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Hayden Baldwin

Mrs. Osuna

English I


Personal Essay

One day when I was ten years old, I was starting my first day in fifth grade. When

I noticed that another student was a newcomer, I instantly felt better about filling in. I

knew that this was going to be a great year.

It was August of 2018. I was waking up on a Monday morning. It was my first day

of school in fifth grade. But this wasn't just any first day of school, my mom and I agreed

that I should transfer to private school. This private school was considered by others as

a rich, Christian academy. Its name was Dalhart Christian Academy or DCA for short.

Their teachers and staff were incredibly kind to me and others. The board of

trustees all considered us a huge, respectful family. My principal was also the Jr. High

math and science teacher.

It only took me a couple days to get to know other students and become friends

with them. After a matter of weeks, I had been so involved that I acted like I had been

there for years. You just blend in. Their youngest grade starts at Pre-K 3s. My first

weeks in fifth grade at a new school were going amazing.

Along with my fifth grade year, I had spent four other years there. DCA offered up

to eighth grade, which I graduated from. This whole new experience showed me that it

just takes weeks to become friends with new people. Especially if they sit in the same

classroom as you everyday.

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