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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Bioremidiation of organic waste matter in white legs shrimp ponds using

blood shells (Anadara granosa)
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4th International Symposium on Marine Science and Fisheries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 860 (2021) 012097 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/860/1/012097

Bioremidiation of organic waste matter in white legs shrimp

ponds using blood shells (Anadara granosa)

M Syahrir, D P Renitasari, Ihwan and S A Saridu

Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic of Bone, Jl. Sungai Kusi KM. 05, Pallete, Tanete
Riattang Timur, 92719 South Sulawesi, Indonesia


Abstract. Bioremediation was a natural treatment process to eliminate pollutants at polluted

locations using organisms. Blood shells (Anadara granosa) is one of bioremediation agents in
reducing organic matter in the waters. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the
role of blood shells as bioremediators of organic waste from white leg shrimp ponds. The
research was performed following factorial completely randomized design with two factors,
such as density and shell length. The results showed no significant difference between
treatments with 95% confidence level. Concentration of total organic matter in all treatments
decreased from 200 mg/l to 50 mg/l, which means that blood clams was potential
bioremediator to absorb organic waste from white leg shrimp culture.

1. Introduction
Aquaculture activities, especially intensive aquaculture, produced waste that could pollute the aquatic
environment [1]. Environmental pollution caused by aquaculture waste was triggered by uncontrolled
feed and the use of chemical substance that were less environmentally friendly. According to
Avnimelech in 1999, the amount of feed in intensive aquaculture resulted in the accumulation of high
N waste which was detrimental [2]. It was reported by Wibowo in 2009 that the concentration of BOD
at the central outlet of shrimp ponds in Tulang Bawang during July-September 2008 ranged from
21.3–56.8 ppm [3].
The waste of shrimp farming activities was in the form of metabolites such as faces, urine, shrimp
shells and dead plankton containing carbohydrates, nitrogen compounds such as amino acids, urea and
protein [4]. Of the 100% of feed given to the shrimp, 30% was absorbed and the remaining 70% was
either unconsumed or excreted [5]. Unconsumed feed was decomposed and formed organic waste
consisting of carbohydrates, proteins and fats [6]. Untreated waste discharged to the environment
reduced water quality. Oxygen concentration decreased due to decomposition process of organic
matter in the waste. In addition, accumulation of Nitrogenous and Phosphorus compounds in the
waters could cause eutrophication [7]. which posed a threat to the survival of fish and inhibit the rate
of water flow [8]. Types of algae, especially green algae, are very fertile when they get this nitrate
fertilizer [9].
Bioremediation is a natural water treatment by utilizing organisms to reduce or eliminate pollutants
that has detrimental impact to environment. Bioremediation agents can be organisms, enzymes or
plants [10]. Several studies have stated that bioremediation can remove pollutants in the polluted
locations [11,12]. Shellfish has been studied as potential bioremediation agents such as freshwater
clams, green mussels and taiwan mussels [13].

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
4th International Symposium on Marine Science and Fisheries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 860 (2021) 012097 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/860/1/012097

Blood clams (Anadara granosa) is filter feeders with ability to absorb organic matter by its filter
feeder mechanism as food [14,15]. Study on the effectiveness of freshwater clams in absorbing
organic matter from fish farming waste has been carried out previously [16–18]. Therefore, it was
suspected that blood clams were also potential as bioremediator to absorb organic matter in a polluted

2. Material And Method

This research was conducted at Teaching Factory of Aquaculture Study Program in The Marine and
Fisheries Polytechnic of Bone. This research was conducted for 3 days on a laboratory scale.
Effectiveness of blood clams as bioremediatory agent was determined by analyzing the levels of total
organic matter (TOM).
This study was performed following factorial completely randomized design with triplicates. There
were two factors, such as shell length (U1 = 3-7 cm; U2 = 8-12 cm) and density (K1 = 15 individuals;
K2 30 individuals). The clams were placed in the 5 l effluent obtained from shrimp ponds of Marine
and Fisheries Polytechnic of Bone and incubated for 3 days. During incubation, pH, DO, temperature
and Salinity were daily measured. After treatment, the effluent was collected for total organic matter
(TOM) measurement in the Research Institute for Coastal Aquaculture and Fisheries Extension Maros.
The effect of using blood clams as bioremediatory agent on TOM level was also compared with
control. Data for TOM was analyzed by two factors ANOVAs at 95% confidence level using SPSS 24.

3. Result
Result showed that there was a decrease in total organic matter compared with control (Figure 1).
Control in the Fig 1 have TOM levels 250 ppm, K0U0 have TOM levels 65 ppm, K0U1 have TOM
levels 75 ppm, K1U1 have TOM levels 65 ppm.

TOM (mg/l)



b b b b

kontrol K0U0 K0U1 K1U0 K1U1

Figure 1. Total Organic Matter Content in test containers with K and U treatments and control
containers. K0U0: Density of 15 individuals/5 l, SL of 3-7 cm; K0U1: Density of 15 individuals/5 l,
SL of 8-12 cm; K1U0: density of 30 individuals/5 l, SL of 3-7 cm; K1U0: density of 30 individuals/5
l, SL of 8-12 cm.

4. Disccussion
Result showed that there was a decrease in total organic matter compared with control (Figure 1).
TOM level at control was four times higher than effluents treated with blood clams, indicated the
effectiveness of using blood clams in reducing organic waste in white leg shrimp effluent. Retnosari et
al. in 2019 stated that blood clam bioremediators play an important role in reducing the level of
organic waste pollution in shrimp ponds, so as to improve pond water quality [19]. Suwoyo et al. in

4th International Symposium on Marine Science and Fisheries IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 860 (2021) 012097 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/860/1/012097

2016 found that filter feeder activity by mussels was able to reduce organic matter content [20].
According to Agamuthu et al. in 2013 [11], performance of biofilter was assessed based on the ability
to maintain the ratio of the removal of compound pollutants from the biofilter, generally above 95% in
a relatively long time. According to Nurhidayat et al. in 2012, A. granosa was a bivalve that can
absorb organic matter [21].
Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference between treatments of both size
on TOM level (P>0.05) and density on TOM level. Interaction between size and density also has no
significant difference on TOM level (P>0.05), indicated that all treatments gave the same effect on
TOM level. However, compared with control, there was a decrease in organic matter in effluents
treated with blood clams (Figure 1). According to some research, blood clam bioremediators have an
important role in reducing the level of organic waste pollution in white leg shrimp culture [22–24].
Result of water quality parameters measurements showed that pH, salinity, temperature and DO
were stable and did not change significantly during incubation. This parameter was used as supporting
factor for the survival of blood clams (A. granosa). Temperature was ranged from 29-32oC at all
treatments and control. pH was ranged from 6.5-7.2. Salinity was 25-28 ppt. Meanwhile, the
difference in dissolved oxygen in each treatment was 4-9 mg/l. Parameter values of temperature, pH
and dissolved oxygen are still within the quality standards required for blood clasm activities [18].

5. Conclusion
The use of blood clams with various density and size as bioremediatory agent had no significant
difference on TOM level. TOM levels obtained from effluent treated with blood clams was lower than
that from control, indicated that blood clams could absorb organic waste from white leg shrimp ponds.
However, the TOM concentration was still above the water quality class II threshold for fisheries. This
research needs to be done longer and applied directly on a field scale.

We thank Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic of Bone for funding this research through List of Budget
Executors of 2019.

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