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Social Dance

Social Dance
➢ It is a dance which is recreational and usually performed with a
partner and in groups or as a community Activity for Fun and
➢ It is intended for Participation rather than Performance and Can be
Led and Followed with relative ease.

History of Social Dance

➢ The history of Social Dance back as far as primitive cultures dancing
to celebrate a birth or mourn a death. In later years, Social dance
continued to develop and evolve, mingling the dances of other
countries such as the middle east, African and Europe.
➢ The dances usually involved couples interacting with each other, or
long lines of dancers . The dances were lively, filled will flirtations,
Conversation and even poaching , where partners would switch in the
middle of the dance.

Social Dance Etiquette

Ask Someone to Dance

● Most importantly, always remember to verbally ask someone to
dance if you do not know them well enough. It can be rude to just
start dancing with a person if they haven’t given you permission to
dance with them. A few good manners can go a long way!

Use proper dance frame

● Another thing that can be very impressive to your partner is if you use
a proper dance frame. If you don’t already know, proper frames
involve the leads using their left hand to guide their partners through
Follow the line of the dance
● If you end up doing a dance that involves travelling around the floor
(typically Smooth/Standard dances), then it’s good to remember to
follow the line of dance. In ballroom, the “line of dance” refers to the
direction in which dancers are supposed to travel. All dancers need to
travel counter-clockwise on the floor in order to avoid collisions.

Be Polite and Thank your Partner

● This element also kind of goes without saying, but you should always
thank your partner after you dance with them. It’s just a kind and
courteous thing to do, especially if you have never danced with them
before. You want to make sure that they know you appreciate dancing
with them.

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