Budget Proposal On GAD

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Budget Proposal

Title: Orientation on RA 9710

The Magna Carta of Women is comprehensive women’s human rights law that seeks to
eliminate discrimination against women by recognizing, protecting, fulfilling and
promoting the rights of Filipino women, especially those in marginalized sector.

The Magna Carta of Women defines discrimination against women as:

• any gender-based distinction, exclusion, or restriction which has the effect
or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment, or exercise by
women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and
women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic,
social, cultural, civil or any other field;
• any act or omission, including by law, policy, administrative measure, or
practice, that directly or indirectly excludes or restricts women in the
recognition and promotion of their rights and their access to and enjoyment of
opportunities, benefits, or privileges;
• a measure or practice of general application that fails to provide for
mechanisms to offset or address sex or gender-based disadvantages or
limitations of women, as a result of which women are denied or restricted in
the recognition and protection of their rights and in their access to and
enjoyment of opportunities, benefits, or privileges; or women, more than men
are shown to have suffered the greater adverse effects of those measures or
practices; and
• discrimination compounded by or intersecting with other grounds, status, or
condition, such as ethnicity, age, poverty, or religion.
Relative to this, the Merville Elementary School will conduct onsite the
School ORIENTATION on RA 9710 Known as The Magna for Women which
is scheduled on November _____, 2022 at Merville Elem. School
At the end of the session, the project proponents and the participants will be able to
appreciate the orientation and develop full awareness of the RA
Enabling Objectives
The activity aims to
1. understand what is RA 9710
2. identify the different rights under magna carta for women
3. strengthen awareness on the protection violence against women


Date : November 14, 2022
Time : 1:00 -2:30 pm

The participants of this activity are the following:
Schoolhead - 1
Teachers 22
Administrative Assistant 1
Clerk 2
Utility 4
Watchman 5
Total 36

36 x120 - 4320.00 5000.00

Supply 680.00

The Magna Carta of Women (Republic Act No. 9710) defines Gender and Development Program
(GAD) as the development perspective and process that is participatory and empowering,
equitable, sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights, supportive of self-
determination and actualization of human potentials. It seeks to achieve gender equality as a
fundamental value that should be reflected in development choices and contends that women are
active agents of development, not just passive recipients of development.
GAD focuses on Gender Mainstreaming or a strategy for:
 making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the
design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies, programs and projects in all
social, political, civil, and economic spheres so that women and men benefit equally.
 assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation,
policies or programs in all areas and at all levels

Executive Order No. 273 – Approving and Adopting the Philippine Plan for Gender-
Responsive Development (PPGD) 1995-2025

Executive Order (EO) 273, issued on September 9, 1995 and signed by President Fidel
V. Ramos, adopted the Philippine Plan for Gender Responsive Development IPPGD)
1995-2025. The PPGD 1995-2025 is a 30 year perspective plan that outlines the policies,
strategies, programs and projects that the government must adopt to enable women to
participate in and benefit from national development while EO 273 directs all
government agencies, departments, bureaus, offices and instrumentalities, including
government owned and controlled corporations, at the national level, sub-national and
local levels to:

1. To take appropriate steps to ensure the full implementation of the

policies/strategies and progrms/projects outlined in the Plan;

2. To institutionalize Gender and Development (GAD) efforts in government by

incorporaing GAD concens, as spelled out in the Plan, in their planning,
programming and budgetting processes, but specifically to:
1. Include/incorporate GAD concerns in the :
1. formulation, assessment and updating of their annual agency
2. formulation, assessment and updating of their inputs to the
medium/long-term develipment plans, and
3. preparation of their inputs to sectoral performance assessment
reports, public investment plans and other similar documents.
2. Incorporate and reflect GAD concerns in their:
1. agency performance commitments contracts indicating key result
areas for GAD as well as in their annual performance report to the
President, and
2. annual Agency Budget Proposals and work and financial plans

Republic Act No. 8760 – General Appropriations Act (GAA) On Programs/Projects

Related to Gender and Development (GAD)

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