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Cancino, Angela Ann M.

Expository: It is important to be able to cook and do washing before starting college.
Why are cooking and washing such important skills to build as a college student?
Why? Do you even know how to cook? Or do you even know how to wash your clothes
before entering university and becoming a college student? College is the place to start
making things happen. It will teach us to be independent. Yes, it’s hard, but it’s part of life as
a college student who grows up to become an adult where there are a lot of responsibilities to
Time flies so fast. We’re not teenagers anymore like we used to be when our parents
were the ones who cooked and washed our clothes as well as our underwear when we were
still in high school. Like, "Mom, I don’t have any underwear to wear." "What can I do?"
"Can you wash it?" "Mom, I’m hungry, I want chicken nuggets." "Can you cook for me?"
How funny it is, right? It’s easy to say but hard to do. Cooking is a vital part of college
because it not only provides better food than the dining hall and is less expensive than eating
out, but it also has almost nothing to do with the things we learn during the academic day,
making it more of an escape than a chore. You can also tailor what you make to your
personal preferences, so you'll want to eat everything on your plate. It is beneficial to your
health, taste buds, sense of responsibility, and, in the long run, your bank account. Yes, your
bank account, but nowadays there is inflation, and everything is so expensive. Cooking on
your own will develop your cooking skills. If you can't cook or are lazy, you'll buy it at
McDonald's or another fast-food restaurant, which has a high risk of causing disease. For all
of these reasons, it is well worth your limited time, energy, and money because you will
never regret making that delicious food. Washing clothes is another major challenge that
every student should be familiar with. Being clean and looking presentable reflect your
personality, which is why it is essential to know how to wash your clothes before entering
college. Washing clothes doesn’t have to be a monumental task. It will be much easier to
keep the chore manageable if you add laundry to your weekly to-do list. Washing your own
clothes will save you money because you don’t need to come into the laundry shop if you can
do it by yourself. Don’t depend on others; it’s so embarrassing if they wash your clothes,
especially your panties, bras, and briefs. Washing will make your uniforms clean and
In college, most of us students are looking for a dorm or apartment to stay in due to
the distance of our chosen university from our house. Cooking and washing will be two of the
most difficult challenges they will face, as they will need to adjust. Do you want to know
why? because you are going to be an independent person. Independence was never easy or
appealing! Even in your house, you should know how to cook and wash because, if not, it’s
difficult not to feel like a burden to your family. You are going to do it by yourself without
depending on your mom or even your roommate. You know that even though you’re
intelligent and beautiful if you don’t know how to cook and wash, you are embarrassing.
Cooking and washing are your responsibilities when you go to college. You’re big enough to
do it yourself; don’t depend on anyone else for it. Cooking and washing are skills that you
will carry with you for the rest of your life, and they will only improve as you learn more
about them. Learn it because you might need it in the future!

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