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Republic othe Philippines Department of Education NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF PARANAQUE CITY "COMPLETION REPORT Date Accomplished INTRODUCTION (Give a bret] | dosengton ofthe programipojet o actviy (38 sentences ony) [Cosecrves———— [What are ageied objectives? PARARAQUE CITY DDIMISION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FAR cal ‘August 11,2021 “The conduct ofthe DSTF 2027 sn terence to Regional Memorandum No 'NOR-307,s 2021 ented REGIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FAIR. (RSTF) 2024: *SIYENSIKULA” dated July 28,2021 and win DepES Memafandum enited NATIONAL SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY FAIR (NSTF) for SY 2020-2021 wth the theme: Agham, Paranal at Teknolohiya: Kabalkat ‘62 Matatag at Mauniad na Pamayanan on August 16 20, 2021 “The conduc of DSTF wil adopt a diferent set of competitions and gudeines considering the resirctions imposed due to COVID-19 pandeme. Ths levig ae re obec fi ah 1 ovelop among tho youn reloncy, inpovaton, and creatvty amidst global 2, showease competence ofthe lamers in adsressing community problems for sustainable development ar ‘3, maximize learners potentials of boing inquistve and creatwo in dealing wit) eal fe prosioms. Were thay met? What ‘evidencels account forthe faim that hey wore met? Tf, what went wrong ine ‘condustof the activi? | Wo eaback monioring tool was used bul since was an oni achvly al went ‘Yes because of ll the ouput presented during the conduct ofthe actly. We were abl to choose a winner that wil represent the Dison othe Regional (Contest, RSTF 2021: SIYENSIULA. ‘W_TARGET CLIENT | ‘reantoring tol getthe | smooth and as planned. ‘consensus ofthe particpants? Iso, please tach he ‘Summaryconsoldated repot i DATE. ‘& Ongral Date Tio set date for tis achiy sine we were not supposed to have due tothe pandemic andthe basis ofthe competion was focused on research. However, fn the last week of July a DepEd Memorandum was eleased and we haveto | | rossi | Aad Date ‘August 11,2021 1 al ‘© Who were the target partcipantsicients? “Junio and Senier High Schoo! Learners What was tne basis for ‘choosing them? “The competion wil be focusing onan orginal vdeo in Science, Engineering | concepts The acy wil hghight ferent ends, innovative soluions. and new Science and Technology knowledge related o education, safety, heath Dsaster preparedness and communty development Were allo the proposed partepantscents able to ‘tend? ‘Yes. Al expected paripants were able to atend bie avi “E_What ware the probable reasons given for non- atendance? one sof ‘What measures wore taken to ensure the paricpants, would come? ‘They were given invitations wa messenger ad encourago them fo banchmark the ‘activ forthe coming sehoel year 2021-2022. Iv. Budget "2 How moch was the orginal budget? No budgetary requirement [8 Was mere a aference between the targt and ‘actual budget? Where les L__the ference? Not applicable ‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OF PARANAQUE CITY © Gould the diference have | Not apelzabie een avoided? How? it, ow oi you adress he vaance? Ve Ways Forward ‘What ae yourned sepa? | Tha wing willbe the nex steps for DSTF SY 2007-2022 4 cide tin he Dvision Acton Pan and to School Acbon Pin of Science; | 2. Encourage more Jur and Seno High Senool aise ana lems to | partopate [8 Arete possible ares for | Theso willbe the suggest areas of improvement or he ned DSTF. improvement that you can | 1. request budget forthe judges ard | consider foryournext 2 early planning of the acy |___actay? | Did you consider the above | wi be mciodod detnaly in he Sconce Adin Pin fr SY 2027 202. concems in your action plan ‘or the next phase? | How do you pian to measure | The impact of he acy wil be measured by the numberof the impact ofthe PPAsin the | loamarlscvsersieogares/ochoos andthe Quay ofthe video developed tha wil future? Ordo you tink tis | be submited wo the DSTF. noi necessary? Why? Prepared and submitted by: OR JAVIER, PhD Edu rogram Supervisor in Science Dx, BERNARDO N. MASCARINA Chief, Curiculum Implementation Division Reviewed by: NZALES Office of tRe Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Noted by: Sthoos Dbtion sbentonnion!

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