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This theory focuses on the therapeutic use of self. This Core circle will promote independence to
the patient. It can be widely applied to rehabilitation patients to promote self-independence. This
theory can also guide nurses in giving health teaching upon discharge of the patient that should
maximized the benefits, as he set the goals for his development.

Nurse can use the core concept in providing care with disease patient by decreasing the
stress/anxiety of the patient. This area emphasizes the social, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual
needs of the patient in relation to family, institution, community and the world. This is able to help
the patient verbally express feelings regarding the disease process and its effects by the use of
reflective technique. During care the nurse should develop an interpersonal relationship and
consider the patient as a person to provide him a way to express his feelings and emotions to gain
self-identity. The nurse should see patient and family through medical care and consider him as a
disease person and act as an advocate to cure his condition.

For the Care concept, nurse who is providing care should meet all his bodily care like bathing,
eating, elimination and dressing thereby meeting his comfort. This guides the basic function of
the nurse in performing her duties to promote comfort to critically ill patient in ICU who are
incapable of doing this things. It can also use as a guide in geriatric assessment to assess the
level of functioning of the individual in performing his daily activities.

For Cure concept emphasized the interaction between other health care professionals. Thus
maintain optimal care with the patient. The nurse primarily works as an advocate to the patient. The
nurse assist with the doctors and actively participate in patient’s intervention by
communicating patient concerns gathered during nurse-patient interaction.

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