Reading Task 2

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Reading task 2 (12 балів)

Reading, part 4.

You are going to read a newspaper article in which people talk about their smoking habits. From
questions 1-15 choose from the people A-H. The people may be chosen more than once. Where more
than one answer is required, these may be given in any order. There is an example at the beginning.

1D 9H

2 E 10 A

3 A 11 B

4 G 12 G

5 C 13 F

6 F 14 H

7 H 15 A


Discuss your reactions to these statements in pairs.

Smoking should be banned in all public places including transport, restaurants, pubs and
Smoking should be forbidden in public places. First of all, because there could be children or
pregnant women there, for whom inhaling the smoke from cigarettes could be critically dangerous.

Secondly, no one likes the smell of cigarettes.

Thirdly, passive smoking is worse than regular smoking and other people should not suffer because
of smoking

Everyone has the right to smoke

Every adult has the right to smoke. It is their life and their choice

People who continue to smoke when they are ill, should be refused medical treatment
Certainly not - everyone has a right to health care and illnesses can be unrelated to smoking.

Employers should provide a place where people can smoke

Sure. It will be comfortable for smokers and non-smokers alike, because they will not disturb each

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