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Sugar and its Outturn to the Skin

Julia Mae Z. Parilla

Department of Technology and Engineering, Cebu Technological University, Argao, Cebu

Abstract: The term "sugar" refers to a group of soluble carbohydrates that have a sweet flavor and are
commonly found in food. Sugars are an important source of energy with glucose being the most important for
the body. Don’t eat anything too much because high sugar consumption will have an outturn to your skin. It can
cause inflammatory skin conditions, accelerates aging and oily skin. Therefore, control the sugar intake per day
and it is healthier to consume sugar from natural sources rather than sugars that have been added to foods.
Keywords: glocuse, crystalline, carbohydrates, sucrose, glycemic, sweet

The term "sugar" refers to a group of soluble 2. TYPES/PROPERTIES/CLASSIFICATION
carbohydrates that have a sweet flavor and are
Sugars are classified based on their complexity, that
commonly found in food. Glucose, fructose, and
is, the number of monosaccharide units or rings in
galactose are examples of simple sugars, often their molecule. Sugars are divided into three
known as monosaccharides. Compound sugars, categories based on the size of the crystals
commonly known as double sugars or disaccharides, (granulated, powdered, or superfine) and the color
are made up of two monosaccharides linked by a of the crystals (white or brown). There are the
glycosidic bond. Sugar (sucrose) produced from following types of sugars:
either beet or cane is chemically and functionally
identical and contains the same number of calories Monosaccharides. Also called simple sugars, they
at four calories per gram. Sugar molecules are have a single unit and, therefore, are the smallest
composed primarily of carbon (C), oxygen (O), molecules. They are named based on the number
and hydrogen (H) atoms, making them one of the of carbon atoms they contain: trioses (3 carbon
simplest types of carbohydrates. atoms), tetroses (4), pentoses (5), hexoses (6). For
example: galactose (hexose), glucose (hexose) and
Like all carbohydrates, sugar provides a source of fructose(pentose).
energy in our diet. There are several different sugars.
Sugars occur naturally in some foods, such as fruit
and dairy products, and are also added to a wide
variety of foods. Sugars are popular in the processed
food industry because they add taste, color, bulk and
thickness to food products. They also prevent mold
forming and act as a preservative. Did you realize,
however, that sugar may have a bad effect on our
skin's appearance? A high sugar consumption may• Disaccharides. Also called double sugars, they are
contribute to the aging process by speeding up the formed when two identical or different
development of wrinkles and fine lines. Foods with monosaccharides join together. For example:
a high glycemic (sugar) index can also induce oil
production and inflammation, which can contribute
to acne outbreaks.
maltose, sucrose and lactose. suppliers of sucrose in the commercial market are
these two sugar crops.
Sugarcane is a perennial grass that grows thick and
tall in tropical and subtropical climates. Each year,
sugarcane produces around 2,600,000 tons of sugar.
The sugar beet is a beetroot type with the highest
• sugar content, and it is farmed for this reason only.
Some beet types have black or yellow skins, despite
Trisaccharides. Also called triple sugars, they are the fact that they are usually white both inside and out.
formed by the union of 3 monosaccharide units. For Sugar beets are used to make around 3,700,000 tons
of sugar.
Harvesting. Sugar cane and sugar beets are typically
harvested from fields mechanically.
Polysaccharides are carbohydrates devoid of sweet Washing and Initial Preparation. As soon as the
taste but composed of many units (from 10) of sugar cane or sugar beets arrive at the factory, they
monosaccharides. They have a high molecular are washed extensively.
weight, are insoluble in water and are not sugars,
strictly speaking. Juice Extraction. The sugar cossettes are pumped
into the bottom of 10- to 20-meter-tall tanks. A
Sugar molecules can have long chains of smaller rotating shaft in the center transports the sugar beet
molecules or they can consist of just one. Many strips upwards against the downward flow of water
monosaccharides have a ring-shaped geometry, that as the sugar is extracted. For sugar cane, milling is
is, their atoms are arranged to form rings of 5 or 6 used to extract the juice.
atoms, generally. These are generally transparent or
whitish compounds, with a crystalline appearance Purification of Juice. Tall towers, 10 to 20 meters
and soluble in water that, upon entering the body, is high, are used to purify and lighten the color of the
easily assimilated through the intestine. cane juice. The clarification process typically takes
several hours. At the end, the sludge is removed from
3. RAW MATERIALS the bottom of the tank and the juice is removed from
the top.
All green plants produce the principal sugar, glucose,
which is a by-product of photosynthesis. The sugars Crystallization. During the next step in the
in most plants are a complex combination that is manufacturing process, a single-stage vacuum pan is
difficult to separate into their constituents. The sugar used to evaporate the syrup until it is saturated with
combinations are condensed into syrup in the sap of sugar crystals, which are formed through a process
various plants. Despite the fact that sugarcane called seeding.
(Saccharum officinarum) and sugar beet (Beta
Centrifugation. To separate the massecuite into
vulgaris) juices are both high in pure sucrose, beet
sugar crystals and molasses, the massecuite is added
sugar is often sweeter than cane sugar. The principal
to a high-speed centrifuge. The centrifuge, which
rotates at 1,000 to 2,800 revolutions per minute, been added to foods and most importantly control
contains a perforated metal cylindrical basket. the sugar intake per day.
Drying and Packaging. The damp sugar crystals are
dried in large, hot air dryers, reaching a moisture 7. REFERENCES
content of as low as 0.02%. Next, the sugar is gently
tumbled through heated air in a granulator. The dried [1] Flemming (2021). “Sugars: Properties, Types,
crystals are then separated into different sizes Functions And Characteristics”
through vibrating screens and placed into storage [2] Clarke, M. A., ed. Chemistry & Processing of
bins. Finally, the sugar is packaged for the consumer. Sugarbeet & Sugarcane. Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc., 1988
[3]. Meade, G. P. Cane Sugar Handbook: A Manual
5. WASTE MANAGEMENT/DISPOSAL for Cane Sugar Manufacturers and Their
Chemists. John Wiley and Sons, 1977
Pressmud, bagasse, bagasse fly ash, sugar cane trash,
sugar beet mud, sugar beet pulp, molasses, and other [4] S. A. Bhat et al., "Management of Sugar
pollutants from the sugar business are all examples Industrial Wastes through Vermitechnology",
of wastes produced by the industry. Combining International Letters of Natural Sciences, Vol. 55,
pp. 35-43, 2016
these organic materials with other organic substrates
creates an excellent environment for earthworms to [5] T. Szelinski., “How Does Sugar Affect the
thrive. To reduce, reuse, and recycle waste materials Skin” , Biodermis The Science of Skin, 2021
in a shorter period of time,
[6] P.J.M. Rao, Comparative performance of cane
vermicomposting is one such approach that
sugar industry in seven countries. Coop. Sugar. 37
combines microbial degradation with earthworm
(2005) 49-52.
activity. With the help of earthworms, sugar
industrial byproducts may be turned into a useful
fertilizer. Vermicompost is a nutrient-dense organic
fertilizer that contains nitrogen, potassium, calcium,
and phosphorus, which are all accessible in plants,
and is the ultimate product of the vermicomposting
process. This research aims to investigate the
function of earthworms in the recycling of sugarcane

Sugars are an important source of energy with
glucose being the most important for the body.
Sugar isn't bad for you in and of itself. Excess sugar
in the diet can lead to a variety of problems,
including heart disease, obesity, diabetes and may
have adverse effect on your skin such as
inflammatory skin conditions, accelerate aging and
oily skin. Therefore, it is healthier to consume sugar
from natural sources rather than sugars that have

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