Declare - CBL 1

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* (C) Micro Focus Ltd. 1989 *
* *
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* This program demonstrates how to use declaratives. *
* *

select input-file assign to file-name

organization sequential
file status is file-stat.

data division.
file section.

fd input-file.
01 input-rec pic x(80).

working-storage section.
01 file-stat.
03 f-stat-1 pic x.
03 f-stat-2 pic x.
03 f-stat-2-bin redefines f-stat-2
pic 9(2) comp-x.
01 stat-disp.
03 disp1 pic x.
03 filler pic x.
03 disp2 pic 9(3).

procedure division.
dec-laratives section.
use after standard error procedure on input-file.
move f-stat-1 to disp1
if f-stat-1 = "9"
move f-stat-2-bin to disp2
move f-stat-2 to disp2
display "file status :" at 1029
display stat-disp at 1049
stop run.
end declaratives.

main section.
display spaces upon crt
display "enter a non-existant file name :" at 0810
accept file-name at 0849
open input input-file
display "Open worked. Try a different filename."
stop run.

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