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Stephanie Hedges Grade 6 ELA: Quotation Marks Dec 6 and Dec 8

General Learning Outcome:

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of

Specific Learning Outcomes:

4.1: Enhance and Improve
“write legibly and at a pace appropriate to context and purpose” (Grade 6)

4.2: Attend to Conventions

“use quotation marks and separate paragraphs to indicate passages of dialogue in own writing” (Grade

Learning Objectives:
● At the end of the lesson, students will be able to independently use quotation marks to signal
dialogue in a comic strip. (Specific Outcome 4.2)
● At the end of the lesson, students will be able to accurately place commas and punctuation with
quotation marks as seen in their comic strip. (Specific Outcome 4.2)
● At the end of the lesson, students will demonstrate writing legibly in their comic strip. (Specific
Outcome 4.1).

Formative Assessments/Observations
● Students will think/pair/share for example sentences in class on quotation marks and comma
use. (Specific Outcome 4.2)
● Students will work on a comic strip with dialogue requiring quotation marks and comma use.
(Specific Outcome 4.1 and 4.2)
● Fist-to-Five evaluation of understanding (Specific Outcome 4.2)

● Quotation marks slide show presentation
● Comic Strip panels with speech bubbles
● Page 58 from Grammar, Capitalization, & Punctuation
● Paragraph assignment

LESSON PLAN (55 minutes)

Planning Logistics
● Write “You will need your colours today!” on the whiteboard
● Tell the class beforehand to bring their colours as a reminder.

Independent Reading (15 minutes)

● Students will read independently at their desks.

Introduction (5 minutes)
● Quickly review punctuation discussed beforehand.
● Introduce the topic by creating a list on the board as a class when quotation marks are used in

Lesson (22 minutes)

Stephanie Hedges Grade 6 ELA: Quotation Marks Dec 6 and Dec 8

● Using a PowerPoint, review cases where quotation marks are used and correct comma usage
with quotation marks.
● Ask students to read each example outloud. Also call on volunteers to correct some sample
● Sum up the mini lesson with a recap of quotation marks and comma use rules.
● Check for students’ understanding by doing a Fist-to-Five formative assessment. Talk to students
who showed low understanding one-on-one while they are working on their comic strips.
● Assignment: correct page 58 from Grammar, Capitalization, & Punctuation

Activity: Comic Strip (10 minutes)

● Hand out the comic strip panels by asking two students to distribute the papers. While they are
handing out the papers, distribute colored pencils.
● Have the students draw in a speech bubble in each panel.
● Show the “rubric” and expectations on the board. Objective is to create a six panel comic strip
using quotation marks and commas. Each speech bubble must contain a sentence with
quotation marks and a speech tag of who is talking.
● Also make a list of possible synonyms to “said” on the board for variety in word choice.

Conclusion (3 minutes)
● Have students return to their seats. Wrap up the lesson by summing up the rules with quotation
marks and commas, collect the comic strips, and dismiss the students at the bell.

Sponge Activity
● Students who finish early can correct a paragraph with dialogue from multiple speakers into
separate paragraphs.

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