Philippines addresses, areas of cities, rivers and any
and in other countries, of the goods other location referred to by a recognized
and/or services to which the mark name.
3. The degree of the inherent or PROCEDURE IN TRADEMARK
acquired distinction of the mark
4. The quality image or reputation
acquired by the mark 1. A request for registration
5. The extent to which the mark has 2. The name and address of the
been registered in the world applicant
6. The exclusivity of the registration 3. The name of a state of which the
attained by the mark in the world
applicant is a national or where he
7. The extent to which the mark has
been used in the world has domicile; and the name of a state
8. The exclusivity of use attained by the in which the applicant has a real and
mark in the world effective industrial or commercial
9. The commercial value attributed to establishment, if any
the mark in the world 4. Where the applicant is a juridical
10. The record of successful protection of entity, the law under which it is
the rights in the mark organized and existing
11. The outcome of litigations dealing 5. The appointment of an agent or
with the issue of whether the mark is representative, if the applicant is not
a well-known mark domiciled in the Philippines
12. The presence of absence of identical 6. Where the applicant claims the
or similar goods or services and
priority of an earlier application an
owned by persons other than the
indication of:
a) The name of the state with whose person authorized to practice
national office the earlier in such matters by the office.
application was filed or if filed with - If the applicant is not
an office other than a national domicile or has no real and
office, the name of that office effective commercial
b) The date on which the earlier establishment in the
application was filed and Philippines, he shall
c) Where available, the application designate by a written
number of the earlier application document filed in the office,
7. Where the applicant claims color as a the name and address of a
distinctive feature of the mark, a Philippine resident who may
statement to that effect as well as the be served notices or process
name or names of the color or colors in proceedings affecting the
claimed and an indication in respect mark. The written document
of each color, of the principal parts of shall be submitted ti the office
the mark which are in that color within 60 days from filing date
8. Where the mark is a 3-dimensional without need of any notice
mark, a statement to that effect from the office. Such notices
9. One or more reproductions of the or services may be served
mark as prescribed in the regulations upon the person designated
10. A transliteration or translation of the by leaving a copy at the
mark or of some parts of the mark as address specified and if the
prescribed in the regulations person cannot be found at the
11. The names of the goods or services address then such notice of
for which the registration is sought, process may be served upon
grouped according to the classes of the Director of Bureau of
the Nice Classification, together with Trademark.
the number of the class of the said
classification to which each group of
goods or services belongs TITLE CLASS:
12. A signature by, or other self-
identification of, the applicant or his 1. Chemicals used in industry, science
representative and photography, as well as in
agriculture, horticulture and forestry;
APPLICANT: unprocessed artificial resins,
unprocessed plastics; manures; fire
- May be a natural or juridical
extinguishing compositions;
tempering and soldering
- If there are more than one
preparations; chemical substances
applicant, all of them should
for preserving foodstuffs; tanning
be named as applicant but
substances; adhesives used in
anyone may sign the
application for and in behalf of
2. Paints, varnishes, lacquers;
all the applicants
preservatives against rust and
- Applicant may file and
against deterioration of wood;
prosecute the application
colorants; mordants; raw natural
through an attorney or other
resins; metals in foil and powder form
for painters, decorators, printers and and instruments; apparatus and
artists. instruments for conducting,
3. Bleaching preparations and other switching, transforming,
substances for laundry use; cleaning, accumulating, regulating or
polishing, scouring and abrasive controlling electricity; apparatus for
preparations; soaps; perfumery, recording, transmission or
essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; reproduction of sound or images;
dentifrices. magnetic data carriers, recording
4. Industrial oils and greases; discs; automatic vending machines
lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and mechanisms for coin-operated
and binding compositions; fuels apparatus; cash registers, calculating
(including motor spirit) and machines, data processing
illuminants; candles and wicks for equipment and computers; fire-
lighting extinguishing apparatus.
5. Pharmaceutical and veterinary 10. Surgical, medical, dental and
preparations; sanitary preparations veterinary apparatus and
for medical purposes; dietetic instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and
substances adapted for medical use, teeth; orthopedic articles; suture
food for babies; plasters, materials for materials.
dressings; material for stopping 11. Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam
teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; generating, cooking, refrigerating,
preparations for destroying vermin; drying, ventilating, water supply and
fungicides, herbicides. sanitary purposes.
6. Common metals and their alloys; 12. Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion
metal building materials; by land, air or water.
transportable buildings of metal; 13. Firearms; ammunition and
materials of metal for railway tracks; projectiles; explosives; fireworks.
non-electric cables and wires of 14. Precious metals and their alloys and
common metal; ironmongery, small goods in precious metals or coated
items of metal hardware; pipes and therewith, not included in other
tubes of metal; safes; goods of classes; jewelry, precious stones;
common metal not included in other horological and chronometric
classes; ores. instruments.
7. Machines and machine tools; motors 15. Musical instruments.
and engines (except for land 16. Paper, cardboard and goods made
vehicles); machine coupling and from these materials, not included in
transmission components (except for other classes; printed matter;
land vehicles); agricultural bookbinding material; photographs;
implements other than hand- stationery; adhesives for stationery or
operated; incubators for eggs. household purposes; artists’
8. Hand tools and implements (hand- materials; paint brushes; typewriters
operated); cutlery; side arms; razors. and office requisites (except
9. Scientific, nautical, surveying, furniture); instructional and teaching
photographic, cinematographic, material (except apparatus); plastic
optical, weighing, measuring, materials for packaging (not included
signaling, checking (supervision), in other classes); printers’ type;
life-saving and teaching apparatus printing blocks.
17. Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, 25. Clothing, footwear, headgear.
asbestos, mica and goods made from 26. Lace and embroidery, ribbons and
these materials and not included in braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins
other classes; plastics in extruded and needles; artificial flowers
form for use in manufacture; packing, 27. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting,
stopping and insulating materials; linoleum and other materials for
flexible pipes, not of metal. covering existing floors; wall
18. Leather and imitations of leather, and hangings (nontextile).
goods made of these materials and 28. Games and playthings; gymnastic
not included in other classes; animal and sporting articles not included in
skins, hides; trunks and travelling other classes; decorations for
bags; umbrellas, parasols and Christmas trees.
walking sticks; whips, harness and 29. Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat
saddlery extracts; preserved, dried and
19. Building materials (non-metallic); cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies,
non-metallic rigid pipes for building; jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk
asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non- products; edible oils and fats.
metallic transportable buildings; 30. Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice,
monuments, not of metal. tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour
20. Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; and preparations made from cereals,
goods (not included in other classes) bread, pastry and confectionery, ices;
of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-
horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, powder; salt, mustard; vinegar,
amber, mother-of-pearl, sauces (condiments); spices; ice.
meerschaum and substitutes for all 31. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry
these materials, or of plastics. products and grains not included in
21. Household or kitchen utensils and other classes; live animals; fresh
containers (not of precious metal or fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural
coated therewith); combs and plants and flowers; foodstuffs for
sponges; brushes (except paint animals, malt.
brushes); brush-making materials; 32. Beers; mineral and aerated waters
articles for cleaning purposes; steel and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit
wool; unworked or semi-worked drinks and fruit juices; syrups and
glass (except glass used in building); other preparations for making
glassware, porcelain and beverages.
earthenware not included in other 33. Alcoholic beverages (except beers).
classes. 34. Tobacco; smokers’ articles; matches
22. Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings,
tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not
included in other classes); padding
and stuffing materials (except of 35. Advertising; business management;
rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile business administration; office
materials. functions.
23. Yarns and threads, for textile use. 36. Insurance; financial affairs; monetary
24. Textiles and textile goods, not affairs; real estate affairs.
included in other classes; bed and 37. Building construction; repair;
table cover installation services.
38. Telecommunications prejudice or affect the applicant’s or owner’s
39. Transport; packaging and storage of rights then existing or thereafter arising in the
goods; travel arrangement disclaimed matter, nor such shall disclaimer
40. Treatment of materials. prejudice or affect the applicant’s or owner’s
41. Education; providing of training; rights on another application of later date if
entertainment; sporting and cultural the disclaimed matter became distinctive of
activities the applicant’s or owner’s goods, business or
42. Scientific and technological services services.
and research and design relating
thereto; industrial analysis and
applicant or registrant shall file a declaration
research services; design and
of actual use of the mark with evidence to
development of computer hardware
that effect, as prescribed by the Regulations
and software; legal services.
within 3 years from the filing date of the
43. Services for providing food and drink;
application. Otherwise, the application shall
temporary accommodation.
be refused or the mark shall be removed
DISCLAIMERS - The applicant may be from the register by the Director of
allowed or may be required to disclaim an Trademarks.
unregistrable component of an otherwise
registrable mark but such disclaimer shall not
RULE 205. Contents of the Declaration services where the mark is used, the name/s
and Evidence of Actual Use. – of the establishment and address where the
products are being sold or where the
(a) The declaration shall be under
services are being rendered. If the goods or
oath and filed by the applicant or registrant
services are available only by online
(or the authorized officer in case of a juridical
purchase, the website must be indicated on
entity) or the attorney or authorized
the form in lieu of name or address of the
representative of the applicant or registrant.
establishment or outlet. The applicant or
The declaration must refer to only one
registrant may include other facts to show
application or registration, shall contain the
that the mark described in the application or
name and address of the applicant or
registration is actually being used in the
registrant declaring that the mark is in actual
Philippines. The date of first use shall not be
use in the Philippines, the list of goods or
(b) Actual use for some of the goods declaration of actual use for the other classes
and services in the same class shall of goods and services is filed within the
constitute use for the entire class of goods prescribed period, the classes shall be
and services. Actual use for one class shall automatically dropped from the application or
be considered use for related classes. In the registration without need of notice to the
event that some classes are not covered in applicant or registrant.
the declaration, a subsequent declaration of
( c) The following shall be accepted
actual use may be filed for the other classes
as proof of actual use of the mark: (1)
of goods or. Services not included in the first
labels of the mark as these are used; (2)
declaration, provided that the subsequent
downloaded pages from the website of the
declaration is filed within the three-year
applicant or registrant clearly showing that
period or the extension period, in case an
the goods are being sold or the services are
extension of time to file the declaration was
being rendered in the Philippines; (3)
timely made. In the event that no subsequent
photographs (including digital photographs NB: If the application does not satisfy the
printed on ordinary paper) of goods bearing filing date requirements, the Bureau shall
the marks as these are actually used or of the notify the applicant who shall, within a
stamped or marked container of goods and period of one month from mailing date of
of the establishment/s where the services are the notice, complete or correct the
being rendered; ( 4) brochures or advertising application as required; otherwise, the
application shall be considered
materials showing the actual use of the mark
on the goods being sold or services being
rendered in the Philippines; (5) for online
NB: If the application does not satisfy the
sale, receipts of sale of the goods or services requirements for grant of a filing date at
rendered or other similar evidence of use, the time that the filing fee and other
showing that the goods are placed on the indications were received by the Office,
market or the services are available in the the filing date that was given shall be
Philippines or that the transaction took place cancelled and a new filing date shall be
in the Philippines; (6) copies of contracts for entered in the records of the Office. The
services showing the use of the mark. new filing date shall be the date on which
Computer printouts of the drawing or the Office received the completed or
reproduction of marks will not be accepted as corrected application as specified in the
evidence of use. notice to the applicant.

(d) The Director may, from time to PRIORITY RIGHT – an application for
time, issue a list of acceptable evidence of registration of a mark filed in the Philippines
use and those that will not be accepted by by a person and who previously duly filed an
the Office. application for registration of the same mark
in one of those countries, shall be considered
Section 127. Filing Date. Requirements. - as filed as of the day the application was first
The filing date of an application shall be the filed in the foreign country.
date on which the Office received the
following indications and elements in English NB: No registration of a mark in the
or Filipino: Philippines by a person described in Sec
131 shall be granted until such mark has
(a) An express or implicit indication been registered in the country of origin of
that the registration of a mark is the applicant.
(b) The identity of the applicant; examination begins with the determination
whether the application meets the filing date
requirements under Sec 127. If so, the office
(c) Indications sufficient to contact the
shall examine whether the application meets
applicant or his representative, if any;
the requirements in Sec 124 and the mark as
defined in Sec 121 is registrable under Sec
(d) A reproduction of the mark whose
123. Where all the conditions of applications
registration is sought; and requirements and registrability are met, the
Office, shall upon payment of the fee,
(e) The list of the goods or services forthwith cause the application as filed to be
for which the registration is sought. published in the prescribed manner.

127.2. No filing date shall be REVIVING ABNADONED APPLICATION –

accorded until the required fee is an abandoned application may be revived as
a pending application within 3 months from the fault of the office, a certificate stating the
the date of the abandonment, upon good fact and nature of such mistake shall be
case shown and the payment of the required issued without charge, the fact and nature of
fee. such mistake shall be issued without charge,
recorded and a printed copy shall be
OPPOSING AN APPLICATION – any attached to each printed copy of the
person who believes that he would be registration. Such corrected registration shall
damaged by the registration of a mark may have the same effect as the original
upon payment of the required fee and within certificate.
30 days after the publication referred in Sec
133.2, file with the Office an opposition to USE OF A MARK IN A DIFFERENT FORM
application. The opposition shall be in writing – the use of mark in a different form in which
and verified by the oppositor or by any it is registered, which does not alter its
person on his behalf who knows the facts. It distinctive character, shall not be ground for
shall specify the ground on which it is based cancellation or removal of the mark and shall
and include a statement of facts relied upon. not diminish the protection granted to the
Copies of the certificate of registration of mark.
marks registered in other countries or other
supporting documents mentioned in the USE OF A MARK FOR GOODS
opposition shall be filed together with the BELONGING TO THE CLASS
translation in English. REGISTERED – the use of a mark in
connection with one or more of the goods or
PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF VALIDITY – services belonging to the class in respect of
a certificate of registration of mark shall be which the mark is registered shall prevent its
prima facie evidence of the validity of the cancellation or removal in respect of all other
registration, the registrant’s ownership of the goods or services of the same class.
mark, and of the registrant’s exclusive right
to use the same in connection with the goods USE OF A MARK BY RELATED COMPANY
or services and those that are related thereto – the use of a mark by a company related
specified in the certificate. with the registrant or applicant shall inure to
the latter’s benefit and such use shall not
ISSUANCE AND PUBLICATION OF affect the validity of such mark or of its
CERTIFICATE – the certificate of registration registration, provided that such mark is not
shall be issued when the period for filing the used in such manner as to deceive the
opposition has expired, or when the Director public.
of Legal Affairs shall have denied the
opposition and upon payment of the required DURATION OF CERTIFICATE OF
fee. REGISTRATION – a certificate of
registration shall remain in force for 10 years
CANCELLATION OR AMENDMENT OF provided that the registrant shall file a
CERTIFICATE – upon the application of the declaration of actual use and evidence to that
registrant and payment of the prescribed fee, effect or shall show valid reasons based on
the office for good cause may permit any the existence of obstacles to such use, within
registration to be amended or to be 1 year from the 5th anniversary of the date of
disclaimed in part, provided that the the registration of the mark.
amendment or disclaimer does not alter
materially the character of mark. RENEWAL – a certificate of registration may
be renewed for a period of 10 years at its
CORRECTION IN CASE OF A MISTAKE expiration upon payment of the prescribed
OF IPO – if such mistake is incurred through
fee and upon filing of a request. The request the owner of the registered mark are likely to
shall contain the following: be damaged by such use.

1. An indication that renewal is sought LIMITATION – registration of the mark shall

2. The name and address of the not confer on the registered owner the right
registrant or his successor-in-interest to preclude third parties from using bona fide
referred to as the “right holder” their names, addresses, pseudonyms, a
3. The registration number of the geographical name, or exact indication of
registration concerned origin, or time of production or of supply, of
4. The filing date of the application their goods or services provided that such
which resulted in the registration use is confined to purposes of mere
concerned to be renewed identification or information and cannot
5. Where the right holder has a mislead the public as to the source of goods
representative, the name and or services.
address of the representative
6. The names of the recorded goods or ASSIGNMENT OF REGISTERED MARK –
services for which the renewal is an application for registration of mark or its
requested or the names of the registration may be assigned or transferred
recorded goods or services for which with or without the transfer of the business
the renewal is not requested, using the mark. Such assignment or transfer
grouped according to the classes of shall be null and void if it is liable to mislead
NICE Classification to which that the public, particularly as regards the nature,
group of goods or services belongs source, manufacturing process,
and presented in the order of the characteristics, or suitability for their purpose
classes of the said classification and of the goods or services to which the mark is
7. A signature by the right holder or his applied.
FORM OF ASSIGNMENT – shall be in
EXCLUSIVE RIGHT OVER THE MARK – writing and require the signatures of the
the owner of a registered mark shall have the parties. Transfers by mergers or other forms
exclusive right to prevent all third parties not of succession may be made by any
having the owner’s consent from using the document supporting such transfer.
course of trade identical or similar signs or
containers for goods or services which are RECORDING OF ASSIGNMENT AND
identical or similar to those in respect of TRANSFER – shall be recorded at the office
which the trademark is registered where on payment of the prescribed fee;
such use would result in a likelihood of assignment and transfers of applications for
confusion. registration shall, on payment of the same
fee, be provisionally recorded, and the mark
RIGHTS CONFERRED TO OWNER OF when registered shall be in the name of the
WELL-KNOWN MARK – the exclusive right assignee or transferee.
of the owner of a well-known mark which is
registered in the Philippines, shall extend to CANCELATTION OF REGISTRATION:
goods and services which are not similar to
those in respect of which the mark is - A petition to cancel a
registered, provided that use of that mark in registration of mark may be
relation to those goods or services would filed with the Bureau of Legal
indicate a connection between those goods Affairs by any person who
or services and the owner of the registered believes that he is or will be
mark and provided further that the interest of
damaged by the registration of and distinguish goods or services, regardless
a mark. of the presence or absence of: 1) competition
- The petition may be filed between the owner of the famous mark and
within 5 years from the date of other parties; 2) likelihood of confusion,
the registration of mark. mistake or deception.
- The petition may be filed at
any time if it is based on the ff: ACTION FOR FALSE OR FRAUDULENT
DECLARATION – any person who shall
1. If the registered mark procure registration in the office of a mark by
becomes the generic a false or fraudulent declaration or
name for the goods or representation, whether oral or in writing, or
services, or a portion by any false means, shall be liable in a civil
thereof, for which it is action by any person injured for any
registered damages sustained in consequence thereof.
2. Mark has been abandoned
3. Registration of the mark INFRINGEMENT ACTION BY A FOREIGN
was obtained fraudulently NATIONAL – any foreign national or juridical
or contrary to the person who meets the requirements of
provisions of the law Section 3 and does not engage in business
4. The registered mark is in the Philippines may bring a civil or
being used by, or with the administrative action for opposition,
permission of the cancellation, infringement, unfair competition
registrant so as to or false designation of origin and false
misinterpret the source of description, whether or not it is licensed to do
the goods or services on business in the Philippines under existing
or in connection with which laws.
the mark is used
5. If the registered owner of PRIOR USER – a registered mark shall have
the mark without legitimate no effect against any person who in good
reason fails to use the faith before the filing date or the priority date,
mark within the was using the mark for the purposes of his
Philippines, or to cause it business or enterprises.
to be used in the
Philippines by virtue of a TRADE NAME – means the name or
license during an designation identifying or distinguishing an
uninterrupted period of 3 enterprise. Also called as “business
years or longer. identifier”

EFFECT OF CANCELLATION – if the - A name or designation may

Bureau of Legal Affairs finds that a case for not be used as a trade name if
cancellation has been made out, it shall order by its nature or the use to
the cancellation of the registration. When the which such name or
order or judgement becomes final, any right designation may be put, it id
conferred by such registration upon the contrary to public order or
registrant or any person in interest of records morals and if in particular is
shall terminate. Notice of cancellation shall liable to deceive trade circles
be published in the IPO Gazette. or the public as to the nature
of the enterprise identified by
TRADEMARK DILUTION – is the lessening that name.
of the capacity of a famous mark to identify
- Such names shall be vendor of such goods or any agent of any
protected even prior to or vendor engaged in selling such goods with a
without registration against like purpose;
any unlawful act committed by
third parties. (b) Any person who by any artifice, or device,
or who employs any other means calculated
CORPORATE NAMES – no corporate name to induce the false belief that such person is
shall be allowed by the Commission if it is not offering the services of another who has
distinguishable from that already reserved or identified such services in the mind of the
registered for the use of another corporation public; or
or if such name is already protected by law,
or when its use is contrary to such existing (c) Any person who shall make any false
laws. A name is not distinguishable even statement in the course of trade or who shall
if it contains one or more of the ff: commit any other act contrary to good faith of
a nature calculated to discredit the goods,
1. The word corporation, company, business or services of another.
incorporated, limited, limited liability
or an abbreviation of such words and
2. Punctuations, articles, conjunctions,
contractions, prepositions,
abbreviations, different tenses,
spacing or number of the same word
or phrase.

UNFAIR COMPETITION – a person who has

identified in the mind of the public the goods
he manufactures or deals in, his business or
services from those of others, whether or not
a registered mark is employed, has a
property right in the goodwill of the said
goods, business or services or so identified,
which will be protected in the same manner
as other property rights.


(a) Any person, who is selling his goods and

gives them the general appearance of goods
of another manufacturer or dealer, either as
to the goods themselves or in the wrapping
of the packages in which they are contained,
or the devices or words thereon, or in any
other feature of their appearance, which
would be likely to influence purchasers to
believe that the goods offered are those of a
manufacturer or dealer, other than the actual
manufacturer or dealer, or who otherwise
clothes the goods with such appearance as
shall deceive the public and defraud another
of his legitimate trade, or any subsequent

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